Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Good Idea/Privilege to work

Oh happy day! Good morning….

“Just another day in paradise.” I believe that some people mean that in a derogatory way; I do not. I am so thankful for the beauty that I see and the peace that I feel.

While walking this morning I realized (once again) how blessed I am just to be able to walk outdoors, breathe in clean air and feel the warmth of the Son on my face. These are blessings which a lot of us may take for granted or overlook because it is common place.

And…..that leads me into what is on my heart – The privilege of working. Yes, the privilege of working.

I have a friend who is fighting for freedom in Iraq . He is there to protect and serve. He has been called out for duty in a place that is outside of our comforts. I am almost SURE that he would rather be at home living a comfortable lifestyle with his family and getting in his car everyday to drive to his “work.” I’m sure he thinks about it and longs for it.

Then we have others who grumble all the way out the door thinking about their “stinkin’” jobs and how they hate to go to work. True….I am sure everyone knows someone who does this on a daily basis.

What about the person, who is bedridden, disabled or handicapped in one way or another – how many of them would like to get up and go to their jobs?

If you can get up and get out – how blessed you are. It is a privilege to work, earn money for your family and be productive in society.

I hear some people talk harshly about the type of work they do, how much they “don’t” get paid, how they cannot sleep in, go to the gym, watch television…I say, “do not grumble.” At least you have a job and if you are unhappy in that job…look for another one.”

How many of us know people who are happy in a miserable place? I’m sure a lot of us do. It is obvious these people like to grumble. These may be the people who take blessings for granted because they are “common place.”

I’ve never known where life has “owed” me anything. I owe my life something. I was given this life to produce love and life. I am thankful for the opportunity to work and make a difference.

What about you….did you grumble as you got up this morning, as you took a nice shower, as you ate breakfast, as you left for work, as you pulled up in the parking lot? Let’s be grateful – it could be worse – you could be in full military dress; the temperature is 110 degrees and your car is a rolling tank.

God has placed you where you are and it is up to you to do the best that you can. Embrace it, work it and we must be so thankful for it.

Be sure to smile while driving and I promise you – people will look at you and wonder why you are so happy. You will just laugh because you know that a difference has just been made. Nancy

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