Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Good Idea/Perceiving

Good morning everyone…

I pray that you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. It all goes so fast, doesn’t it? I remember looking into the weekend and wondering how am I going to get all of this done? Then I looked at the weekend from Sunday night and said, “It is finished.”

Something has been brought to my attention recently and that is how we perceive others to be. How we perceive their situations. How we react to how we perceive others to be.

Appearances…how different they are. Some people come in well dressed and groomed for the day. Others enter a little less polished but still acceptable in certain circles. Then some enter and well needless to say, they need a little work in the “presentable” area.

How do we react to such differences? Do we openly accept the well groomed person and shun the less “presentable” person? My Mama used to say, “It doesn’t matter how I am dressed, they still take my money.”

I know that we are all guilty of this. I myself have made a wider turn just to give others more space. We do not like to look at dirt, messy appearances or less then perfumed up individuals.

But have we asked ourselves…how did someone get to be like they are? Maybe we judge too quickly. Maybe just maybe there is a lesson to be learned in this person. Maybe just maybe God has sent this person to touch your heart.

Compassion – where does our compassion for others rank on the scale? How high does your compassion meter flow? We all need compassion – we all should give compassion.

“A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25

We mustn’t be calloused by what we see on television or hear over the radio. My goodness, people are suffering, people are hurting and people are lost. If that is you I pray that you find your peace through JustAsking.

If you are full of compassion then give compassion to one who looks troubled, down and out or maybe less groomed than you. Appearances are deceiving, aren’t they?

We are in a time where people need people. People are searching and I pray that the light they find is within you where God and compassion dwell.

The time to reach out is now before too many people drift away. It is true, there are questions but wouldn’t it be great to be one of the people who have been blessed with the answers. JustAsk…what a difference it will make. Nancy

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