Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Good Idea/Play it up

And a good morning to you….

I mentioned to George yesterday that I so enjoy going outdoors without a coat. How about you? Just get up and go don’t worry about the jacket. Then this past weekend I froze at night down by the shore. Ummmm, maybe I should carry a jacket no matter what.

My “Mom” tells me to take bread in the winter and a jacket in the summer! Great words of advice!

Today let’s talk about “playing it up.” You know, playing in an arena where the players are better than you are. Scary to some…being with the “big boys.”

I’ve felt a bit scared myself when I am faced with people who are more qualified than I am. I’m with them but not able to speak because I feel as if I’m under qualified.

What about playing sports – we tell our kids it is a good thing to “play up.” We gain experience, we learn to push ourselves a bit more…we stretch and that is good.

I have found out that it does no good to sit in a meeting, a locker room, the sidelines, or even a prayer group when you are not being stretched to do better, reach farther and want more.

Something must drive us. Something must reach deep down inside us and tell us that we want more. When we surround ourselves with “easy,” “comfortable,” we are not stretched. We are content. Who grows out of contentment?

So many times I’ve heard people complain that they are going “no where.” I ask them about the people they associate with. Who do you mingle with? Who do you have meetings with?

You will only go as far as the people whom you surround yourself with. Keep reaching for the distance. If your level of activity is sitting on the porch discussing the lives of others than that is where you will be.

What if you get off that porch and take a walk. Reach out – venture out – expect more – give more – want more – play with the “big boys.”

Someone once told me “I am where I am due to the people I swim in the river with.” I thought – that is great. So I ask you, who is in your river? Are they stretching you? Are you stretching them? Let their ceiling be your floor.

It is great to climb together. But take heed, before you climb with that person; be sure you know where they are climbing too. Maybe you are not to follow; but to lead. “JustAsk”.

I remember when my son Matthew started playing soccer….so cute….anyway, he played with a team that consisted of all little guys…then some left our team to play up. They are good players because they pushed themselves…they wanted more challenges…they became better and went on to challenge others.

Let that be a challenge for us…we need to challenge others to do better as we challenge ourselves to do and be better. “Play it up”…go for the gold…stretch yourself and demand more.

Let us not be complacent – let’s get back in the game, show em’ what we are made of and have tenacity to move forward. We must continue to wrestle and push forward until the blessings come. Now is not the time to sit back, now is the time to want more. Have a wonderful day and make the difference by “playing it up!” Nancy

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