Friday, July 10, 2009

The Good Idea/Vendors

Good morning to you….

Here we are sitting at the end of another week. Wasn’t it just Monday not too long ago? It is funny, we measure our weeks by our activities. For instance; 2 basketball practices, 2 basketball games, numerous appointments, dinners to cook, number of trips to the grocery and oh yea don’t forget conversations with loved ones. Well, that takes care of one week. Now the next….I think that it is time to make some memories here!

Oh well, let’s get work started shall we?

George and I have been blessed to experience life from both sides of the desk. By that I mean we are business owners plus we have a vending type business. So we are on both sides of the desk. The perspective is wonderful when you take the time to look at it.

As a business owner you have so much time to allot to vendors. You work your day around making appointments to see people. We spend time with other associates but what about the person who has something to offer your Company in the way of vending.

Do we spend any time with that person? Do we care? Do we hurry them in and out of our offices with a yeah, yeah, yeah. I think sometimes we do. Sometimes we are too busy to even hear what the vendor has to say.

We admit that we need this vendor but we do not want to spend any time with them hearing how they got to be where they are…let alone hear about the business. We just want SERVICE!!!

HA HA…sound like anyone you know? Since George and I have seen both sides we sincerely attempt not to be the type of people who rush others out without hearing what they have to say. You know, everyone has a story.

We, as the vendor, had an appointment once at a large facility that was looking forward to hearing more about what we have. Or so we thought.

Everyone was cordial but you could tell rushed. We laid out our information and proceeded to tell something about our business. The more George got into it the more you could see the person we were talking with squirming. What do “they” say about body language???

I felt like saying to George….hurry up….gotta’ go…..but I did not. My thought was we have a set appointment and we are going to see this through. We have worked hard on this business, we are proud of its product and we are going to take the time allotted to us to talk about why you need it. There you go.

After this experience we looked at ourselves and made a check to see if this is what we do….I believe that we do not. I believe since we know how it feels; we give each person due time to talk and not show our rush in our body language.

I think we need to keep in mind that what each person does is important to them. It doesn’t matter if you sit on the highest board in the office or you clean the bathrooms. Each job is important and necessary. Each person should take their job seriously and be respectful of the other.

The same holds true when a vendor comes in with an appointment. They quite possibly have something you want….or you wouldn’t have made the appointment.

Be professional, be courteous, be kind and remember we need each other to make this world go round. What a difference…WHEW – no more struggling! Nancy (By the way, we got the account.)

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