Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Good Idea/Respect/love

Good morning to all….

Have any of you been chasing leaves recently? I have been chasing a few down the street and around the bend. When will this stop?

In the beginning we looked at the changing leaves and said, “oh how lovely.” Now we look at the changing leaves and say, “a few more strong winds and you will be down.” “Where did I leave that rake?” (Who invented that street/leaf sweeper thing? It is great!)

Today I want to share with you an interview which I saw on Deborah Norville. Deborah is the host of the television show “The Inside Edition.”

Deborah has written a book called The Power of Respect. She was recently interviewed on The 700 Club. She said that she wanted to share with readers what she has found to be a huge problem in our society. That problem is called “Lack of Respect.”

She sites incidences from the school children to adulthood and beyond…. “Lack of Respect” I have to agree with her.
Let’s look to…Galatians 5:14 (New King James Version)
14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”

Love and respect I do believe go hand in hand. So if we do not love/respect our neighbor then we do not love/respect ourselves. I think this is what this verse says. Powerful, isn’t it?

Respect starts at home. Respect is taught at home. From little all the way up. How many children do you know who do not even acknowledge an adult. I know plenty and when this dis-respect happens the sting is felt.

When did we stop telling our children to say hello to adults? When did we stop telling our children to address adults as Mr., Mrs., or Ms?

Children go out the door without the proper teaching so why would we expect them to treat each other differently? We must be taught to respect each other not only for who we are but for who we represent.

You may ask who do we represent…”JustAsk.” Let’s start by respecting ourselves then we can move on to respecting others. We are worthy of respect as long as we give respect.

Be the example and not the excuse. We give respect to get respect. We give love to get love. We do these things because they will make the difference. Nancy

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