Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Good Idea/Reputation

Good morning to all…..

As I stepped outside this morning to perform my morning ritual of kissing and hugging and waving goodbye to my daughter and husband….I breathed in the goodness of the morning and felt the sun on my face. I thanked God that I was alive. What a wonderful morning!

Today I want to talk about the things that we do. The things that we do not give much thought to but might have a big impact on how we are perceived. What our character says about us. Are we loose, are we aware of our actions, are we reserved, are we loud and boisterous or are we quiet and caring?

Do we care about what we do today that might influence tomorrow? Do we care that we post pictures on the Internet which might be questionable?

We may say, “Oh no big deal…we were just having fun.” Well that fun which you just posted could possibly have consequences.

What about the days or evenings spent in questionable places? Will you be seen coming or going? Is this what you want to be known for?

In everyone’s life we have had moments of “stupidity.” Really, it is true. I remember back to the times when I thought…."what was I thinking?" That was the problem…I wasn’t thinking.

Was it due to immaturity – lack of experience…probably so. At these times we tend to make bad decisions – decisions based on feelings not thoughts.

As we mature; the natural tendency would be to grow up and become responsible for our actions. Some of us make it; some of us don’t.

Every where we go people observe us and our actions. We are “sized” up so to speak and judged from there. What are you giving off? Do you care? Some do not care. Some say, “that is just who I am.” …. Something about an old tree and bending…???

We leave behind a reputation – what does yours say about you? When it is all said and done…will you say “If only I knew that momentary pleasures could ruin a reputation for a lifetime, I would have found the strength to say no to temptation.” (If Only I Knew by Lance Wubbels)

When we have the chance it is good to look back then look ahead and find out if your actions of the past will give a good account of who you are.

We’ve lost several “high profile” people over the last couple of weeks…what did their reputation say about them? What are they remembered for?

I know that I want to be remembered as someone who cared; someone who wanted to make a difference; someone who loved others.

“If we only knew”….we might do things differently, wouldn’t we? You know, it is not all about what people think of us when we are gone…really… is it about what you are known for today? Do you draw people to you or turn them away?

The difference will not be made when you are gone…the difference will be made today. Nancy

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