Monday, July 27, 2009

The Good Idea/In a "huff"

Good morning…

How easy it is to shut off the alarm clock and return to sleep. Does this happen to you very often? How that throws us off when it happens. Even 10 minutes late will put on the pressure. But – it feels oh so good!

Today I want to share with you what I have been witnessing recently. I call it going off in a “huff.”

It happens in my home, on the street, in stores, in the workplace and over the phone. What is going off in a “huff” mean?

I see it as an abrupt end to something. I see it as stomping off, closing the door, hanging up, stomping up stairs, a lot of mumbling to ones-self and taking a stand of defense.

Just this morning I witnessed this during some sibling rivalry. A stand-off of sorts. One says…"mine"…the other says "mine." I’m taken back to Finding Nemo where the pelicans are fighting over eating Nemo-they say….mine, mine, mine. Too funny.

This past weekend while traveling I witnessed going off in a “huff” by drivers. These drivers did not want to let other cars in the line of traffic. Another stand-off. You could actually see the determination on the faces of these people as they tried to keep others from entering into traffic. Some actually went off in a “huff.” I just shake my head.

I’ve had people hang the phone up on me when they try to solicit money. I explain to them that I am involved in another area and that doesn’t go over very well. You can hear the “huff” in their voices as they slam the phone down. I then ask…who called who?

What about in the workplace? What type of a stand do we take? Do we pout, go off in a “huff” and do we take a deep breath and work it out? Why get angry I ask?

I understand why children go off in a “huff” because they are children. What about adults – what deep seed lingers there?

Here is where I scratch my head. Why do some choose to live in an area of strife when the peace that they are searching for is but a question away? “JustAsk” Do some people feel so stepped on that they will not give an inch to someone else?

By giving an inch to someone else – what do we think that we are giving up? Do we think that we will not arrive, we will not get what we are seeking or we are just angry people to begin with?

I am fully aware that there exists competition among people but if one chooses to live in harmony and love then the competition turns into creativity and that helps everyone out.

There is a place for everyone and each person has a right to be in it. Let’s not get in a “huff” just because that place or those words are not what we imaged them to be. Oops I better go now…I hear someone stomping up the stairs in a “huff.”

Can you imagine the difference that will be seen when we take the “huff” off of our faces and out of our stance? Enjoy your beautiful day. Nancy

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