Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Good Idea/Laughing

Good morning and HA HA HA….

Today has been a day full of laughter for me. What a great way to begin everything; in laughter. Laughter is so very good for the soul. Laughter brightens our eyes, increases our smile and is very contagious.

Now first let me start off by saying that I have permission from my daughter to share this with you…so here goes….

This morning we had an appointment to get her car fixed. I told her where we were going and she said OK…I’ll leave first then you follow. Now know this, we have been to this mechanic more than once…more than I care to think about….so she knows where it is located.

But what happens? She goes to another mechanic and gets out of her car. Waves to the men inside the shop and I’m laughing so hard I cannot see.

I try to get her attention but just this time she fails to see her phone ringing. So I pull in and say….not here… (Laughing too much)…you stopped at the wrong place.

Her face was full of surprise. She had that “where am I look” and then total embarrassment. I told her not to worry – just laugh, wave again and then let’s move on.

She and I are still laughing. The reason why I share this is because we are not to take ourselves so seriously. So what that she turned into the wrong shop. No harm done. We just gave ourselves a good laugh and it has continued throughout the morning.

It is so wonderful to put yourself into the right frame of mind. It really doesn’t matter if the wrong shop thought we were a couple of “blonds”… (I am but that is neither here or there…) We had fun and we can laugh at ourselves.

So the Good Idea is about your ability to laugh in the face of mistakes. None of the things we worry about really matter in the big scheme of things.

So enjoy yourself and your little stumbles. We all make them, we all laugh about them and they are great stories to share. I just did. Have a most glorious day and remember to laugh – it just might make a difference. Nancy

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