Friday, May 1, 2009

The Good Idea/Make room

Good morning to all…..

It is May 1st….can you believe it? It is true, my Mama told me “The older you get, the faster time flies.” Why mine is spinning so fast I fear I might fall off! Just kidding!...Really!

I have a couple of things on my heart today which I would like to share. First of all I want to talk about having enough room. People say, “Oh we do not have the room.” “I cannot fit another person in this row, there is not enough room.”

Well I say, “Squeeze in!” There is always room for one more. When someone is looking for a place and the room is full with people, squeeze to the left or squeeze to the right. It is OK to share a seat. We are all on this ride together.

There is so much information to gather, so much teaching to absorb, so many miles to cover….why not make room for another passenger on this journey? It may be togetherness but that is OK. You may end up making a new friend.

Secondly, I’ve been given the privilege to work with other people who are in need. This is a time when we must help each other out wherever and whenever we can. Do we always get compensated for our time or efforts? No.

Should that stop us from stepping up and helping out? No. I’ve noticed some will only help out when there is a reward for their efforts. I have to wonder….what is that about?

Well, it can’t be about anything good.

We give because we want to….not because we have to and not because there is a prize in every box.

We make room for others. This is what we are called to do. I think about how I would feel if I needed room for myself or my family. We all want this. We all need this.

Reach out and touch someone’s hand (I’m hearing Diana Ross here!)….save them a seat…..give when no one notices. Talk about a difference being made and it feels sooooo good! Nancy

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