Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Good Idea/Shoe to drop

Good morning to all…..

Things are quiet at my house today….my youngest is on her own vacation. It is something how the absence of just one person makes the biggest difference in our lives.

Have you ever heard the expression, “I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop?” I’ve heard this expression a lot and recently I started thinking about it. Why? I haven’t a clue but I thought that I should write about it.

When good things happen to some people they start looking for the crack in the wall instead of embracing the good.

They are waiting to see what happens next so they miss out on the blessing. Why do some of us do that?

Do we not believe in the good…have we seen so much bad that we cannot fathom something good happening? Why be so negative?

Some would say “bad luck.” I do not believe in luck…be it good or bad. Some say Murphy’s Law….who is this Murphy guy and why go by his law? I live by a greater law which provides comfort and joy.

We make our own way by what we desire, believe in and strive for. Good things are handed down from up above by God so ask for them, believe in them and receive them.

To look for the negative “shoe to drop” is not the right thing to do. Why? Because when you look for it…you find it.

You will find anything that you look for. So why look to the negative? When good things happen, be grateful for them, expect for more to happen and rejoice in the receiving.

We have so many expressions, don’t we? Think about them….are they productive ones or non-productive ones. Do they encourage you forward or do they sit you back down?

We say so many things without even thinking about the ramifications. We say words just because we are use to them.

As some of you may know I grew up with a wonderful Mom who had some great expressions….I get such a big kick out of remembering them and applying them to my life. I also know that I need to take some of them with a grain of salt and just remember the memories and not live by all of that “wisdom.”

It may be time to check our choice of words and revamp our way of thinking and talking.

So do I look for the other “shoe to drop?” No – I look for the opportunities to make a difference and I thank God for His blessings.

Gifts and blessings need to be received with no strings attached…only gratefulness in receiving them. Don’t look at something good and turn it into something bad. We must remember it is what you make of it.

If we keep looking for the other “shoe to drop” we may end up barefoot! I like shoes - that is not the difference that I want to make. Enjoy your day! Nancy

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