Monday, May 4, 2009

The Good Idea/Turn up the Heat!

Good Monday morning…..

Did you notice that distinct smell this morning? Did you know right away what it was? If you guessed WORMS you are right! I know that there MUST be a reason for worms…I’m just not sure what that could be. (Nor do I care to know.)

My son’s friend, who happens to be a girl, picks them up….....I applaud her courage!!! We need these courageous people to show us that “It ain’t no big deal!!!” HA HA

Oh well, moving on….I want to talk about turning up the HEAT!!!!! Not the physical outside heat but the heat of passion in our souls. What burns inside of you to make you want to reach higher, run faster, and make all kinds of difference in the world?

Are you burning up with that passion of your dreams and desires? Recently I was talking with a friend of mine and I told him that I feel that I am on the verge, the edge; of moving forward…I just can’t seem to get there….guess what he did? He pushed me! Well, that did it, physically anyway.

This was a physical shove to show me that all I have to do is step further into the direction of my dreams and desires. These dreams and desires which were given to me by God and I just have to believe deeper and reach farther for them.

Is there an edge? You bet there is. But as they saying goes…"the fruit is sweeter on the end of the vine."

The harder we work, the more we step out, the more we stand up for what is right - the hotter it gets.

I believe that this goes back to the 212 degree thing. When it gets that hot it boils. Real passion is involved, all cranks are turning, systems are a go and we get things done, don’t we?

At times if you feel that it is getting too hot, take off your coat; your sweater; roll up your sleeves and dig in even deeper. It is called pressing in. Good things happen when you press in!

I never want to live a mediocre life, how about you? Go for the gusto, as “they” say. You will make a difference when you walk the narrow vine to the fruit…and make it hot!!! Nancy

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