Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Good Idea/Time

Good morning everyone –

Time just flies when you are having fun, doesn’t it? My kids will ask why is it that when we are at school the time drags by? Or when we are doing chores, time drags? And then when we are outdoors with friends or watching a good movie, the time slips by and then it is over…?

I think we watch the passing of time to much. We want it to be over so we are watching the minutes pass by very slowly. Then at other times we are having such a good time that we pray for time to stand still. Always wanting just the opposite of what we have. Being discontent or anxious or bored or whatever feeling it may be, we just want less of it or more of it. I believe that it is human nature.

It is not appreciating where we are in that moment and looking forward to the next. Maybe it will be better, more exciting, more challenging, or bigger but in the anxiousness of moving forward; what have we missed along the way? Sometimes a lot!

I believe that we all have to change and move on but not to the extent of rushing through or counting the minutes. When we push like this or feel the drag we miss the big picture. We miss the instructions given to us for our next step.

There is something about being “bright eyed and bushy tailed.” We embrace the time we are in with eager anticipation of what is to come. “Having something to look forward to” as my Mama would say.

So if you are in a place of “how much longer do I have to be here” or “I want this time to last forever,” enjoy that place. I promise that it will change soon. You will either grow with it or fall down in it. I choose growth…how about you?

I had to laugh the other day when I read a quote by Ray Kroc, “Are you green and growing or ripe and rotting?” Kind of sets a picture, doesn’t it?

Here’s to green and growing. Never settling for second best and enjoying yourself along the journey. This may make a difference for some of us. Nancy

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