Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Good Idea/Fine print

Good afternoon and here we are…..

Time is traveling faster and faster these days…how can this be??? I was thinking this morning that I “use” to get it all done by 12 Noon – what has happened here? I believe that a few hours have been taken away from me. Is that possible??

It really doesn’t matter – what matters is that here we are and time to start sharing….

This weekend while we were traveling down the friendly streets to Jersey , I saw a billboard which spoke out against “puppy mills.”

I’ve seen these billboards before but never have I seen them the way I did this weekend. This time I read the fine print. If referenced how puppies cannot cry out because their voices have been taken away.

I said, “What?” It took a while for me to understand and absorb this. I ask who would do this? Why would someone do this?

I’m now dealing with two issues…number one – that there are puppy mills and number two – their voices are removed. Seriously I ask again…."what" and "what for?"

Then I started thinking about the voices that we do not hear. The people that try to talk and we silence them because we don’t want to hear what they are saying. We think that what we have to say is more important. We want to dominate.

How many times do we do this? I’ve seen children and even adults start to talk and someone on purpose talks right over them. Now sometimes this happens accidentally and those times can be overlooked but not when someone is dominating the conversation.

When a person is hushed enough they will shut down and not speak again. Then it is funny when someone makes the comment, “they are so quiet.” I wonder why????

The talking over part has happened to me from time to time so I tried an experiment…I kept talking even when someone was talking over me. I thought I’m going to see how long I can keep this up before the other person stops. Guess who stopped first…me.

I couldn’t even hear myself think. When that happens it is best to back off, re-group and wait upon the Lord to open the conversation door again.

When some of us speak it may mean a crying out for help, understanding, love, compassion, praise or encouragement. If we continue to talk over others how will we ever know what they need or feel?

It is time to get quiet and remember that each of us should have an equal chance to speak and relate to each other.

Dominating conversations should not even be considered a conversation. Doesn’t it take more than one to converse? I think so.

So this puppy thing – now what about that? Oh my there are some things that I just refuse to wrap myself around and that is one of them. I pray for God’s protection over these little ones.

Isn’t it funny that it is only when we read the fine print do we realize what is being said. So I will state this loud and clear – AND BIG….I pray a wonderful day over you, a day full of enlightenment and favor…enjoy all that you do and read the fine print – it may make the difference. Nancy

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