Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Good Idea/Do you have fear?

Good morning everyone….

It is getting close to that time again….I see dozens of frozen birds just waiting to become the biggest meal of the year. Are you getting ready? I’m still between that place of “is it at your house or ours?” Seeing how close we are; this decision should be made real soon.

Today I am going to jump right in there and talk about fear. How it stops us, overwhelms us, paralyzes us and makes us “Babies!!!”

I will admit right here and now that I use to be one of the “Babies.” I use to hide under my kitchen table whenever that (fradie-cat) feeling hit. I use to plug my ears and say, “na, na, na, na.” HA HA too funny – but true!

Oh my gosh, fear does paralyze doesn’t it? What an emotion to be trapped by. My goodness if you suffer from this then let me encourage you to believe that you do not have to live this way.

I’ve read up on some “fear” issues and this is what I found that helped me….from Nelson Mandela, “The brave man (or woman) is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” YES!!!

Then we have 2 Timothy 1:7 (New King James Version)
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. YES!!! Again

These two quotes can fill the reader up with strength. We can and will get through anything when we are thinking the right thoughts and that will come from knowing the truth.

I’m convinced that I am to live a strong life and be not afraid. When we are afraid we are “good for nothin’” as my Mama would have said.

So be strong today, be bold today and be one who conquers your fears. Herein lays real strength! This could make all the difference. Nancy

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