Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Good Idea/How did that happen?

Good morning on a cloudy day….

This morning when my alarm went off I woke up to a darkened room with the sound of rain coming down. Oh my, did I want to spring out of bed and face the day head on???? NO.

I was too comfy and lulled into more sleep. I just love the rain….how soothing. Then reality hits and I hear alarms going off in all the bedrooms. “Time to make the donuts!!” (Remember that commercial?)

Today I would like to talk about Divine connections….or “how did that happen?” This certain state of shock happens all of the time. We are left with our mouths hanging wide open wondering how the dots got connected.

How many times have you been thinking a thought or you have an idea and low and behold someone comes forth fulfilling that thought or idea? How many times has a circle been completed because of people knowing people?

Just the other night I was thinking about pink pearls and the next night I ran into a woman who had pink pearls on. Divine connection.

My husband has been doing some research on a project which included looking up various companies on the Internet.

With no seemingly apparent connection to him; he found a Company which has direct connections to his project. Somebody knows somebody. He was led to that Company. Divine connection.

If we look close enough we will marvel at these connections. We will stand is awe of what is happening and how it happens.

Our daughter did get her internship for this summer and it was by Divine connection. She applied to several agencies and at the right moment, the right place, and the “right” connection; a position “OPENED” up and she got the job. If this would have happened a few days sooner, the internship probably wouldn’t have been there. Divine connection – all in His time.

Our world isn't just scattered. There is a plan, a rhyme and a reason. It is by Divine connection and when that happens there is no stopping it. We are left with a feeling of amazement for what just happened and how it happened. WOW – I’m tellin’ ya a surprise in every box.

I love waiting on the right connections. It takes the guess work out of it for me and I will not make the mistake of going in the wrong direction. That has really made a difference for me….it will for you too. Nancy

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