Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Good Idea/Validation

Good morning to all…..

Here we are mid-week and it is still raining. I cannot remember a time when our yard looked so lush and green. Or when the last time George’s grass was so long. Did you notice I said George’s grass? I do not want to take ownership because he might ask me to mow it.

As a young girl I mowed the grass a couple of times and when my Dad saw that I ran into a tree he said no more I’ll do it myself. HA HA – good planning on my part! Now what can I run into of George’s????

Today I want to talk about not accepting everything that we hear as absolute truth. We’ve all heard the expression, “don’t believe everything that you hear.” So true.

I am learning that whatever is told to me or what I read; that I should validate it for myself. Not to take another’s opinion or belief as my own.

I need to seek out the truth for myself and not rely on another person for my validation. Who knows….they may very well be headed for disaster.

When we “JustAsk” we will be told the truth on the matter. This truth may come on as a feeling of peace and confirmation. If the words spoken are not for you; you may feel uncomfortable with what you have just heard or read. You will not feel the confirmation on your own.

We must validate all information that we get. If we do not then we may enter into an area that is not safe for us. We are all given our own journey so to follow another’s is not good for our destiny.

There are of course some truths which are not debatable and then there are some which have you scratching your head. You will definitely know which is which by the way you feel. That still small voice is speaking to us. Are we listening?

Doesn’t validation make for an interesting day? It keeps us on our toes and keeps us responsible for our own beliefs. That’s it, being pro-active in our own lives. I like it!

Enjoy discovering the truth….it can be quite an eye opener! Truth – what a difference it makes! Nancy

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