Monday, May 11, 2009

The Good Idea/Favorites

Good morning….

George and I started our day bright and early this morning. I’m sure that many of you did also. It is wonderful to begin before the sun makes it up, isn’t it? Really? It already feels like nap time!

Isn’t it funny that when you go to bed knowing that you have to get up really early; it is hard to sleep? At least it is for me. I knew that we had to start early so I kept checking the clock through the night wondering if it was time to get up yet. Then I wondered why I have this little headache???

Oh well, a lot accomplished already and it is not even 10AM. So let’s get started now. I want to share with you today something about “favorite” things.

Do you have “favorite” things? Things which you like to use at specific times? “Favorite” things which just make you feel better and in step with what you are doing?

I have a couple of “favorite” things and believe me others have poked a little fun at me because of it. That is OK….I still keep using these “favorite” things because they are near and dear to my heart.

Let’s look at them – my “favorite” coffee cups. Yes I do have “favorites” and they are used at specific times of the day. Just for instance, George and I have certain morning coffee cups, we have certain evening coffee cups. Now no need to blame George for this he just follows my lead and thinks….whatever….it is all good with me.

Next I have a “favorite” spoon. (I can’t believe I am sharing this…!) It is curvy in the handle so it is nice to hold. Even the kids know that this particular spoon is mine.

Now I know that we all have “favorite” pillows. I use to have one….but now I have changed so I’m looking for one. My Mother-In-Law takes her pillow wherever she goes…it is her “favorite.” (“It’s hard to sleep without it” she says.)

I even have “favorite” children. My oldest is my favorite because she is the oldest. She is kind, warm, compassionate, funny, and pretty and is one of my best friends.

My son is my favorite because he is my son. He is loving, kind, has a great sense of humor, compassionate, handsome and loyal and is one of my best friends.

My youngest is my favorite because she is my youngest. She is loving, oh so loving, caring, compassionate, creative, imaginative, animated, cute and she is one of my best friends.

Favorites….things or people – they just make us feel good and as I tell George, favorites just make us feel like comin’ home! (He’s one of them!)

So nothing wrong with having favorites. Enjoy them; keep them close and even on occasion – celebrate them….they make you feel good! The right spoon can make all the difference in the world! Nancy

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