Friday, November 13, 2009

The Good Idea/Confirmation

Good morning to all….

This is wonderful. Don’t you love it when a confirmation happens? When the realities of your thoughts are confirmed?

I so enjoy and marvel at how this happens. This has to do with yesterday’s Good Idea. “We don’t take from…” we share with each other….remember? How no one is an island and we support each other…we have abundance when we share…and so on….well here’s the confirmation….

As I am preparing to assist in storytelling for Church this Sunday I am reading my script and guess what the virtue is: “COOPERATION” Working together…yes, this is great.

Memory Verse: “Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do.” Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NlrV)

Here is the big line which made me yell “Hallelujah” – “Cooperation is not just a “Good Idea” (seriously it says that!) It’s a “God Idea.” Hallelujah again! I’m tellin’ ya’ good stuff!

Believe it or not this type of confirmation keeps me going. I not only get to share with you but I get to present to the children. We are never too young or too old to get it right!

Enjoy your beautiful weekend – sharing with someone. Oh how easy it is to make a difference. Nancy

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