Monday, November 9, 2009

The Good Idea/Are you prepared?

Good morning my friends….

Today I’m jumping right in with a question? Are you prepared? You may ask, prepared for what? I answer, for your day?

I spoke with my oldest daughter this morning and she is taking an exam today which she had to prepare for. She spoke of the importance of this exam and how she had been preparing for it all last week. Still she questioned herself…"did I study enough?"

I believe that there are times when we just question ourselves because we want so much to do it right. We put undo pressure upon ourselves taxing our minds with worry about how much time we have given to preparation.

If Sarah focused on her material, if she gives it all that she has, if she believes that God wants only the best for her and that He will equip her, if she believes in herself and her gifted abilities then she “did study enough.”
To be prepared means: (on-dictionary)
equipped or prepared with necessary intellectual resources; "graduates well equipped to handle such problems"; "equipped to be a scholar"

Whether we are taking a school type test or just maneuvering through our day; we must be prepared. You know the old saying – “Life happens.” Well, yes it does and are you ready for it?

What are we doing to insure that each day counts? That each day we are more ready than the last to face what may come before us?

“Stuff” happens to all of us. Some of it we are prepared for and some of it we are not. Expect the unexpected and you can live a more restful and peaceful life. How do I know this?

1 Peter 3:15 (NIV) But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

You get there by “JustAsking.” You will make such a difference when you are prepared. Nancy

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