Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Good Idea/Be still

Oh what a beautiful morning….yes it is…..Good morning,

There is beauty in each day and I am so grateful for it. How wonderful to open your eyes on each new morning knowing that each day is full of blessings and new mercies. Thank you Lord!

Today I want to share with you my thoughts on just being still.

Remember back to when you were a child and it was so hard to sit still? It may be just that hard for you as an adult but sitting still has many advantages.

Sitting still provides rest and comfort. It provides a peace of mind. It provides an opportunity for us to rejuvenate ourselves. It is a place to get quiet and listen for the answers.

There are so many times throughout the day I hear myself saying…"shhhh, be quiet for just a bit." The silence that I long for sometimes aches in my heart.

I want a place where I can go and find comfort in silence. I get the picture of NYC in my head….traffic, noise, too many people, talking, loud sirens, horns honking and tires screeching. Who can live in that?

What about the noise around you? Does it bother you? Does it keep you from being productive?

I remember when I was little and I use to ride in the car with my Mom. I would turn the radio up and try to talk with her. I now know why she always turned the radio down or off. Too much noise. At the time, it did not bother me…I loved all of the activity.

My kids do the same thing…radio up loud, conversation begins. I think to myself, “why do they talk to me now, I thought they wanted to hear the music.” So I do what any parent would do….I turn off the radio and say, “I thought you wanted to talk to me.” Up goes the radio. Maybe they didn’t want to talk to me after all.

When we are under pressure; we do too much don’t we? We run, we work, we wring our hands, we talk, talk, talk….how about being still?

In the NIV Bible, Psalm 46:10…"Be still and know that I am God." These are truly relaxing words.

Right here it says…be still…."Be still and know that I am God." This tells us that He is in control. We are not to fret over anything….be still….be quiet. Take rest and refuge in His word…He has this handled.

What a peaceful place to be. We do not need all of this noise, these pressures, these deadlines.

We get done what we can in the time we have and then that is it. Be still….it is out of your control.

Be still and listen for that still small voice which is guiding and directing you into good things

I have learned that there is no need for all of this excitement. When I took me out of it; I could sit back and be still. This is a wonderful place to be in.
It brings peace to me and I know that His peace is waiting for you if you “JustAsk”. The difference is in the asking. Nancy

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