Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Good Idea/We don't take from....

Good morning my friends….. (Happy Birthday Sis!!!)

I’ve been looking forward to sharing with you today… here goes….

While I was talking with a friend of mine yesterday; a thought came to me about how we give to others.

How what we say may be exactly what someone else needs to hear. What a confirmation when you find out that you have just helped another person by relating “your story.”

This is what came to me…"We do not take from each other; we give to each other."

Now think about this - let’s say we approach situations like this… it’s in the giving to each other not the taking from another that changes the whole atmosphere. All of a sudden you feel like you are wearing different shoes. Your thoughts have just gone from being robbed to openly giving.

I’m sure that you have all been in the situation where getting some information from someone has taken an act of Congress. You say to yourself..."what’s the big deal?" "Why is this person holding onto this like they own it?" A power play perhaps???

Sharing needed information does nothing more than move us all along. It is necessary to further our development. I come from a mindset of abundance – there is enough to go around. Just open your arms and share. (Ahhh – maybe this is where the abundance comes from – sharing.)

Let us remember that we were not created to live on an island – we need to interact and share what God has so graciously given to us. Nothing belongs to us…we are just using it to help others.

Probably once we accept this we will be more inclined to give rather than grab. So I’m giving out warm embraces and encouragement today. Go out and do what we were created to do…’s to make the difference. Nancy

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