Friday, July 24, 2009

The Good Idea/Presents

Good morning to all……

Has anyone noticed the look and feel of fall outside? Here it is July and I see leaves turning colors. How can this be? While driving east this past weekend I saw trees and bushes with yellow, red and orange leaves. I asked George…."How can this be?"

Then lo and behold, outside in my back yard a couple of my trees are turning their leaves. I’m thinking its harvest time. Yes!

I better get a move on it…..let’s start….

Recently we had a birthday celebration at my house. The thought came to me how time changes how we look at birthday presents. Now don’t get me wrong…I love a good pair of diamond earrings as much as the next girl…....but something changes the older we get.

I’m starting to think about water coolers, refrigerators with the ice and water dispenser on the outside, a weekend get-away. Ahhhh….dreams.

Then I look around the table and see bright eyes looking back at me. I say, “This is it.” It is not about the presents one receives it is about who is with you while you open those presents.

You examine what has been hand made and you see the deep love. You examine the cards and read each word as if to memorize them. You see and feel the love.

There was a time in my past when life changed in an instant. I took on a new understanding of celebrating life and celebrating the people in my life.

George jokes about the time he got a rocking chair for me for Christmas. Why did I get a rocking chair? I was pregnant and he thought the gift was most appropriate.

At the time I was a little hurt….you know I was expecting something a bit more personal. I finally softened up and spent much time in that rocker with my babies and now just by myself.

I look back on that gift and I say to myself….how insightful George was. He gave that from his heart knowing that I would get much enjoyment from it. He says he was being practical…I love him for that.

Now at this stage of my game….I’m looking for people whom I love to be with. People who mean the world to me that I want to share my time with. People whom I love dearly.

So whether one comes with a home made gift, a store wrapped gift with a beautiful bow or a long sincere hug….I’ll take it.

Remember we cannot take things with us….but we always have our memories of the ones who spent their time with us.

When I was a child; I thought like a child….I wanted new dolls, wagons, games…now as an adult; I think like an adult….now I want the love of the people around me…I want precious moments that can never be taken away…can never rust…can never be lost.

I thank you my beautiful family for loving me and supporting me. My greatest gifts have always been you! I’ll meet you around the rocking chair tonight. I love you.

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