Monday, November 16, 2009

The Good Idea/Together is better

Good morning my friends….

Well there was much celebration and joy at my home last night….the Colts won by 1 point.

My Son Matthew was on the edge of his seat. However at times he was saying…"Oh it is not going to happen…the Colt’s are not going to pull this off!" Of course I said… (You can imagine) “Matthew, do not dog on your team…do not speak this over them…they will win!” 35 to 34….YIPPEE!!! He still had a smile on his face when he woke up this morning. Hallelujah!!!

Now on to other things…while doing some reading this weekend I ran across a quote from Martin Luther King, “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” WOW!!! This is a powerful message to all who will listen.

You know when we raise one another up; many go up, when we pull one down; many get pulled down.

I heard a story not so long ago where a little girl was made fun of at school. She hurt and cried over this. She asked “why?” She continued on her way and looked forward to returning home each and every day.

Then – Then – (the hush of a word) things changed. She found out why some of the girls made fun of her. This little girl is different. She exudes joy and happiness. She loves and she shows it. She speaks truth and the world, even children, are not ready to hear this.

It started with one girl who started talking…who started poking fun….then another one joined in…then another one…before you know it this little girl was out numbered. But – the happy ending….she hung in there and now the tide is turning.

You see what one girl did? She was faced with something she did not understand so she made fun of this other girl. She brought others with her and they did not even know why.

Were these girls living like sisters? No, they were going down a road together where there was no exit. More and more were falling down because they did not know how to embrace and accept each other.

You may say, “Well these are just kids” – can we condone this? No. We all have to begin somewhere. We all must see that together we can make it – divided we will fall. We are brothers and sisters under one Father and He calls us to be for each other not against each other.

I’ve seen this little girl and she now wears a smile because one other girl spoke up and said, “I’m not going to listen to that other stuff….I like you…we can trust you.”

If you wait around long enough, if you do not run but remain the person who God says you are – then the light will begin to shine. Oh, I can see the difference! Nancy

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