Friday, July 31, 2009

The Good Idea/Repeated messages

Good morning to all….

From time to time I hear messages being repeated over and over again. Does that happen to you? If you hear it once or see it once; you will hear it or see it again.

When this happens I definitely take notice and realize that God is sending a message to me for one reason or another. The same is true for you. The question becomes - are we listening? Are we seeing?

Recently I’ve come in contact with situations where people feel that they are not growing under their current conditions.

What to do? These are situations where friends or family are concerned. People do not want to hurt others by moving forward so sometimes they just sit for the sake of peace.

Sometimes for the sake of peace we find ourselves in a place of complacency. Not growing, not moving forward…we are actually going backwards while the world around us is moving forward.

OK….so now you are sitting by quietly keeping the peace. You are feeling a bit anxious and want more but you are settled because it is comfortable and non-threatening.

So what is my message here – what is the Lord showing me….that we all need to grow. We need to break out of complacency and into a place of learning. Into a place of stepping out. Into a place of reaching higher and trusting in His guidance.

For some it may be best to keep the pace current but for others the pace must be picked up and run just a little harder or different.

A few years ago I was encouraged to move on with my life and my beliefs. I took heed and discovered truth for myself that I never realized before. I broke free of my then current situation and stepped forth. Freedom was found.

I’ve listened and talked with others who want to move on but wonder if they should. I say yes, move on. The desire has been placed in your heart and you must honor that. You are being called out – step forth into the goodness that God has for you.

Have you heard the expression, “lead, follow or get out of the way?” How true…make a stand…lead the group into a new area or let the ones go that need a change.

We are called to change. We are called to grow. We are called to reach higher and farther than we ever dreamed possible. Don’t sit in a ho-hum group rehashing the same old thing. God has bigger plans for you.

“JustAsk” what those plans may be. You may find that they are different from what you are currently doing. Enjoy your wonderful day. Nancy (

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Good Idea/Be still

Oh what a beautiful morning….yes it is…..Good morning,

There is beauty in each day and I am so grateful for it. How wonderful to open your eyes on each new morning knowing that each day is full of blessings and new mercies. Thank you Lord!

Today I want to share with you my thoughts on just being still.

Remember back to when you were a child and it was so hard to sit still? It may be just that hard for you as an adult but sitting still has many advantages.

Sitting still provides rest and comfort. It provides a peace of mind. It provides an opportunity for us to rejuvenate ourselves. It is a place to get quiet and listen for the answers.

There are so many times throughout the day I hear myself saying…"shhhh, be quiet for just a bit." The silence that I long for sometimes aches in my heart.

I want a place where I can go and find comfort in silence. I get the picture of NYC in my head….traffic, noise, too many people, talking, loud sirens, horns honking and tires screeching. Who can live in that?

What about the noise around you? Does it bother you? Does it keep you from being productive?

I remember when I was little and I use to ride in the car with my Mom. I would turn the radio up and try to talk with her. I now know why she always turned the radio down or off. Too much noise. At the time, it did not bother me…I loved all of the activity.

My kids do the same thing…radio up loud, conversation begins. I think to myself, “why do they talk to me now, I thought they wanted to hear the music.” So I do what any parent would do….I turn off the radio and say, “I thought you wanted to talk to me.” Up goes the radio. Maybe they didn’t want to talk to me after all.

When we are under pressure; we do too much don’t we? We run, we work, we wring our hands, we talk, talk, talk….how about being still?

In the NIV Bible, Psalm 46:10…"Be still and know that I am God." These are truly relaxing words.

Right here it says…be still…."Be still and know that I am God." This tells us that He is in control. We are not to fret over anything….be still….be quiet. Take rest and refuge in His word…He has this handled.

What a peaceful place to be. We do not need all of this noise, these pressures, these deadlines.

We get done what we can in the time we have and then that is it. Be still….it is out of your control.

Be still and listen for that still small voice which is guiding and directing you into good things

I have learned that there is no need for all of this excitement. When I took me out of it; I could sit back and be still. This is a wonderful place to be in.
It brings peace to me and I know that His peace is waiting for you if you “JustAsk”. The difference is in the asking. Nancy

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Good Idea/Something to do

Good morning everyone….

I’m not sure if my week is going fast or slow…I thought it was Thursday today. Then Sarah, my oldest daughter, reminded me that it is Wednesday. So do I slow down or speed up? I’m feeling a whirlwind here.

Speaking of whirlwinds…..George and I were discussing our schedules and we both felt a bit overwhelmed. It is at these times where we must “stop, drop and roll.”

Like so many other people we have a lot on our plates. Then we ask ourselves - without doing these things…where would we be? Have you asked yourself that?

Look around you….there is always something to do. George says that he cannot take a vacation at home because he would end up working all of the time. There is always something to do around the house. (Tell me about it!)

We mentioned that a few years ago we were just doing “our” thing. Our lives were not complicated by activities and commitments. The kids were still relatively young, under our constant care…not running here or there…..not many social engagements…not a lot of community involvement…not a lot of anything outside of our little world.

We thought that we were cruising just fine. Then our eyes opened up, our ears began to hear and life took on a whole new meaning.

All of a sudden life was so much more. Life is living. Life is loving. Life is sharing. Life is giving. Life is awesome!

Life is to share with others. Life is to explore the unknown. Life is to be lived in complete gratitude. Life is a gift from God - to be lived according to His design.

Sure without stepping out you can live a pretty content life. You will not have a lot of ups and downs….just a lot of the same ole’ same ole’.

You can set your clock by television shows, dinner and lunch times and bath times. You can be content sitting in your chair and watching the other guy do it.

We say to our kids all of the time…."Don’t just sit there watching the others do it, get out there and do it yourself."

Break free I say and take on what you never thought possible.

Would we go back to the way it use to be? No. Did we get more rest? Yes. Were we more content? I would probably use the word complacent.

We were pulled up and out of a self-centered life style. We have been shown a new way of living our lives. A new way of believing…we have been shown the truth.

On those evenings when we both crawl up the stairs; we are grateful for the opportunity to serve others. Another good day!

How about you? Are you making changes? Are you leading an exciting life full of opportunities to serve others? Or….do you live from one television show to the next?

There is a big plan for you if you “JustAsk” and wait for the answer. It is not up to us and our designs. Our designs are small but His are big.

There is such a difference when you step out and ask for more. Nancy

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Good Idea/Play it up

And a good morning to you….

I mentioned to George yesterday that I so enjoy going outdoors without a coat. How about you? Just get up and go don’t worry about the jacket. Then this past weekend I froze at night down by the shore. Ummmm, maybe I should carry a jacket no matter what.

My “Mom” tells me to take bread in the winter and a jacket in the summer! Great words of advice!

Today let’s talk about “playing it up.” You know, playing in an arena where the players are better than you are. Scary to some…being with the “big boys.”

I’ve felt a bit scared myself when I am faced with people who are more qualified than I am. I’m with them but not able to speak because I feel as if I’m under qualified.

What about playing sports – we tell our kids it is a good thing to “play up.” We gain experience, we learn to push ourselves a bit more…we stretch and that is good.

I have found out that it does no good to sit in a meeting, a locker room, the sidelines, or even a prayer group when you are not being stretched to do better, reach farther and want more.

Something must drive us. Something must reach deep down inside us and tell us that we want more. When we surround ourselves with “easy,” “comfortable,” we are not stretched. We are content. Who grows out of contentment?

So many times I’ve heard people complain that they are going “no where.” I ask them about the people they associate with. Who do you mingle with? Who do you have meetings with?

You will only go as far as the people whom you surround yourself with. Keep reaching for the distance. If your level of activity is sitting on the porch discussing the lives of others than that is where you will be.

What if you get off that porch and take a walk. Reach out – venture out – expect more – give more – want more – play with the “big boys.”

Someone once told me “I am where I am due to the people I swim in the river with.” I thought – that is great. So I ask you, who is in your river? Are they stretching you? Are you stretching them? Let their ceiling be your floor.

It is great to climb together. But take heed, before you climb with that person; be sure you know where they are climbing too. Maybe you are not to follow; but to lead. “JustAsk”.

I remember when my son Matthew started playing soccer….so cute….anyway, he played with a team that consisted of all little guys…then some left our team to play up. They are good players because they pushed themselves…they wanted more challenges…they became better and went on to challenge others.

Let that be a challenge for us…we need to challenge others to do better as we challenge ourselves to do and be better. “Play it up”…go for the gold…stretch yourself and demand more.

Let us not be complacent – let’s get back in the game, show em’ what we are made of and have tenacity to move forward. We must continue to wrestle and push forward until the blessings come. Now is not the time to sit back, now is the time to want more. Have a wonderful day and make the difference by “playing it up!” Nancy

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Good Idea/In a "huff"

Good morning…

How easy it is to shut off the alarm clock and return to sleep. Does this happen to you very often? How that throws us off when it happens. Even 10 minutes late will put on the pressure. But – it feels oh so good!

Today I want to share with you what I have been witnessing recently. I call it going off in a “huff.”

It happens in my home, on the street, in stores, in the workplace and over the phone. What is going off in a “huff” mean?

I see it as an abrupt end to something. I see it as stomping off, closing the door, hanging up, stomping up stairs, a lot of mumbling to ones-self and taking a stand of defense.

Just this morning I witnessed this during some sibling rivalry. A stand-off of sorts. One says…"mine"…the other says "mine." I’m taken back to Finding Nemo where the pelicans are fighting over eating Nemo-they say….mine, mine, mine. Too funny.

This past weekend while traveling I witnessed going off in a “huff” by drivers. These drivers did not want to let other cars in the line of traffic. Another stand-off. You could actually see the determination on the faces of these people as they tried to keep others from entering into traffic. Some actually went off in a “huff.” I just shake my head.

I’ve had people hang the phone up on me when they try to solicit money. I explain to them that I am involved in another area and that doesn’t go over very well. You can hear the “huff” in their voices as they slam the phone down. I then ask…who called who?

What about in the workplace? What type of a stand do we take? Do we pout, go off in a “huff” and do we take a deep breath and work it out? Why get angry I ask?

I understand why children go off in a “huff” because they are children. What about adults – what deep seed lingers there?

Here is where I scratch my head. Why do some choose to live in an area of strife when the peace that they are searching for is but a question away? “JustAsk” Do some people feel so stepped on that they will not give an inch to someone else?

By giving an inch to someone else – what do we think that we are giving up? Do we think that we will not arrive, we will not get what we are seeking or we are just angry people to begin with?

I am fully aware that there exists competition among people but if one chooses to live in harmony and love then the competition turns into creativity and that helps everyone out.

There is a place for everyone and each person has a right to be in it. Let’s not get in a “huff” just because that place or those words are not what we imaged them to be. Oops I better go now…I hear someone stomping up the stairs in a “huff.”

Can you imagine the difference that will be seen when we take the “huff” off of our faces and out of our stance? Enjoy your beautiful day. Nancy

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Good Idea/Presents

Good morning to all……

Has anyone noticed the look and feel of fall outside? Here it is July and I see leaves turning colors. How can this be? While driving east this past weekend I saw trees and bushes with yellow, red and orange leaves. I asked George…."How can this be?"

Then lo and behold, outside in my back yard a couple of my trees are turning their leaves. I’m thinking its harvest time. Yes!

I better get a move on it…..let’s start….

Recently we had a birthday celebration at my house. The thought came to me how time changes how we look at birthday presents. Now don’t get me wrong…I love a good pair of diamond earrings as much as the next girl…....but something changes the older we get.

I’m starting to think about water coolers, refrigerators with the ice and water dispenser on the outside, a weekend get-away. Ahhhh….dreams.

Then I look around the table and see bright eyes looking back at me. I say, “This is it.” It is not about the presents one receives it is about who is with you while you open those presents.

You examine what has been hand made and you see the deep love. You examine the cards and read each word as if to memorize them. You see and feel the love.

There was a time in my past when life changed in an instant. I took on a new understanding of celebrating life and celebrating the people in my life.

George jokes about the time he got a rocking chair for me for Christmas. Why did I get a rocking chair? I was pregnant and he thought the gift was most appropriate.

At the time I was a little hurt….you know I was expecting something a bit more personal. I finally softened up and spent much time in that rocker with my babies and now just by myself.

I look back on that gift and I say to myself….how insightful George was. He gave that from his heart knowing that I would get much enjoyment from it. He says he was being practical…I love him for that.

Now at this stage of my game….I’m looking for people whom I love to be with. People who mean the world to me that I want to share my time with. People whom I love dearly.

So whether one comes with a home made gift, a store wrapped gift with a beautiful bow or a long sincere hug….I’ll take it.

Remember we cannot take things with us….but we always have our memories of the ones who spent their time with us.

When I was a child; I thought like a child….I wanted new dolls, wagons, games…now as an adult; I think like an adult….now I want the love of the people around me…I want precious moments that can never be taken away…can never rust…can never be lost.

I thank you my beautiful family for loving me and supporting me. My greatest gifts have always been you! I’ll meet you around the rocking chair tonight. I love you.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Good Idea/Signs

Good morning everyone…..

I couldn’t believe my eyes this morning; I saw a white squirrel running across the road. I cannot remember ever seeing a white squirrel before. I looked up white squirrel on the Internet and discovered that yes they do exist; though not a common sight.

The article stated that what I saw was probably a variation of the Eastern Gray Squirrel. I was really taken by surprise. If you keep your eyes opened it is amazing what you just might see.

Speaking of seeing things….I want to talk about “signs” today. Your sign to be specific. My sign to be specific. I do not mean astrological signs…I mean the signs that you wear that define who you are. Do you wear signs?

Just the other day I was at a traffic light and I noticed the car in front of me covered in many bumper stickers. I almost missed the light because I was busy reading the back of their car.

I thought to myself, oh my gosh this is overload. I’m getting dizzy here just trying to keep up. I’m sure that you have seen cars like this or maybe that car is yours.

What about the clothes we wear? Who are you promoting on the front or back of yours? What do your clothes say about you? About what you believe in? About where you are going or where you have been?

The other day I saw a motorcyclist with a very descriptive t-shirt on. His message is not one that I care to repeat here or anywhere else. My son was with us and he said, “Hey do you see that guy’s t-shirt?” Ummm, yes we do.

What does that shirt say about him? If asked he may say, “It is funny.” Well maybe so to him but it tells something about his sense of humor and his lack of respect for others.

OK, let’s look at clothing lines…how many of us where clothes with logos on the front or the back. We advertise the fact that we agree with a certain designer of clothing. We may not know much about their personal beliefs but we like what they produce.

Nothing is wrong with that I say but is advertising their name really what you want to do? Promote their business…and what kind of a business do they have?

I know of some people who will only carry certain designer brands of purses; only wear certain designer brands of clothes, shoes, make-up…the list goes on and on.

I’ve never been one to chase after a brand name. I’m more than content to shop at a store with affordable prices and good quality merchandise. I do not feel the need to advertise someone else on my body.

I believe in being myself, showing who I am. It is rare that I will wear something that advertises another. I just think that before we advertise another’s works; we better know a lot about them or we may get grouped with their beliefs.

If you are all about brand names – then wear them proudly; if not, be yourself and show your true colors. Who has God made you to be? What does your “sign” say about you? There is only one you.

You can find that answer in your heart. You will display that in your daily walk. You will not need a sign around your neck. People will see you coming just from the glow that surrounds you.

So if you like the designer label stuff and you need labels how about creating one for yourself. You can only be sure of yourself and what your beliefs are. I better go now; I have a line of “ Nancy ” clothes to design. I’m going to start with shoes!!! Now that’s different. Nancy

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Good Idea/Shoe to drop

Good morning to all…..

Things are quiet at my house today….my youngest is on her own vacation. It is something how the absence of just one person makes the biggest difference in our lives.

Have you ever heard the expression, “I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop?” I’ve heard this expression a lot and recently I started thinking about it. Why? I haven’t a clue but I thought that I should write about it.

When good things happen to some people they start looking for the crack in the wall instead of embracing the good.

They are waiting to see what happens next so they miss out on the blessing. Why do some of us do that?

Do we not believe in the good…have we seen so much bad that we cannot fathom something good happening? Why be so negative?

Some would say “bad luck.” I do not believe in luck…be it good or bad. Some say Murphy’s Law….who is this Murphy guy and why go by his law? I live by a greater law which provides comfort and joy.

We make our own way by what we desire, believe in and strive for. Good things are handed down from up above by God so ask for them, believe in them and receive them.

To look for the negative “shoe to drop” is not the right thing to do. Why? Because when you look for it…you find it.

You will find anything that you look for. So why look to the negative? When good things happen, be grateful for them, expect for more to happen and rejoice in the receiving.

We have so many expressions, don’t we? Think about them….are they productive ones or non-productive ones. Do they encourage you forward or do they sit you back down?

We say so many things without even thinking about the ramifications. We say words just because we are use to them.

As some of you may know I grew up with a wonderful Mom who had some great expressions….I get such a big kick out of remembering them and applying them to my life. I also know that I need to take some of them with a grain of salt and just remember the memories and not live by all of that “wisdom.”

It may be time to check our choice of words and revamp our way of thinking and talking.

So do I look for the other “shoe to drop?” No – I look for the opportunities to make a difference and I thank God for His blessings.

Gifts and blessings need to be received with no strings attached…only gratefulness in receiving them. Don’t look at something good and turn it into something bad. We must remember it is what you make of it.

If we keep looking for the other “shoe to drop” we may end up barefoot! I like shoes - that is not the difference that I want to make. Enjoy your day! Nancy

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Good Idea/Fine print

Good afternoon and here we are…..

Time is traveling faster and faster these days…how can this be??? I was thinking this morning that I “use” to get it all done by 12 Noon – what has happened here? I believe that a few hours have been taken away from me. Is that possible??

It really doesn’t matter – what matters is that here we are and time to start sharing….

This weekend while we were traveling down the friendly streets to Jersey , I saw a billboard which spoke out against “puppy mills.”

I’ve seen these billboards before but never have I seen them the way I did this weekend. This time I read the fine print. If referenced how puppies cannot cry out because their voices have been taken away.

I said, “What?” It took a while for me to understand and absorb this. I ask who would do this? Why would someone do this?

I’m now dealing with two issues…number one – that there are puppy mills and number two – their voices are removed. Seriously I ask again…."what" and "what for?"

Then I started thinking about the voices that we do not hear. The people that try to talk and we silence them because we don’t want to hear what they are saying. We think that what we have to say is more important. We want to dominate.

How many times do we do this? I’ve seen children and even adults start to talk and someone on purpose talks right over them. Now sometimes this happens accidentally and those times can be overlooked but not when someone is dominating the conversation.

When a person is hushed enough they will shut down and not speak again. Then it is funny when someone makes the comment, “they are so quiet.” I wonder why????

The talking over part has happened to me from time to time so I tried an experiment…I kept talking even when someone was talking over me. I thought I’m going to see how long I can keep this up before the other person stops. Guess who stopped first…me.

I couldn’t even hear myself think. When that happens it is best to back off, re-group and wait upon the Lord to open the conversation door again.

When some of us speak it may mean a crying out for help, understanding, love, compassion, praise or encouragement. If we continue to talk over others how will we ever know what they need or feel?

It is time to get quiet and remember that each of us should have an equal chance to speak and relate to each other.

Dominating conversations should not even be considered a conversation. Doesn’t it take more than one to converse? I think so.

So this puppy thing – now what about that? Oh my there are some things that I just refuse to wrap myself around and that is one of them. I pray for God’s protection over these little ones.

Isn’t it funny that it is only when we read the fine print do we realize what is being said. So I will state this loud and clear – AND BIG….I pray a wonderful day over you, a day full of enlightenment and favor…enjoy all that you do and read the fine print – it may make the difference. Nancy

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Good Idea/Depth of Intensity

Good Monday morning….

As I sit here preparing to share with you this morning; I am reminded of how thankful we need to be. I realize that I mention “thankfulness” quite often but some need to be reminded on a daily basis that life in itself alone is a gift which must be celebrated.

This comes to mind as I hear people yelling at each other….I hear people yelling at pets…..I ask, do you really want to start your day this way? Some of us just need to be reminded of what we have, who we have and whose we are.

George and I were talking a few days ago and we got on the subject of “depth of intensity.” This is how it came up…..

I was mentioning coffee and how some coffees have more intensity of flavor, more boldness and richness over some others. The same is true with wine. I’m not quite as familiar in this area but I’ve heard others speak of bouquets, intensity and depths of wine.

There are some establishments where I will not get coffee because it leaves me drinking something flat, without texture, without “depth of intensity.” I’m just drinking some dark water with cream. Yuck!

Right after we talked about my coffee thoughts….I went to “depth of intensity” on a personal level.

What about our personal “depth of intensity?” What lies deep down inside each of us? How far does our compassion, belief, love, integrity, honesty, truth and flavor go?

Do we just look good on the outside – full of whipped cream, steaming goodness and a warning that says…."Careful, may be hot to handle?"

If we are passionate about our beliefs and convictions then we better not only say “Careful, may be hot to handle”…we better feel it all the way down to our inner most being.

I am passionate about a few things. Really???? HA HA…Do I keep talking about them? Ummm, probably so. I often wonder if people go the other way when I approach. It’s like being a vacuum salesman…"I already have one!"

When you love something, when you are full of joy and excitement; it just runs through your veins and becomes who you are. You have a “depth of intensity” about you that everyone notices.

You walk through a room shining in the light of knowing whose you are, what you are made of and knowing that you are true down to your toes. No pretense, no trying to impress anyone because you are secure in yourself and you are walking out your beliefs. How great is that????

I just love passion. I just love being filled with the passion of truth. “Depth of intensity” there are many layers to go through and oh so filling.

I pray this day finds you full of deep down intensity. Be intense over your passions, your dreams, your beliefs and your love. You will shine because you are sure that you are going to make a difference. Nancy

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Good Idea/"Shhh, not yet"

Good morning to all….

I’m feeling all excited this morning…all “raring” to go. You know the feeling, something inside is filling you up with such joy that you just want to sing it out from the highest rooftop. I’ve been told that one day I will get my chance.

So until then…let’s talk about having something to say and not being able to speak of it until the appropriate time. How hard is that? I hate keeping something to myself that I am so excited about. I’m not good at keeping secrets so don’t tell me one. I just want to share, share and share. Maybe that is why I’m not a party planner!

Let’s take for instance a surprise party – the invitation says…."shhhh, it’s a secret"....are you kidding me? Don’t get me near the person – I just want to shout in joy that there is something fun coming your way.

When we try so hard not to say something, what happens…we say something! I’m just better off not knowing in some cases.

The more we continue to hold back the more difficult it becomes. This excitement that we feel is so real and genuine that it has to have an outlet.

We feel so passionate about something that we feel a need to talk about it to others. I have found out however that my timing is not always the best time.

Plans have been made, timing has been set so it is imperative that we follow the rules and not run ahead of the scheduled events.

What happens when we do run ahead…when we speak out of turn…when we blow the top off? We quiet possibly ruin the surprise, the event and the outcome.

We must wait for direction. We must not babble out of excitement. I’m learning, I’m learning!!!

I hear others speak and they will say, “we must not tell so and so or it will ruin the surprise.” “Let’s not tell so and so and it will be a surprise.”

The realization is that everything has its own timing. If we are made privy to it before it happens…we should probably ask if we can speak of it before the great reveal.

In our lives we are given direction and when we “JustAsk” for further instruction then we will know how to operate. We will know when to speak and run and jump for joy.

Until then – until I’m given clearance to speak…I will wait patiently and bite the inside of my mouth! To quote my Sister Charlene….."Put a sock in it." Wonderfully put Sis.

So here’s to keeping quiet in the times you are told to. Here’s to speaking out joyfully when you are released to do so. Oh happy day!

I pray that each and every one of you enjoy a most beautiful weekend. How does the saying go…."Speak now or forever hold your peace"....there will come a time and when it does – the difference will be made. Nancy

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Good Idea/In-Laws

Good afternoon everyone….

I made every effort to “get down to business” this morning as usual….HA HA HA!!! I just love when a curve ball gets thrown my way. I have learned to just duck and keep going.

It reminds me of when I was walking out of the garage and hit my head on the bottom of the garage door as it was going up. Now how does that happen??? Am I taller now than I remembered? Is the garage door slowing down? Am I getter faster? (No, I don’t think so.) I tried to get out in a timely fashion just like this morning but something else was waiting for me. (Do you know how many times I have washed my hair just because I have thought about what the garage door smashes on the ground when it closes. YUCK!!!)

I’m back and ready to go….

I want to share with you my thoughts on proper titles for people in our lives. I mean the titles of our “In-Laws” our “Sister-In-Laws” our “Brother-In-Laws,” Aunts, Uncles, Cousins….etc…

Sometimes those titles leave me cold, how about you? To say “In-Law” just seems cold to me. To say Aunt, Uncle, or Cousin…that seems cold to me.

So what do we use when we are speaking of someone close to us but maybe not a blood relative?

I’m sure many of us have people close to us that we do not want to refer to by “In-Law” or “Cousin.” These people are more like biological parents, biological sisters and brothers. I do struggle with this sometimes.

I feel a closeness to my In-Laws and using their proper title just doesn’t feel right to me. Does anyone else feel this way???

So I can say my Mom and Dad – yet will others know the difference from my biological Mom and Dad verses my In-Laws?

It is like using the words, “I’m sorry” or “I love you.” We use these words so often these days that I think we loose the depth of their meaning. Same as using In-Laws.

I’ve even heard people call In-Laws , Out-Laws….not good. I thank God for blessing me with a Mom and Dad from my husband that I truly love and respect and thank.

Look here – a double blessing by having 2 sets of parents. Both equally loved and admired and respected. Yes….blessings galore!

Have you been blessed by have non-blood relatives? That is a term which my son came up with yesterday to describe very good friends of ours. “Non-blood relatives” you know who you are and you know that you are special.

We are really all related from the beginning of time. Some of us are from here and some of us are from there. Shall we embrace each other and call each other family…blood or not…and rejoice for we have been blessed.

So I say to you sister, brother, mom and dad…you are special to me, I pray for His blessings over each and every one of you and most importantly….Stay Out Of My Room! Ha – that is something different for me. Nancy

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Good Idea/Riches

Hello my friends….

Don’t you love it when your mind kicks into gear and reminds you that you have something to do? That happened to me this morning. While enjoying my morning walk, deep into thanksgiving, enjoying the “Son” on my face….that still small voice spoke to me and said….."Appointment at 9AM…it is 8:31AM." Oops! Thank you Lord!

So here I am….let’s start….

I want to talk about riches. Riches of all kinds. In friends, in love, in faith, in money, in health, in joy, in peace, in laughter, in generosity and in family. Riches of all kinds.

Some folks believe that they are rich once they hit it big. That could be in the stock market, the lottery, stamp collecting, their ol’ Uncle Charlie passing away or their favorite horse crossing the finish line first.

What makes people rich? I say it is whatever someone’s perception of rich is. When I say rich, what do you think of? Diamonds and gold, health and happiness? It could be so many things.

What about the type of person you are? Does that make you rich?

Now let’s think about the word “rich.” It could mean prosperity. It could also mean depth of texture. Richness in its feel. “It feels rich.” Meaning luxurious, deep, warm, subtle, ohhhhh – I’m seeing a mink (not real) rug!

You get the picture. Rich as in depth of brilliance. So rich that one exudes brilliance. As brilliant as a diamond shines.

So you may ask, huh? I’m talking about the richness which lies inside ones being. I’m talking about the richness of family which makes us happy. The richness of friends which makes us happy. The richness of faith which saves us.

An 1800’s controversial preacher and lecturer said, “He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has.” Henry Ward Beecher

I guess that kinda’ takes the lottery thing out of the picture doesn’t it? Rich, it is about us as a person…not what we have, what we use, or how we spend it. Rich, it is about what we have inside us and what we do with that.

True value comes from the depths of our hearts. Not what is parked in our garage or what we put into our stomachs? Sure all of these things are fine and wonderful but to measure a true person’s richness – one must look on the inside and find out what you are made of.

You may not have the best or the most expensive car on the block but if that car runs you to places where you minister to others….where you show others that you care – then you and your car are rich indeed.

So our things make us pretty and comfortable and full but if our things do not make us real, loving and caring – then no matter what we have; we are NOT rich.

Enjoy the “richness” of your day. I pray you discover your wealth; the richness inside of you so that no matter where you are you are feeling the “richness” of His presence. Nancy

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Good Idea/Time to care!

Good morning to all…..

I pray that you have welcomed in your day with thanksgiving. It is a wonderful way to start out. Being grateful from the start – now there’s a set-up!

Today I want to ask a question or two….Does it really matter how we treat each other? Does a little kindness go a long way? Does going the extra mile really make a difference?

George and I have pondered these questions; so I wanted to pose them to you. How do you feel when someone gives a little extra? Do you remember them, does it make a difference in how you perceive them, and does it make an impression on you?

I would like to think that we give “it” our all. We go the extra mile. We give without expecting to get. Why do we do this???? Because it is the right thing to do.

How do you feel knowing that someone has gone the distance and them some for you? I think that it makes us feel wonderful and special, doesn’t it?

We feel blessed when someone actually cares enough to put that extra rose on the cake for us. We are blessed when a neighbor picks up our trash cans because they were blowing down the street.

We are blessed when a cashier pulls a penny out of the “give one/take one” area and says, “Here let’s use this”…as you are scrambling to find that one extra penny in the bottom of your purse or pocket.

George and I have declared that “now is the time to care!”

Our time of being nonchalant should come to an end. Our time of not caring should cease to exist.

When we are delivering something – deliver it with love. When returning a plate, put something “yummy” on it. That says, “thank you and here is a treat for you!”

Let’s get to the point where courtesies are occurring everywhere. We all do it – we all give it – we all expect it. We are all grateful for it and will not take it for granted.

“Now is the time to care.” Now is the time to show that you care.

A very good friend of mine gave a beautiful Bible to me this weekend. He cares so much that he had the Book engraved in gold for me. He could have written in the Book but he took the time and spent the extra money to have it engraved in gold. Why, because he cares and wanted to go the extra mile. He made it more special than it was.

This is what I am talking about – making someone feel special because you gave just a little more of yourself. It really doesn’t cost us anything…maybe a deposit of love out of your heart – but what is the cost – more love for you in return! How wonderful.

If I could physically reach each of you today – I would put a love note in your pocket that reads…."Today I’m thinking of you and praying that this makes a difference…in His love, Nancy " (Let this serve as your pocket.)

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Good Idea/Vendors

Good morning to you….

Here we are sitting at the end of another week. Wasn’t it just Monday not too long ago? It is funny, we measure our weeks by our activities. For instance; 2 basketball practices, 2 basketball games, numerous appointments, dinners to cook, number of trips to the grocery and oh yea don’t forget conversations with loved ones. Well, that takes care of one week. Now the next….I think that it is time to make some memories here!

Oh well, let’s get work started shall we?

George and I have been blessed to experience life from both sides of the desk. By that I mean we are business owners plus we have a vending type business. So we are on both sides of the desk. The perspective is wonderful when you take the time to look at it.

As a business owner you have so much time to allot to vendors. You work your day around making appointments to see people. We spend time with other associates but what about the person who has something to offer your Company in the way of vending.

Do we spend any time with that person? Do we care? Do we hurry them in and out of our offices with a yeah, yeah, yeah. I think sometimes we do. Sometimes we are too busy to even hear what the vendor has to say.

We admit that we need this vendor but we do not want to spend any time with them hearing how they got to be where they are…let alone hear about the business. We just want SERVICE!!!

HA HA…sound like anyone you know? Since George and I have seen both sides we sincerely attempt not to be the type of people who rush others out without hearing what they have to say. You know, everyone has a story.

We, as the vendor, had an appointment once at a large facility that was looking forward to hearing more about what we have. Or so we thought.

Everyone was cordial but you could tell rushed. We laid out our information and proceeded to tell something about our business. The more George got into it the more you could see the person we were talking with squirming. What do “they” say about body language???

I felt like saying to George….hurry up….gotta’ go…..but I did not. My thought was we have a set appointment and we are going to see this through. We have worked hard on this business, we are proud of its product and we are going to take the time allotted to us to talk about why you need it. There you go.

After this experience we looked at ourselves and made a check to see if this is what we do….I believe that we do not. I believe since we know how it feels; we give each person due time to talk and not show our rush in our body language.

I think we need to keep in mind that what each person does is important to them. It doesn’t matter if you sit on the highest board in the office or you clean the bathrooms. Each job is important and necessary. Each person should take their job seriously and be respectful of the other.

The same holds true when a vendor comes in with an appointment. They quite possibly have something you want….or you wouldn’t have made the appointment.

Be professional, be courteous, be kind and remember we need each other to make this world go round. What a difference…WHEW – no more struggling! Nancy (By the way, we got the account.)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Good Idea/Inside Out

Good morning my friends…..

Today I want to jump right in and talk about “living from the inside out.” Not from the “outside in.”

There is a big difference you know. When we live from the “inside out” we live from our hearts, from love, from truth….when we live from the “outside in” we live in a warped sense of reality.

The “outside” would have you believe that there is no hope. That there is only despair. That there is constant struggle and strife. That you are not going to make it.

When you live from the “inside out” you live with hope, truth and acceptance. There is no fear, you are accepted, and you have a way. Despair does not hold you captive.

You see life as it is supposed to be lived. You see life as it was originally designed to be. To see others the way God sees them; from the “inside out ” You will see others who are loving, kind, and full of promise and hope.

We all struggle every day of our lives with “what shall I do” about this or that. We see what the world has to offer and attempt to solve our issues with what the outside forces demand of us.

It has been my experience that when we do this; we end up creating more issues than we started with. In the past, I like so many others had lived my life from the “outside in.” I did not know any better at the time. I believed that I was doing the right thing….heck everyone else was doing it so why not me?

I looked to outside sources for answers. I looked to outside sources for the cure. I looked to outside sources for approval.

I now tell you that I do not do that so much anymore. It is a process like so many other things. I had to open my eyes and discover that I had it in me all along. I had the ability to reach inside myself and “JustAsk” for guidance and grace and love.

Living from the “inside out” delivers peace….delivers His peace and understanding. We may not always get the approval from the outside….but I ask you, does that really matter?

When we live from the “inside out” we can truly love others. We can tell them that we love them because we truly feel it. We are not looking for approval; we are looking to extend love to others.

George and I discuss this often. We say that it is not head knowledge that makes the way but it is heart knowledge.

May I encourage each of us today to look to the inside and live from the heart…the heart where love grows. We do not need to impress, we do not need to conquer, and we do not need to seek approval. We need to see each other as we are. The same way God sees us which is in love.

There are so many flowers blooming inside each of us….have you watered yours today? Buckets of blessings on all who read this and may the difference start on the inside. Nancy

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Good Idea/Reputation

Good morning to all…..

As I stepped outside this morning to perform my morning ritual of kissing and hugging and waving goodbye to my daughter and husband….I breathed in the goodness of the morning and felt the sun on my face. I thanked God that I was alive. What a wonderful morning!

Today I want to talk about the things that we do. The things that we do not give much thought to but might have a big impact on how we are perceived. What our character says about us. Are we loose, are we aware of our actions, are we reserved, are we loud and boisterous or are we quiet and caring?

Do we care about what we do today that might influence tomorrow? Do we care that we post pictures on the Internet which might be questionable?

We may say, “Oh no big deal…we were just having fun.” Well that fun which you just posted could possibly have consequences.

What about the days or evenings spent in questionable places? Will you be seen coming or going? Is this what you want to be known for?

In everyone’s life we have had moments of “stupidity.” Really, it is true. I remember back to the times when I thought…."what was I thinking?" That was the problem…I wasn’t thinking.

Was it due to immaturity – lack of experience…probably so. At these times we tend to make bad decisions – decisions based on feelings not thoughts.

As we mature; the natural tendency would be to grow up and become responsible for our actions. Some of us make it; some of us don’t.

Every where we go people observe us and our actions. We are “sized” up so to speak and judged from there. What are you giving off? Do you care? Some do not care. Some say, “that is just who I am.” …. Something about an old tree and bending…???

We leave behind a reputation – what does yours say about you? When it is all said and done…will you say “If only I knew that momentary pleasures could ruin a reputation for a lifetime, I would have found the strength to say no to temptation.” (If Only I Knew by Lance Wubbels)

When we have the chance it is good to look back then look ahead and find out if your actions of the past will give a good account of who you are.

We’ve lost several “high profile” people over the last couple of weeks…what did their reputation say about them? What are they remembered for?

I know that I want to be remembered as someone who cared; someone who wanted to make a difference; someone who loved others.

“If we only knew”….we might do things differently, wouldn’t we? You know, it is not all about what people think of us when we are gone…really… is it about what you are known for today? Do you draw people to you or turn them away?

The difference will not be made when you are gone…the difference will be made today. Nancy

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Good Idea/Privilege to work

Oh happy day! Good morning….

“Just another day in paradise.” I believe that some people mean that in a derogatory way; I do not. I am so thankful for the beauty that I see and the peace that I feel.

While walking this morning I realized (once again) how blessed I am just to be able to walk outdoors, breathe in clean air and feel the warmth of the Son on my face. These are blessings which a lot of us may take for granted or overlook because it is common place.

And…..that leads me into what is on my heart – The privilege of working. Yes, the privilege of working.

I have a friend who is fighting for freedom in Iraq . He is there to protect and serve. He has been called out for duty in a place that is outside of our comforts. I am almost SURE that he would rather be at home living a comfortable lifestyle with his family and getting in his car everyday to drive to his “work.” I’m sure he thinks about it and longs for it.

Then we have others who grumble all the way out the door thinking about their “stinkin’” jobs and how they hate to go to work. True….I am sure everyone knows someone who does this on a daily basis.

What about the person, who is bedridden, disabled or handicapped in one way or another – how many of them would like to get up and go to their jobs?

If you can get up and get out – how blessed you are. It is a privilege to work, earn money for your family and be productive in society.

I hear some people talk harshly about the type of work they do, how much they “don’t” get paid, how they cannot sleep in, go to the gym, watch television…I say, “do not grumble.” At least you have a job and if you are unhappy in that job…look for another one.”

How many of us know people who are happy in a miserable place? I’m sure a lot of us do. It is obvious these people like to grumble. These may be the people who take blessings for granted because they are “common place.”

I’ve never known where life has “owed” me anything. I owe my life something. I was given this life to produce love and life. I am thankful for the opportunity to work and make a difference.

What about you….did you grumble as you got up this morning, as you took a nice shower, as you ate breakfast, as you left for work, as you pulled up in the parking lot? Let’s be grateful – it could be worse – you could be in full military dress; the temperature is 110 degrees and your car is a rolling tank.

God has placed you where you are and it is up to you to do the best that you can. Embrace it, work it and we must be so thankful for it.

Be sure to smile while driving and I promise you – people will look at you and wonder why you are so happy. You will just laugh because you know that a difference has just been made. Nancy

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Good Idea/Balanced Life

Good morning to all….

This morning I started the day by ushering out a few family members….one by one they left to fulfill their daily obligations. I realize more and more that it is not the “job” we have or where we go; it is what we do with that job and what we do where we go.

I kiss each one goodbye, even walk them out, wave about a million times (not kidding!) and bless each one with daily blessings.

It is so easy to touch upon each other with words of blessing. We say “I love you.” “Have a wonderful day.” “I can’t wait to see you later on.” And my favorite…."Did you leave any money for me on the desk?" (HA HA …a blessing to myself!)

Today I want to share with you my thoughts on living a balanced life. Let’s look at our lives and examine whether or not we are in balance.

Oops….not me. How about you? Living a balanced life is something which we should strive for. (Not strive as in anxiousness but in praying in forward.)

Let’s look at what we have to work with…, immediate and extended, career, social life, church life, domestic/yard work, raising our children, taking care of our pets, etc……(I need a nap.)

When we allow our lives to get out of balance as we sometimes do; our unbalanced life comes back to do us harm. We end up sick, tired, anxious, upset, a little cranky, and disoriented and quiet.

Are you taking care of others and not yourself? We can get caught up in this thinking that we are the only ones who can care for someone else. That is not so. Even if you get someone to help out for a few hours – then you can take care of you. Recharge, restart….become refreshed and renewed.

Getting balance back into our lives is not easy. We have experienced this ourselves. All of a sudden you are in a position of “doing too much” and you wonder how you are going to get out from under the pressure.

I truly believe that God does not intend for us nor want us to run around like our hair is on fire. He wants balance in our lives….He wants to balance your life.

A friend once told me to be careful with what I say “yes” to. I’m the type of person who says “yes” to almost everything. “Sure I can do that…” “Not a problem, when do you want me?” Then I wonder what has happened!

So what have I done? I have scrambled my life up more and the juggling act begins. Someone or something will fall and normally it is me.

Of course when I fall, as a Mom, everything else falls. I take it with me. Not a good thing to do.

Living a balanced life is a quality of life that I look for. We do not need to be running crazy doing one thing in excess while trying to hold up the other ends.

So let’s not do too much of one thing and neglect others. What is important? What absolutely needs to be done? That’s it….start your day out putting it all in order then the picture becomes crystal clear. “JustAsk” for help and direction and your life will be made right.

I better run now; I have a plate to catch before it falls….I need to make a difference. Nancy