Friday, October 30, 2009

The Good Idea/Love

Good morning and happy Friday…

As I sit here preparing myself for our time together; I gaze out the window and see beautiful splashes of color across the yard. Trees have lost their leaves and now these leaves are arranging themselves into a work of art. God’s coloring is absolutely amazing.

Let’s talk about “Love” today…. more specifically what we do for love. We can do crazy things for love can’t we? We have heard all kinds of stories regarding how people show love for one another.

Some of these stories are funny and some are heart warming. Men bring flowers and candy to the women they love. (Women accept them…because of love. HA HA) Women will cook and clean for their men because they love them.

We care for our children and all of their needs because we love them. Children love us so they shower us with hugs and kisses and sometimes challenges!

I shared with a friend of mine just how much I “loved” George in the growing stages of our relationship. Now you all know how much I dislike worms…well I did the ultimate for George.

He graciously took me fishing on his boat one day and I cut up the blood worms for bait. Oh my goodness – what got into me that day???? LOVE

The small things also count…like being the first one in the morning to make the coffee. (Thank you George.) How about starting the car on cold mornings just so I don’t freeze. (Thank you George) Spreading rose pedals down the stairs on our Anniversary…oh that was BIG! (Thank you George.)

Love, it comes in many ways. The important thing is that it comes. Love is to be given away. Love is a hug that never stops holding on.

I remembered the song, “What I did for love” from the musical “A Chorus Line”…Kiss today goodbye. And point me t'ward tomorrow. We did what we had to do. Won't forget, can't regret what I did for love. Are you all singing???

I know the story of someone who so LOVED the world that He gave His only Son…For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NIV)

Now this is love eternal. The greatest love that there is.
Go out there and love on somebody today. Let someone love on you. It could make a difference. Nancy

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Good Idea/Life

Good morning my friends….

Today I want to jump right in and talk about “life.”

How precious life is, how short life is, how special life is and what do we do with this life?

Are we bothered when a life is taken away? What about the life of an animal? Does that touch you in any way? Or do we say, “Just an animal?”

What about the life of a person whom you do not know. Do we have compassion for their families? Do we mourn their deaths?

Many people did mourn on September 11, 2001. We cried out for our brothers and sisters whom most of us did not even personally know. But they were of us weren’t they?

I think of animals that die – either by natural causes or being hit by a car, left abandoned, abused or diseased.

There is life in that animal and it was just taken out. I do not want to see animals dead on a road….and that includes deer. I think these are beautiful creatures and to see them destroyed bothers me.

What about pets that gets loose and end up on the road? Lives are taken out every day. How do we feel about that?

The breath in us is so special. This breath was given to us as a gift and many of us do not even acknowledge that. It is not a mistake that you are here….you are a gift! And – you have a lot to give.

Precious life – enjoy it, cherish it, embrace it and share it! When we all breathe together it makes such a big difference. Nancy

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Good Idea/Smartest Person

Good rainy morning….

These are typical fall days….leaves on the ground, air wet with moisture, worms slithering about… (Now why do we have them????) and the sound of geese encouraging each other on.

I still gaze up at them when they are flying by. What magnificent creatures. They truly have the “encouraging” thing down!

Today I want to talk about people who know IT ALL. Do you know anyone like that? I do. Even our children will say, “ya, ya, I know.” I say, “You do…pretty smart kid!” “At your age I don’t think that I knew as much as you do.”

I know that we are pushing our children farther and faster these days but there is something to be said about experience and years of learning…isn’t there?

To be able to say, “I don’t know” takes courage and confidence in oneself. I respect the person who says, “I will find out for you and let you know.”

I do not think less of them for not knowing the answer right away, do you? What is wrong with admitting that we do not know something? Are we expected to know “everything” right away? Did this start with the TV show-“Are you smarter than a 5th grader?”

I was reading an article on John Wooden, the legendary basketball coach and he said, “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” Isn’t that great?

This is humbling I think. I believe that this comes with maturity. To step back and say “I did not know that” is honorable. It’s being humble enough to believe that you can learn something from everyone. Everyone has something to share and we can learn from each other’s experiences. As George would say, “why re-invent the wheel?”

We have all been created equal so let’s give others the chance to shine. It’s amazing what you can learn when you sit back, watch and listen to what others are saying.

Is today your day to teach or learn? Either way you can make a difference. Nancy

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Good Idea/Giving

Good morning to all….

I ran across this quote today and loved it so I wanted to share this with you….

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity of every difficulty.
Winston Churchill

Isn’t this what we talk about…turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Come on….this is great stuff!

Recently George and I have been talking about giving to charities and other organizations. I’m sure you have had similar thoughts and discussions as to what you should do.

Many people are looking for financial help these days. Many of us are asking ourselves…just who do we give too? What will they do with the money?

We cannot give to everyone…to every organization. So we must seek out where our hearts lead us. Where is God directing you to help out? We find this out by “JustAsking.”

In time of need we must give. By giving to others we are actually helping ourselves. Someday, somewhere the “favor” will be returned.

Where are you being led? We are streamlining and “JustAsking” what we should do. We need to make it all count. We need to make a difference not only with our money but with our actions as well.

May I suggest that before you write out that check, “JustAsk” if this is what the Lord would have you sow into?

Such a difference will be made if you are where you are “supposed” to be. Nancy

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Good Idea/Television

Good morning my friends,

Some of you may think that I’m still out “shopping” with Sarah. HA HA…I could not image what George would say if that were true! She went back to school this morning. Now we count down the days as to when she comes back. Thanks for coming home Sarah!

Speaking of Sarah and spending time with her. Last night we just “relaxed” and watched a little TV together. I haven’t watched television for some time now let alone with Sarah. Oh sometimes I will catch “Sponge Bob” but that’s about it for the most part!

We were chatting, laughing and glancing at the television. Do you know what is on television these days? A prime time show was on that years ago I would have been “hooked” on. Now I looked at it and couldn’t believe my eyes.

So much is accepted today. So much is accepted as the norm on television. What is the norm these days? What are we watching? What are our children watching? My eyes were really opened to what’s out there “entertaining” us.

How many times have we used television as a babysitting tool for our younger children? I’ve done the same thing. Television, a great keeper of company.

How many of us watch television just to “enhance” our lives? Just to give us some spice in an otherwise dull life? What are we exposing ourselves too?

I see mindless acts being performed in front of us all for the sake of “entertainment.” Minds are being shaped by what is on television.

Please do not misunderstand me; there are many shows on television that are fine to watch. I look forward to some of the programming on various channels but we do have to use a filter.

Some programs marked PG…really have to be scrutinized. It has happened at my home….you know the “quick grab the remote, change the channel” statement. It happens and we must protect the eyes and ears of our vulnerable ones. Too much “stuff” is going in and it is not all “wholesome.”

I remember the time when I could sit with my parents and watch television shows which did not make anyone blush or run to change the channel. There was purity then. Sometimes I do miss it. (Ahh yes, the bubbles of Lawrence Welk and the streets of Mayberry.) Television is a great thing. We just have to been cognizant of what comes out of it.

I do believe that the best entertainment is what you make yourself. It’s spending time with family. It’s getting to know them better, laughing with them, talking with them, dreaming with them and sharing your love. That will really make a difference. Nancy

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Good Idea/Coming back Home

Good morning to all…..

What a surprise I had last night….

I received a call from my oldest daughter about 9:30ish PM….she asked, “Mom what would make you soooo happy?” I said, “A white Mercedes in my driveway just for me.”

She said, “It’s on its way.” Oh happy day….then I thought no, can’t be….she must be coming home! YIPPEE.

Now I knew she was coming home this weekend but I did not expect her so soon. What a surprise; I get to have her with me for a bit longer. Time for some “girl” stuff!

No sign of the Mercedes yet…I’m still waiting for that phone call. HA HA (No, really!)

Let’s talk about our loved ones today. These are the ones who go away either to school or move away from home for good.

I remember moving out of my home when I was 19. I was kind of young yet but ready to move on. Not because I disliked being at home, I loved being at home. It was just time to move out on my own. I do believe that my relationship with my Mom grew much closer after I moved out.

It seemed like we were always together sharing thoughts, ideas and I was always asking advice. I know that she loved that as much as I did.

Isn’t it funny that sometimes distance makes us closer? We now want to be with each other not because we have to be together but because we want to be together.

Do you have children who are away at school or who have moved out? I pray that you enjoy their company so much when they come back home. Or if you are the one who has moved out; I pray that you enjoy going back home.

Dorothy said, “There is no place like home.” I do believe it. Embrace the ones who have left and ask them back…at least for a visit! The generations will continue to come and when the stories are shared about “home” make your stories warm and memorable.

I’m out the door now – time to enjoy some “girl time” with my oldest. (I’m thinking shopping, breakfast, more shopping!) George, I’m just “kidding!”

Enjoy all that you do today and remember to make a difference in someone’s life. Nancy

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Good Idea/To the Rescue

Good morning my friends….

Have you ever had the phone call that says…"Help me?" I would venture a guess and say yes; you have had that phone call.

Let’s talk about “to the rescue” today. We can come to the rescue so many different ways. The bottom line is that “we come to the rescue” when asked.

We can run over to someone, we can call someone, we can provide prayer, food, comfort, shelter, love, money, advice, hugs, smiles and chocolate chip cookies.

There are many ways in which we can “rescue” someone. Isn’t it “funny” how we rely on each other from time to time to help us out?

Sometimes we just need someone with skin on to comfort us. We know that our Lord is always with us, helping us, comforting us and providing for us. To have someone in our lives to embrace us is the sign that our God is with us.

This is called “Love!” Out of love we run to one another. Out of love we give thanks for each other. Out of love for Him we love on each other.

Sometimes you just gotta’ put your differences down and look at the big picture. If you don’t do it; than who will? You may be the only one. You may be the one to make the difference.

I believe that sometimes we view life so casually that we do not put any importance into the fact that we may be the one to help out another. Too many times we say, “oh so and so will get that.” Well, what if “so and so” doesn’t “get that?” “Oops – should’ve done that myself”…we say.

May I suggest that when you hear the voice of someone calling out saying “help me,” run to the rescue….you will be given the resources if you just step out and rely on His help to guide you. I say….”JustAsk”.

We are going to make a difference today because today we run “to the rescue.” Enjoy your fabulous journey. Nancy

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Good Idea/Ways of the World

Good morning….

My hope is that you are all off to a great start this morning. My household is off and running with smiles on….and I’m OK with that!

A question was posed to me that I want to ask you…..are your ways the ways of the world?

Have you heard the expression…."They dance to the beat of a different drummer?" Is that you? I do believe that that expression suits me just fine.

I do not want to be like the world. I want to be different and I embrace that difference with excitement and joy.

Look around for a moment – is that what you want? I see hunger, anger, hurt, disappointment, anxiousness, fear, illness, cheating…well you get the picture.

Just because this is around us doesn’t mean that we have to participate. It has been a struggle at times – not fitting in – but the rewards of knowing that you are doing it right makes such a big difference.

I no longer care if I fit in or not. Actually I do not want to fit in. I want to help out. I want to be of assistance. I want to be there when you call. I want to serve, not be served.

Remember the movie “The Stepford Wives?” That is not how I see myself. I believe in standing up for what is right, calling forth truth and living it. This is not a casual way to live but an active way to live.

We live right by doing right. As I see it the “world” does not “always” live right. We have gotten off track here…..we are out of balance. It is time to set the scales right.

Whew – don’t you just love pointed questions????

I want you to know that the difference you make today will make all of the difference tomorrow. May you have a wonderful day! Nancy

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Good Idea/Death

Good morning everyone….

Today I want to share with you a thought on “things we don’t like to talk about.”

One topic in particular is death. The death of a friend, a friend’s loved one, a family member, an acquaintance, and a neighbor, the person at the store or a distance relative. How do we tackle this one?

I have actually seen people run away from this. They have run away from talking with a person who has lost a loved one. And you can forget about them going to the funeral home to pay their last respects.

I know that this is a personal decision so please do not misunderstand me…I’m not suggesting that you go to the funeral home if you are not comfortable with that….what I am saying is that a phone call would be most comforting and acceptable.

I have even experienced it in my own life. I have lost several family members and some of my “closest” friends have yet to say something to me.

I hear, “oh what could I say,” “I don’t know what to say,”….you get the picture. I say maybe you don’t have to say anything at all – how about a hug which says I’m sorry and what can I do for you?

I remember while at a family funeral I was thinking how nice it would be just to see someone that you care for. I use to say, if “so and so” would just call and say “hi”…that is all that I need. No need for eloquent speeches, long winded messages…just “hi, I’m thinking of you.”

Someone that I have known for a few years has recently passed away and I spoke with her husband this morning. Was the call difficult to make…yes, but it is more difficult for the one that I was calling.

This gentleman said to me this morning, “ Nancy , you know no one prepares us for this part of our lives.” “What in life prepares us for death?”

I’m so glad that I made that call. I reached out in love and care and concern. How about you, do you reach out? Do you hold that emotion in and go forth just to comfort someone else? It is so worthwhile to love from where you are.

I find such comfort and peace in prayer not only during these times but in all times. If you can’t do it, if you can’t reach out “JustAsk” – He will give you the grace to do so. Someone may need to hear from you.
With loving thoughts and a smile in my heart for you…I wish you well. Enjoy the difference that you will make. Nanc
y (

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Good Idea/Encourager

Good morning….

As I put my thoughts together for today I hear the message…"be an encourager." OK so I ask encourager for what? “Everything.”

Now that is a pretty big order – “encourager for everything.” I will however do my best.

My first question is, what are you going through today? What mountains are you climbing? What rocks are you turning over? What are you dodging?

Who has said that “you can’t do that?” Who is asking “why?” Who has closed the door before you have had a chance to walk through it?

Someone somewhere is closing off dreams and desires for a better life, a better way. Someone somewhere is shutting down the hope for today and tomorrow.

This has to stop. I say that “yes you can go through that door.” You can step out in your dreams and desires to make a life – a better life for you and your family.

So many times people are “beaten” down by the talk and thoughts of others. Who are we to judge someone else? We can encourage and advise (if we are qualified) others who want to move forward. We can, more importantly, set the example of what is to be and what is to come.

You are special just the way you are. You are special in your thoughts and actions. No one does it quite like you. You were designed for a “special ness” all your own.

A side step - I'm hearing "Nobody Does it Better" by Carly Simon (James Bond, The Spy Who Loves Me)..."Nobody does it better - nobody does it quite the way you do...Baby, you're the best....) Ahhh - take me back!

You have something to give and share. You have a dream to fulfill. You must believe in yourself and what has been placed inside of you. “JustAsk” for guidance and a clear path. It is waiting for you.

When you find this “clear path”…the path to truth….then nothing or no-one can stop you. You will be on your way to fulfilling your mission. I encourage you today to examine your thoughts and motives. Why are you doing what you are doing? What is it that you want?

The world is waiting for the one invention that makes all of the difference….could they be waiting for you for fulfill your dream? It’s possible - oh yes, it is possible!

Dare to dream….better yet…dare to fulfill that dream! I encourage you today to make a difference. Nancy

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Good Idea/From the Heart

Good morning everyone….

I have a thought for today – Let’s do something for others – not because it would put money in our pocket but because it will impact the life of the person who comes in contact with us.

I do look for these opportunities. To know that someone walks away feeling good about themselves, their load has been lifted and they find hope in a hopeless situation….this is truly a blessing.

Let’s go for the comfort of the heart not the thoughts of the head. Let’s give without expecting something in return.

It’s an easy day today….give unto others out of the goodness of your heart. That is where you treasures lie….

Luke 12:34 (New International Version)
34For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Have a wonderful weekend making a difference Nancy

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Good Idea/Victory

Hello and Good morning….

The simple sweetness of a morning smile can make you joyful all day long. Are you feeling that today? If not, I give you a good morning greeting that you shall run with all day long.

I spoke with my “Mom” this morning and she told me that a Blue Jay landed on their deck. Wow - for this time of year. This bird must like the chilly rainy weather or it is a bit lost. Either way it made a lovely vision for this morning.

My son Matthew has set the stage for today. He received a magazine which I have been glancing at. It of course is a sports magazine. If it’s not about sports or eating, he doesn’t look at it. HA HA

Nike has an advertisement which caught my attention. It reads, “VICTORY is paid for in SWEAT, COURAGE and PREPARATION.”

This of course is in reference to sports but I applied it to everyday life. We are all looking for victory, aren’t we? We all want to win. But are all of us willing to put in the necessary elements to make it come to life?

So let’s break this down…."Victory" = winning, "Sweat" = hard work, "Courage" = stepping out, believing, standing tall, and "preparation" = getting ready for the task.

Looks like a full days work to me. I want to win, I want the victory and I will do what it takes to get there. I will do all that is expected of me as long as it does not hurt someone else.

We read stories of special people who "give all they have." They want to win; they want to do more than just survive. What about you? I read these stories, I watch their performances and I say, "If they can do it, so can I."

Sometimes we sit for so long on “easy street” that the thought of getting up and putting forth energy is almost too much to bear. We say "I’ll do it next time."

The time is now. The way must be paved. We need the "VICTORY" now. There may be a price to be paid…just like Nike has said…"sweat, courage and preparation." I say "JustAsk."

No matter what we do, no matter where we go, we should always be prepared. We perform best when we are prepared. Sometimes we know when it is coming and sometimes we don’t. If we are prepared we will be ready no matter what.
Put your time in – it will pay off. Let’s invest in our futures, our dreams, our victories. The winning is in the doing. Oh, what a difference. Nancy

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Good Idea/Don't lose sight

Good morning to all….

A nip in the air today has me asking- “where are my socks?” I so admire people who have their change of season clothes all ready to go. You know who you are. Your cold wear is ready to come out of the closet clean, fresh smelling and ready to do its job.

As I stumble around looking for socks I keep thinking, “I have to do something about this.”

I’ll just move on with today’s thought and hope that heat will fall on my feet.

There are many people who lose sight of where they are going, what they want and what they believe in. How do I know? I know because I speak with many people who are looking for the answers.

Some seem to let go of their dreams and desires because these desires and dreams have not come into fruition. Hope seems to have diminished.

I believe that we as humans want a quick fix. We want it now. We are use to that. We live in a disposable society.

It even affects our children. They want the answers now without doing the research. (I’ve been guilty of that myself…how about you?)

Since we want it now and many times it doesn’t happen now – we become anxious and lose sight of what we hope for and dream of. But I’m here to say “don’t lose that sight.”

Stay fixed on your dreams and desires. Many times we lose those dreams and desires because we let them go. We no longer believe that they are going to come to pass. We hang our heads, we kick the dirt, we say, “that will never happen, it has taken too long.”

Do we control our time? Do we control what happens to us? Sometimes yes. Just by our giving up, by our not believing in truth, by not having FAITH; we encourage just the opposite of what we hope for.

I say do not take your eyes off of what you desire. Be strong in your faith that what you have asked for God has heard. Be patient and know that your voice will not go unanswered.

The panic button is not one to push when you are waiting. We need to push the FAITH button and leave it up to the Lord. Why worry about these things….He is in control.

So I am hoping a worry-free day for you. Take heed and give it up. Do not run and panic, be still, keep your visions and good things will happen for you. You will see the difference. Nancy

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Good Idea/Doing it for others

Good morning my friends…..

Oh what a day, running here, running there, sending this out, receiving this in and before you know it you say, “Whew, what is happening?” What am I accomplishing?

Today I want to share with you time given out to others. I mean real meaningful time. Not just a quick “hi, how are ya’… hoping you do not answer because I do not have the time.”

We’ve all been there. We’ve all had it done to us and we have done it to others. I’ve even said, “Well if you don’t want to know then why bother asking?”

Do we inquire of others because it is the socially acceptable thing to do? Do we inquire about others because we really do care? Do we have time to really care?

I’ll answer that with – we better have the time to care.

I’m finding out more and more that I need to put others before myself. When I put others before myself; all kinds of wonderful things happen. When you care for someone, someone cares for you.

Just recently while caring for a friend of mine; I received a gift back which blessed me tremendously. I did not do this for a favor in return; I did this because my heart told me to. I gave not expecting to receive anything back.

I put someone first before my needs. I cared for another person who I saw needed help. When you have needed help, was someone there? Have you been a help when someone needed you? Yes even when they asked for help in moving???? (How many friends do we have then?)

There is need; great need all over the place. Can we reach everyone, no. We can however, reach the person next door, down the street, around the corner and even in our own homes.

I saw a quote by Albert Schweitzer that said, “Life become harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier.”

This is so true. I’m sitting on piles of “stuff” to do…..guess what I am doing. I’m answering the phone, I’m listening, I’m offering and I’m blessing. My “stuff” is waiting and that is OK….my “stuff” will always be there and the person calling may not be.

So may I suggest that we give of our time in joyful abundance? This opportunity may only come by once and you might be that person’s life line.

I’m taking the time to say, “I’m here….what can I do for you.” Enjoy this lovely day and I pray that you are there for someone when they call and someone is there for you when you call. I already feel a difference in the air. Nancy

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Good Idea/Painful memories

Good morning my friends….

Here we are ready to face another day of giving and making a difference. We started our day very early this morning. I’m not sure why we all woke up so early but I have great expectations for this day. Let’s get started –

It’s been put on my heart to speak about “painful memories.” Oops, it even hurts to say those words. Who wants to go there? Not me. However I sense that someone somewhere is struggling and needs some encouragement.

What do we do with “painful memories?” Some people run and hide. Some people deny they even exist. Some people suffer through their memories. Some shed “painful memories” off like they never happened. Some “JustAsk” for help and they get it.

I’ve seen the fear on people’s faces when faced with a memory of time gone by. These are deep, deep wounds that need to be dealt with. So how do we do this?

We start by seeking out advice from someone who is trained in such an area. We start out by talking with people who have gone through the same experiences which you have gone through.

We start out by letting go of the blame (which includes you) and seeking the truth which can be found in the “JustAsking.”

I see so many people suffering with “painful memories.” They feel trapped in by them. They feel unable to control their thoughts. They don’t let go….maybe they don’t want to. Maybe letting go is too scary. Why? Because this person does not know how else to feel.

My belief is that we are to be whole and wholesome! We are to seek counsel and rise above any “painful memories” which may be holding us down or even breaking us up. These memories are squelching our desires to move forward.

So to those who are hurting and under “painful memories” may I suggest a way of coming out? We start by “JustAsking” for help and direction. There is a different way, there is a right way and there is a perfect way. This way leads to success.
Happiness is just around the corner if you are willing to ask for it. We need not be held down by what has happened. We need to joyfully seek the way out. “JustAsk”…the difference can be yours for the asking. Nancy

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Good Idea/Pick a weed or two

Good morning everyone….

Time to stop for a moment and share a few thoughts….

I want to talk about an observation which I had. Sometimes I see people just walking through their lives without stopping to pick a weed or two.

What do I mean by this – some people think that their existence is just to be - not to do. They are not pro-active in their day to day business and they feel that life should just be handed to them.

Life is not handed to anyone. Life must be worked to the betterment of all mankind.

Sometimes we want the answers handed to us; sometimes we want events to be made easy so that we can glide through them. Don’t you think that we all have a roll in making our lives truly livable?

Children learn that they have to behave in a certain way to attain certain privileges. As adults we should know by now that we have to act a certain way which is acceptable to all others.

Every now and then we have to pick up something that fell on the floor; even if we did not do it. Think how clean our earth would be if someone just picked up one thing and threw it away or hung it up.

What I’m saying is that everyone has a job to do. We must all carry our own weight. We cannot leave it to the next guy because soon the weight that he has to bear is too much.

I look at our children and I know that they are learning and we must give them grace. I get so bothered when I see an adult being impatient with the little ones; we were once there.

It’s in the doing that counts. It’s in the teaching that makes the difference. Let’s take a moment and pick a weed or two…let’s take off the blinders and see what is around us. It just might need to be tidied up a bit. It doesn’t take long to make a difference. Nancy

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Good Idea/Hungry for Life

Good morning everyone….

Don’t you love it when you look at the clock and you realize that time has traveled so fast that you cannot believe your eyes. Your day is moving quickly; you say yes, then you say, oh no, I can’t get everything done…where has the time gone?

At the store, I asked a cashier "How is your day going?" they said, “Great, I only have an hour or so left.” That is how their day is measured. I walked away thinking - is that all that there is? One hour or so left?

I have to ask, how can we enjoy where we are at if we are looking forward to the next hour? Don’t we lose something in looking ahead and not be present in the present? And then again I can see looking ahead when you are at….let’s say the dentist!

Today I want to share with you a story that includes my youngest daughter. Last evening she attended an event at a retirement home. The children gathered and helped the residents play games, distribute gifts and share stories.

This was an excellent way to spread joy and love; to share stories, and become family if just for a bit.

They all laughed together, held hands, smiled, hugged, got their cheeks pinched and the children were called “life.”

How true…some people just bring life to us. It is either by their mere age, their energy, their enthusiasm, their quest for more, their innocence and their ability to make us laugh.

I am blessed to have children around me always. Sometimes it does get tiring but that just reminds me that I must perk up, wake up and enjoy more than I do at times. It shows us how we shouldn’t take ourselves to seriously at times.

Life is love and laughter. Life is sharing and caring. Life is blessing each other with blessings. Life is opening us up to not only receiving but also giving.

These children last night gave of their time and themselves. They truly enjoyed themselves. The residents enjoyed the children. My daughter’s hand was held and kissed, her cheeks were pinched…..she delivered life to someone who may have thought it was all lost.

Are you delivering life to others or taking it away. Are you giving and receiving? Are you allowing the blessings to flow?

If I may suggest… may we not only speak life into each situation but let us deliver life into each situation. Someone is waiting for our smile. Go ahead – brighten someone’s day….you could make the difference. Nancy

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Good Idea/The Walking Wounded

Good morning to all…..

Oh happy day! Do you feel “it?” “It” is in the air. The breeze blowing, the Son shining, the comfortable temperature and work has begun. We are so blessed aren’t we? Let’s make it a day worth remembering.

And let’s get started….today I want to talk about the “walking wounded.”

These are the people who have wounds so deep that not many people notice them. The “walking wounded” they have smiles on their faces, laughter in their voice and deep eyes that may show hurt if you are willing to look.

The “walking wounded” they are not just on the battle field. They are all around us. They may be the server at the restaurant, the teller at the bank, the cashier at the grocery, the singer in the band, your co-worker, your dentist, doctor, next door neighbor…maybe you.

While at a restaurant once I witnessed a table of patrons who were visibly not having a good evening. The server got the brunt of their anger. What about the server, what was he going through? Did this table of patrons even consider this? I have to say no. Was this fair, I have to say no.

This weekend while I was out shopping an irate customer was complaining that there was not enough help at the store. The ladies behind the counter were doing their best to help everyone. Unfortunately not everyone noticed that.

So in the midst of being “yelled” at for not moving fast enough, did anyone consider what these ladies might be up against. I must compliment them; they did not show any anger toward this customer. They kept their composure and I admire that. (And I told them so.)

I just want to ask that next time we feel the need to unload on someone, consider the person and take into account what they may be going through. What are they struggling with? Maybe when we show them love and compassion and say, “that it is alright” we might just be giving them love and hope. Just what we are called to do.

It is not about us – it is about Him and what we can do for others. We are so blessed, let’s pass that on. If the world did this – oh my, what a difference we would see. It could start with us. Nancy

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Good Idea/Obedience/Control

Good morning my friends….

What a great day it is to be able to come together and share our thoughts. Let’s dig right in today with something that I have been thinking about.

I’ve been thinking about the difference between obedience and control. I believe that there is a fine line between obedience and control.

The on-line dictionary states that obedience is… Dutifully complying with the commands, orders, or instructions of one in authority.

The on-line dictionary states that control is…To exercise authoritative or dominating influence over; direct.

Let’s take for instance the military…I understand that there is required obedience in boot camp. You learn how to do everything the military way. One must be obedient to the officer in charge. This may very well be a life or death teaching and one must grab hold of the instructions.

Some say that the officers in charge are controlling. I’ve never been through it but I can only imagine that you must be obedient to their orders whether it comes off as controlling or not.

Let’s look at our everyday world. Are our children obedient to us? Are we obedient to our employers? Are we obedient to our teachers and mentors?

Do you ever feel controlled by someone who has a higher ranking than you? Do you think I must be obedient because it is for my own good?

When we feel controlled we dig in our heels and say, I’m too old for this stuff. Sometimes we feel as if we know better or maybe we are just stubborn.

If we are not use to someone “telling us what to do” we bristle a bit, don’t we? If we are under someone’s teaching and guidance then we must be obedient to them. We must respect authority.

I’m sure that many people are into controlling others but I also know that out of love many people guide and direct others in a way that must be obeyed. Some people are put in our path to “bring us up.”

We should recognize who these people are and be respectful and obedient to their teachings. As long as you know in your heart that this teaching is good; then you should allow the process to proceed.

If it feels like control and you cannot get out easily; then maybe you should re-think where you are at and who you are with.

Maybe we should stop fighting so much and listen to what is being said. Be obedient and learn from the ones who have gone before us. They paved the way. They made the difference. Nancy

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Good Idea/Authentic

Good morning my friends….

What is better than fitting into your jeans from last year? I can’t think of much more than that! YIPPEE….oh wait a minute – these are stretch! Never mind.

Today I want to talk about being authentic. We even see advertisements about being authentic.

The on-line definition of authentic is - 1. Conforming to fact and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief.
2. Having a claimed and verifiable origin or authorship; not counterfeit or copied.

We are talking about the “real deal” here. No substitutes, no phony replicas…the “real deal.”

Not putting on a pretense. It is being who we are; who we were created to be.

How many times have we changed ourselves just to suit others? I know that I have done this before. How about you? Of course we have….we want to be accepted, acknowledged and approved of. At times we are or were afraid of non-acceptance if we were different.

Then you reach a point in time when you are confident enough in yourself to be who you really are. I’m not sure that everyone gets here though.

When we are authentic in our beings then I believe that we exude trust. We are someone who is real, someone who stands tall and can be depended on. Why? Because there isn’t a lot of guess work with someone who is authentic.

I so enjoy being around people who are real, don’t you? You can then be yourself with them; let your hair down and show them truth.

We have all been created beautifully so why not be that authentic beauty and shine with what God has given us?

Don’t be afraid to be real. It is really quite refreshing and natural. Authentic – the difference between butter and margarine and we all know which one is healthier. Go for the authentic stuff – it is really better for you. You will see the difference. Nancy