Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Good Idea/Stir up your inner joy

Good morning my friends…..

How many people do you know who always seem “on?” These individuals are motivated, excited and ready to move.

We look at them in awe and wonder where their energy and stamina come from. We even ask – “aren’t they ever down?”

The answer to that is yes they get down from time to time but these individuals know how to build themselves back up.

Do you know how they do it? They do it through joy. They have joy that is true and everlasting. No phoniness only depth of real joy. To get motivated doesn’t take much.

All of us need motivation. All of us need to activate our inner joy to produce outward happiness. A reflection of this is the sparkle in our eyes.

A wonderful mentor of mine says “we must stir up what is inside of us.”

Most of us do not live in a rainbow 24/7…so we must exercise our ability to shine with joy each and every day. Once that true joy is there – the effort to express joy... is effortless. You are just “joyful” and it shows.

Some people dislike being around “joyful” people. I’m not sure why. At times I think people perceive me as being “cold” but nothing could be further from the truth. I see things differently than most people.

I see hope and promises. I do not run to the negative and that boggles another person’s mind. Some people just want you to be miserable with them. I won’t do that.

This starts with your state of mind and how you perceive things to be. What do you believe? What and who do you trust in? Who are you hanging around with?

If you want to be up and motivated then you have to have joy down deep in your heart. You will then be able to pick yourself up no matter what and move forward.

When others see your joy – you might get them to move forward with you. What a difference that will make. REALLY enjoy all that you do today. Na
ncy (

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