Friday, July 17, 2009

The Good Idea/"Shhh, not yet"

Good morning to all….

I’m feeling all excited this morning…all “raring” to go. You know the feeling, something inside is filling you up with such joy that you just want to sing it out from the highest rooftop. I’ve been told that one day I will get my chance.

So until then…let’s talk about having something to say and not being able to speak of it until the appropriate time. How hard is that? I hate keeping something to myself that I am so excited about. I’m not good at keeping secrets so don’t tell me one. I just want to share, share and share. Maybe that is why I’m not a party planner!

Let’s take for instance a surprise party – the invitation says…."shhhh, it’s a secret"....are you kidding me? Don’t get me near the person – I just want to shout in joy that there is something fun coming your way.

When we try so hard not to say something, what happens…we say something! I’m just better off not knowing in some cases.

The more we continue to hold back the more difficult it becomes. This excitement that we feel is so real and genuine that it has to have an outlet.

We feel so passionate about something that we feel a need to talk about it to others. I have found out however that my timing is not always the best time.

Plans have been made, timing has been set so it is imperative that we follow the rules and not run ahead of the scheduled events.

What happens when we do run ahead…when we speak out of turn…when we blow the top off? We quiet possibly ruin the surprise, the event and the outcome.

We must wait for direction. We must not babble out of excitement. I’m learning, I’m learning!!!

I hear others speak and they will say, “we must not tell so and so or it will ruin the surprise.” “Let’s not tell so and so and it will be a surprise.”

The realization is that everything has its own timing. If we are made privy to it before it happens…we should probably ask if we can speak of it before the great reveal.

In our lives we are given direction and when we “JustAsk” for further instruction then we will know how to operate. We will know when to speak and run and jump for joy.

Until then – until I’m given clearance to speak…I will wait patiently and bite the inside of my mouth! To quote my Sister Charlene….."Put a sock in it." Wonderfully put Sis.

So here’s to keeping quiet in the times you are told to. Here’s to speaking out joyfully when you are released to do so. Oh happy day!

I pray that each and every one of you enjoy a most beautiful weekend. How does the saying go…."Speak now or forever hold your peace"....there will come a time and when it does – the difference will be made. Nancy

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