Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Good Idea/It's not fair

Good morning my friends….

Just the other day our youngest was on the computer typing up a report when all of a sudden the electricity went out. She yelled, “This isn’t fair!”

I checked in on her to ask what the problem was and she told me how she lost her report. I asked her if she saved her document as she was going along and the answer was no. Just as she was hitting the save button – out goes the lights! OOPS!!!

I consoled her and related stories on how her Dad and I have lost documents. We had to learn to save as we go along.

Now the statement of “this isn’t fair” needed to be dealt with. What is fair and why wasn’t this fair…to her?

Idioms: no fair
Something contrary to the rules: That was no fair.

Was it “fair” that the computer shut down – it probably doesn’t even pertain? Bottom line – how many times do we blame something or someone on not being fair when it doesn’t even pertain to the situation?

Now we need to take “fairness” out of our vocabulary sometimes and ask if we are being responsible people. If we loose something it could very well be that we were not being responsible.

We really have no one to blame but ourselves. But….who wants to do that? It is so easy to look for that scapegoat.

May I suggest that before we point that finger, stomp our foot and say…"that’s not fair"…let’s look at what we did to help ourselves – either into it or out of it.

It comes with maturity and we all learn…and continue to learn. But there is just something about not “passing the buck” that should make us feel good.

When the truth stares us in the face – we have to say, you are right…let’s start again. It may not feel good at first but if you push through the “pity party” you will experience real joy!
Enjoy your day and do what you can to back yourself up….save, save, save…when the lights go out – you just might have made a difference. Nancy

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