Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Good Idea/Bad Words

Good morning to all…..

We started our day today ushering cars around for inspection. It is always fun to juggle schedules, cars and routines just to make sure that a car is available at home to drive.

Then later on I get to pick up one car at one garage and drop another one off at a different garage. This will be interesting….! You know, bicycles are not a bad way to go!

I want to share with you something she said, he said, they said…what? You know when you ask someone a question and you get well…”she said,” or “he said,” or “they said,” what about what YOU said?

How often we pass the “buck” because of what others supposedly said. We ask each other and even our children…well what was said? We hear a lot of what others have said but I ask again…."What did YOU say?" Hummmm – a question to ponder.

I just love deciphering these types of conversations. You get a feeling like you are at a tennis match trying to watch the ball being hit from one side to the next.

It is not so much what the other person or persons have said; it is about what you have said. You are accountable to you and to the others around you.

“Bad words” have been brought to my attention recently. Oh my, how people use “bad words.” Now what is the point here?

Attending basketball games I hear some “bad words” from the coaches. These words are spoken on the side lines and sometimes thrown out onto the court. Come on coaches, we have children present.

I’ve also heard teachers speak some “bad words” in front of their students. Come on teachers, there are children present. Parents….we have children present. Grown-ups there are other people present.

Take responsibility for what comes out of our mouths. Maybe it is not what “she said,” “he said” or “they said”….maybe it is what we have said.

Some ears are still tender and I pray that they stay that way. We do not need to pollute our hearing chambers with trash.

So the next time someone feels like shouting out a “bad word,” say instead…"Well I’ll be a monkey’s Uncle."

When my Matthew heard this he asked, “Why would anyone want to be a monkey’s Uncle?” Not only do you sound silly but you have just asked a silly question.

I’m taking responsibility here and saying….have a wonderful day, put your cares aside, believe in yourself and know that there are brighter days to come. (And it really doesn’t matter what “they say!”) I’m on my way to making a difference. Nancy

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