Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Good Idea/A small gesture

Good morning to all…..

What a day already. We have started early and I feel that there is so much more to this day. Yes I’m in a day of expectancy and I can’t wait.

Today I want to share with you a little thing….a small gesture that had a huge reward. This is a random act of kindness.

I’m sharing this with you not to build myself up but to say that there is not an act so small that it won’t get noticed…or it won’t make you feel really good.

I was given the privilege yesterday to give away a Danish ring coffee cake. See, no big deal, right? But it proved to be an awesome moment for me.

While at the store, picking up a few things for dinner, I saw one of my son’s favorite things…a cinnamon Danish ring coffee cake. I said to myself – he will be so happy and surprised. So I grabbed it and off I went.

While running down another isle – I crossed paths with an older gentleman who smiled brightly and I just wanted to hug him. He had on a hat, sports coat and dress pants. He was either going somewhere, just came from somewhere or maybe just maybe this is his daily dress.

We both said hello and he saw the Danish ring and said, “Oh those are wonderful, I might have to come home with you.” I laughed and said, “My son will probably fight you for it.” Then we parted ways.

So… I was paying…that still small voice said to me…”Find the man and give him the coffee cake.” At first we say to ourselves…Huh??? Then I hear again, “Find the man and give him the coffee cake.” I say OK and proceed to find the man….no surprise he was close by so I was on my way.

I handed the gift to him and at first he said, “No-no” and I said “yes, yes” I will get another one. Then he said, “I am going to have to come home with you.”

The message in all of this …..that small incident made me cry. I was so blessed by this by seeing his happiness by feeling his joy that I was overcome with joy myself.

It doesn’t take much to make someone’s day – it really doesn’t take much to make our day! It’s in the small things….just reach out and when you are asked to do something be obedient because the reward of joy is powerful!

Enjoy all that you do for someone today – you may really make a difference in their lives and yours too. Nancy

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