Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Good Idea/In-Laws

Good afternoon everyone….

I made every effort to “get down to business” this morning as usual….HA HA HA!!! I just love when a curve ball gets thrown my way. I have learned to just duck and keep going.

It reminds me of when I was walking out of the garage and hit my head on the bottom of the garage door as it was going up. Now how does that happen??? Am I taller now than I remembered? Is the garage door slowing down? Am I getter faster? (No, I don’t think so.) I tried to get out in a timely fashion just like this morning but something else was waiting for me. (Do you know how many times I have washed my hair just because I have thought about what the garage door smashes on the ground when it closes. YUCK!!!)

I’m back and ready to go….

I want to share with you my thoughts on proper titles for people in our lives. I mean the titles of our “In-Laws” our “Sister-In-Laws” our “Brother-In-Laws,” Aunts, Uncles, Cousins….etc…

Sometimes those titles leave me cold, how about you? To say “In-Law” just seems cold to me. To say Aunt, Uncle, or Cousin…that seems cold to me.

So what do we use when we are speaking of someone close to us but maybe not a blood relative?

I’m sure many of us have people close to us that we do not want to refer to by “In-Law” or “Cousin.” These people are more like biological parents, biological sisters and brothers. I do struggle with this sometimes.

I feel a closeness to my In-Laws and using their proper title just doesn’t feel right to me. Does anyone else feel this way???

So I can say my Mom and Dad – yet will others know the difference from my biological Mom and Dad verses my In-Laws?

It is like using the words, “I’m sorry” or “I love you.” We use these words so often these days that I think we loose the depth of their meaning. Same as using In-Laws.

I’ve even heard people call In-Laws , Out-Laws….not good. I thank God for blessing me with a Mom and Dad from my husband that I truly love and respect and thank.

Look here – a double blessing by having 2 sets of parents. Both equally loved and admired and respected. Yes….blessings galore!

Have you been blessed by have non-blood relatives? That is a term which my son came up with yesterday to describe very good friends of ours. “Non-blood relatives” you know who you are and you know that you are special.

We are really all related from the beginning of time. Some of us are from here and some of us are from there. Shall we embrace each other and call each other family…blood or not…and rejoice for we have been blessed.

So I say to you sister, brother, mom and dad…you are special to me, I pray for His blessings over each and every one of you and most importantly….Stay Out Of My Room! Ha – that is something different for me. Nancy

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