Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Good Idea/Rationalizing

Good beautiful morning!

The windows are open; the soft breeze is blowing through and the sound of birds in flight echo in my ears. I am a writer sitting at a Mahogany desk on the third floor overlooking the scenic gardens with a clear, crisp pool down below.

There is a gentle swaying of tree tops undisturbed by the city sounds. The horses in the distance are gracefully galloping around showing their love of the day. AHHHH!!! This is so nice.

Really? Actually I’m watching the recycling truck pick up the stuff for today….I hear the beeping of that back-up thingy telling us to watch out. And the only animal I see outside is a stray cat walking in and out of my flower beds. Sometimes reality can take all the fun out of life!

Oh well, let’s begin. Today I want to talk about rationalizing. We all do it, don’t we? We all do it from time to time just to make the situation work out for us. But is it the right thing to do?

How many ways can you spell NO? Are there really shades of gray? Is it always black and white?

We’ve even had some Presidents justify their actions just to make it acceptable for them to break the rules. Many, many people do this.

What brought this to mind is a story that I am involved in performing for children where I stretch the truth…rationalizing a situation to make it work for me. I do something that I shouldn't do, but do it in such a way that I try to get pass the word “NO.”

A great lesson to learn, don’t you think? We have all at one point or another said to our children or someone close to us or has been asked of us….what part of NO don’t you understand? There is a right way to do things and a wrong way.

Sometimes temptation is so strong that we do stop for a moment to pause and think. Then if we are in the right frame of mind; if our belief system is where it should be then we understand our boundaries and we do not try to rationalize.

Oh the perfect world! We can strive for perfection. We can live to make a difference. Let’s start in our own lives…what a great beginning. Nancy

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