Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Good Idea/Inside Out

Good morning my friends…..

Today I want to jump right in and talk about “living from the inside out.” Not from the “outside in.”

There is a big difference you know. When we live from the “inside out” we live from our hearts, from love, from truth….when we live from the “outside in” we live in a warped sense of reality.

The “outside” would have you believe that there is no hope. That there is only despair. That there is constant struggle and strife. That you are not going to make it.

When you live from the “inside out” you live with hope, truth and acceptance. There is no fear, you are accepted, and you have a way. Despair does not hold you captive.

You see life as it is supposed to be lived. You see life as it was originally designed to be. To see others the way God sees them; from the “inside out ” You will see others who are loving, kind, and full of promise and hope.

We all struggle every day of our lives with “what shall I do” about this or that. We see what the world has to offer and attempt to solve our issues with what the outside forces demand of us.

It has been my experience that when we do this; we end up creating more issues than we started with. In the past, I like so many others had lived my life from the “outside in.” I did not know any better at the time. I believed that I was doing the right thing….heck everyone else was doing it so why not me?

I looked to outside sources for answers. I looked to outside sources for the cure. I looked to outside sources for approval.

I now tell you that I do not do that so much anymore. It is a process like so many other things. I had to open my eyes and discover that I had it in me all along. I had the ability to reach inside myself and “JustAsk” for guidance and grace and love.

Living from the “inside out” delivers peace….delivers His peace and understanding. We may not always get the approval from the outside….but I ask you, does that really matter?

When we live from the “inside out” we can truly love others. We can tell them that we love them because we truly feel it. We are not looking for approval; we are looking to extend love to others.

George and I discuss this often. We say that it is not head knowledge that makes the way but it is heart knowledge.

May I encourage each of us today to look to the inside and live from the heart…the heart where love grows. We do not need to impress, we do not need to conquer, and we do not need to seek approval. We need to see each other as we are. The same way God sees us which is in love.

There are so many flowers blooming inside each of us….have you watered yours today? Buckets of blessings on all who read this and may the difference start on the inside. Nancy

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