Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Good Idea/Signs

Good morning everyone…..

I couldn’t believe my eyes this morning; I saw a white squirrel running across the road. I cannot remember ever seeing a white squirrel before. I looked up white squirrel on the Internet and discovered that yes they do exist; though not a common sight.

The article stated that what I saw was probably a variation of the Eastern Gray Squirrel. I was really taken by surprise. If you keep your eyes opened it is amazing what you just might see.

Speaking of seeing things….I want to talk about “signs” today. Your sign to be specific. My sign to be specific. I do not mean astrological signs…I mean the signs that you wear that define who you are. Do you wear signs?

Just the other day I was at a traffic light and I noticed the car in front of me covered in many bumper stickers. I almost missed the light because I was busy reading the back of their car.

I thought to myself, oh my gosh this is overload. I’m getting dizzy here just trying to keep up. I’m sure that you have seen cars like this or maybe that car is yours.

What about the clothes we wear? Who are you promoting on the front or back of yours? What do your clothes say about you? About what you believe in? About where you are going or where you have been?

The other day I saw a motorcyclist with a very descriptive t-shirt on. His message is not one that I care to repeat here or anywhere else. My son was with us and he said, “Hey do you see that guy’s t-shirt?” Ummm, yes we do.

What does that shirt say about him? If asked he may say, “It is funny.” Well maybe so to him but it tells something about his sense of humor and his lack of respect for others.

OK, let’s look at clothing lines…how many of us where clothes with logos on the front or the back. We advertise the fact that we agree with a certain designer of clothing. We may not know much about their personal beliefs but we like what they produce.

Nothing is wrong with that I say but is advertising their name really what you want to do? Promote their business…and what kind of a business do they have?

I know of some people who will only carry certain designer brands of purses; only wear certain designer brands of clothes, shoes, make-up…the list goes on and on.

I’ve never been one to chase after a brand name. I’m more than content to shop at a store with affordable prices and good quality merchandise. I do not feel the need to advertise someone else on my body.

I believe in being myself, showing who I am. It is rare that I will wear something that advertises another. I just think that before we advertise another’s works; we better know a lot about them or we may get grouped with their beliefs.

If you are all about brand names – then wear them proudly; if not, be yourself and show your true colors. Who has God made you to be? What does your “sign” say about you? There is only one you.

You can find that answer in your heart. You will display that in your daily walk. You will not need a sign around your neck. People will see you coming just from the glow that surrounds you.

So if you like the designer label stuff and you need labels how about creating one for yourself. You can only be sure of yourself and what your beliefs are. I better go now; I have a line of “ Nancy ” clothes to design. I’m going to start with shoes!!! Now that’s different. Nancy

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