Friday, May 29, 2009

The Good Idea/LOL

Good morning everyone….

I woke up this morning wondering why this week has felt so long. Then I realized that it is Friday and not Thursday so I felt a little better.

When we come off of a holiday weekend sometimes we get all messed up just by having that Monday off. You would think that by going through this year after year I would adjust. (I’m sure that my Mama would have had a saying for this one!)

And….this brings me to the topic of life going WAY TOO FAST!!! For instance, what is with the text messaging language? Seriously I do not get it and I’m not sure that I will.

Oh, I try to have fun just like the next person but I’m getting lost in all of the letters. Here’s an example…..George and I thought we would be “with it” by using some of these letters in our e-mails to each other.

We use LOL. One day our kids saw it and asked us if we knew what LOL means? We said, “Sure, it means lots of love!” We were so proud of ourselves; we just beamed for being in “the know.”

Well my kids are still laughing. They informed us that LOL means laugh out loud. Not only do we “not know” but our kids are still laughing at us. That is OK because we still use LOL because we still “lots of love” each other.

I’m telling ya’ we are all going too fast. How about real talk with each other not these letters which obviously some of us misinterpret. It is called conversation and we all need real talk. We all need to be understood and that takes real talk.

How about slowing down? We race from one store to the next, from one sports related activity to the next, from one job to the next, from one meal to the next and the race goes on and on.

Then at the end of the day when we should have real family time; we find ourselves asleep at the table or on the couch because we have already given the best of ourselves to things that REALLY DO NOT MATTER!!!

I met with a friend of mine a few days ago and she just fell into my arms saying how very tired she was. My heart broke for her. Where is her enjoyment in life? She is as tired as many of us are. We are failing to enjoy this journey called life.

Are we meant to run on a hamster wheel? Did God create us just to be robots that race from one thing to the other? I believe not. So what if we miss an activity or two….so what?

Truly a difference in our lives will be made when we slow down, enjoy and be thankful for our beautiful world that God gave to us and live a real life with our family and friends. I don’t want to miss a single blessing that God has for me….how about you? LOL Nancy

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Good Idea/Bad Words

Good morning to all…..

We started our day today ushering cars around for inspection. It is always fun to juggle schedules, cars and routines just to make sure that a car is available at home to drive.

Then later on I get to pick up one car at one garage and drop another one off at a different garage. This will be interesting….! You know, bicycles are not a bad way to go!

I want to share with you something she said, he said, they said…what? You know when you ask someone a question and you get well…”she said,” or “he said,” or “they said,” what about what YOU said?

How often we pass the “buck” because of what others supposedly said. We ask each other and even our children…well what was said? We hear a lot of what others have said but I ask again…."What did YOU say?" Hummmm – a question to ponder.

I just love deciphering these types of conversations. You get a feeling like you are at a tennis match trying to watch the ball being hit from one side to the next.

It is not so much what the other person or persons have said; it is about what you have said. You are accountable to you and to the others around you.

“Bad words” have been brought to my attention recently. Oh my, how people use “bad words.” Now what is the point here?

Attending basketball games I hear some “bad words” from the coaches. These words are spoken on the side lines and sometimes thrown out onto the court. Come on coaches, we have children present.

I’ve also heard teachers speak some “bad words” in front of their students. Come on teachers, there are children present. Parents….we have children present. Grown-ups there are other people present.

Take responsibility for what comes out of our mouths. Maybe it is not what “she said,” “he said” or “they said”….maybe it is what we have said.

Some ears are still tender and I pray that they stay that way. We do not need to pollute our hearing chambers with trash.

So the next time someone feels like shouting out a “bad word,” say instead…"Well I’ll be a monkey’s Uncle."

When my Matthew heard this he asked, “Why would anyone want to be a monkey’s Uncle?” Not only do you sound silly but you have just asked a silly question.

I’m taking responsibility here and saying….have a wonderful day, put your cares aside, believe in yourself and know that there are brighter days to come. (And it really doesn’t matter what “they say!”) I’m on my way to making a difference. Nancy

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Good Idea/Perceiving

Good morning everyone…

I pray that you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. It all goes so fast, doesn’t it? I remember looking into the weekend and wondering how am I going to get all of this done? Then I looked at the weekend from Sunday night and said, “It is finished.”

Something has been brought to my attention recently and that is how we perceive others to be. How we perceive their situations. How we react to how we perceive others to be.

Appearances…how different they are. Some people come in well dressed and groomed for the day. Others enter a little less polished but still acceptable in certain circles. Then some enter and well needless to say, they need a little work in the “presentable” area.

How do we react to such differences? Do we openly accept the well groomed person and shun the less “presentable” person? My Mama used to say, “It doesn’t matter how I am dressed, they still take my money.”

I know that we are all guilty of this. I myself have made a wider turn just to give others more space. We do not like to look at dirt, messy appearances or less then perfumed up individuals.

But have we asked ourselves…how did someone get to be like they are? Maybe we judge too quickly. Maybe just maybe there is a lesson to be learned in this person. Maybe just maybe God has sent this person to touch your heart.

Compassion – where does our compassion for others rank on the scale? How high does your compassion meter flow? We all need compassion – we all should give compassion.

“A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25

We mustn’t be calloused by what we see on television or hear over the radio. My goodness, people are suffering, people are hurting and people are lost. If that is you I pray that you find your peace through JustAsking.

If you are full of compassion then give compassion to one who looks troubled, down and out or maybe less groomed than you. Appearances are deceiving, aren’t they?

We are in a time where people need people. People are searching and I pray that the light they find is within you where God and compassion dwell.

The time to reach out is now before too many people drift away. It is true, there are questions but wouldn’t it be great to be one of the people who have been blessed with the answers. JustAsk…what a difference it will make. Nancy

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Good Idea/Overwhelmed

Good morning…..

Another glorious day, wouldn’t you agree? I was once asked (OK maybe more than once.) if I ever think a day is not glorious or wonderful or bright or beautiful….sure I do. I just can’t remember when. It is difficult to see darkness when you live in a rainbow!

I’ve been talking with people who feel overwhelmed and one of them could have been you. Overwhelmed, a feeling many of us have these days.

We have many good intentions of doing what is asked of us. We want to give, to share in our activities, to run our children all over the place and to be all to our families.

Is this too much? Does this make us feel overwhelmed? You bet it does. We talk of slowing down don’t we? We say no more, I’m not going to volunteer for another thing. Then what do you do? You volunteer because it will not take up too much time.

This weekend we had hoped for a “nice stay around the house” kind of Holiday…maybe get some needed rest and maybe even work in the yard…(I say on my tan.)

Then we find ourselves out of town all day Saturday at a Soccer tournament, scrambling to clean the house for a party on Sunday and maybe a “quick” trip to Jersey on Monday.

I ask….."ARE YOU KIDDING ME????" The answer was no so I will make the best of it and look at my rainbow.

Overwhelmed….let’s try not to be. Let’s enjoy some time together with our family or even family and friends. Don’t worry about those dust bunnies in the corner…they run when they see people anyway.

If you have sporting events to attend…pack some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chips, drinks, chocolate chip cookies and make a picnic.
Many times it is not where we are but who we are with.

Enjoy your Holiday weekend and relax…we can get back to the schedules next week. Now that will be different. Nancy

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Good Idea/Rationalizing

Good beautiful morning!

The windows are open; the soft breeze is blowing through and the sound of birds in flight echo in my ears. I am a writer sitting at a Mahogany desk on the third floor overlooking the scenic gardens with a clear, crisp pool down below.

There is a gentle swaying of tree tops undisturbed by the city sounds. The horses in the distance are gracefully galloping around showing their love of the day. AHHHH!!! This is so nice.

Really? Actually I’m watching the recycling truck pick up the stuff for today….I hear the beeping of that back-up thingy telling us to watch out. And the only animal I see outside is a stray cat walking in and out of my flower beds. Sometimes reality can take all the fun out of life!

Oh well, let’s begin. Today I want to talk about rationalizing. We all do it, don’t we? We all do it from time to time just to make the situation work out for us. But is it the right thing to do?

How many ways can you spell NO? Are there really shades of gray? Is it always black and white?

We’ve even had some Presidents justify their actions just to make it acceptable for them to break the rules. Many, many people do this.

What brought this to mind is a story that I am involved in performing for children where I stretch the truth…rationalizing a situation to make it work for me. I do something that I shouldn't do, but do it in such a way that I try to get pass the word “NO.”

A great lesson to learn, don’t you think? We have all at one point or another said to our children or someone close to us or has been asked of us….what part of NO don’t you understand? There is a right way to do things and a wrong way.

Sometimes temptation is so strong that we do stop for a moment to pause and think. Then if we are in the right frame of mind; if our belief system is where it should be then we understand our boundaries and we do not try to rationalize.

Oh the perfect world! We can strive for perfection. We can live to make a difference. Let’s start in our own lives…what a great beginning. Nancy

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Good Idea/Laughing

Good morning and HA HA HA….

Today has been a day full of laughter for me. What a great way to begin everything; in laughter. Laughter is so very good for the soul. Laughter brightens our eyes, increases our smile and is very contagious.

Now first let me start off by saying that I have permission from my daughter to share this with you…so here goes….

This morning we had an appointment to get her car fixed. I told her where we were going and she said OK…I’ll leave first then you follow. Now know this, we have been to this mechanic more than once…more than I care to think about….so she knows where it is located.

But what happens? She goes to another mechanic and gets out of her car. Waves to the men inside the shop and I’m laughing so hard I cannot see.

I try to get her attention but just this time she fails to see her phone ringing. So I pull in and say….not here… (Laughing too much)…you stopped at the wrong place.

Her face was full of surprise. She had that “where am I look” and then total embarrassment. I told her not to worry – just laugh, wave again and then let’s move on.

She and I are still laughing. The reason why I share this is because we are not to take ourselves so seriously. So what that she turned into the wrong shop. No harm done. We just gave ourselves a good laugh and it has continued throughout the morning.

It is so wonderful to put yourself into the right frame of mind. It really doesn’t matter if the wrong shop thought we were a couple of “blonds”… (I am but that is neither here or there…) We had fun and we can laugh at ourselves.

So the Good Idea is about your ability to laugh in the face of mistakes. None of the things we worry about really matter in the big scheme of things.

So enjoy yourself and your little stumbles. We all make them, we all laugh about them and they are great stories to share. I just did. Have a most glorious day and remember to laugh – it just might make a difference. Nancy

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Good Idea/What do you want?

Good morning and a happy day to all…..

How can we not be happy on a day like this? Let’s see…now what has happened so far? The sun came up, we woke up, the air is clean, the temperature is crisp and I can see for miles.

We have been given another chance today to make some changes in our lives and the lives around us. God’s mercies are new every day and I say let’s grab them up and enjoy all that we do in His name.

Today I want to talk about asking for what you want. Do you ask for what you want? Are you specific about what you need? Or do you beat around the bush?

I’m still struggling with this. I very much use to skirt the issue. I very much use to roll my toes into the ground and sheepishly say…."well if you want to."

Then I would wonder why nothing happened. Hello???? Well of course nothing happened; people could not read my mind. I had to learn to be specific with my desires, needs and wants.

I believe that honesty and asking for exactly what you want go hand in hand. It is about being up front with what we need.

So many times I would prejudge people by saying “oh I’m sure that they do not want to be bothered.” This is not a good thing to do. Then I would hear – “why didn’t you just ask me?”

I guess if you hear “no” a lot in your life you become a little “gun” shy. Maybe that was me…maybe it still is to an extent. But I am learning.

Be bold, be brave, and be out there with your needs, desires and wants. If the person you are asking cannot help you then they won’t. Also keep in mind – if you don’t ask; they won’t know.

No more prejudging people on what you think they might do or say. Let’s give people their voices back and start communicating. It shows love, respect, concern and trust. We can really make a difference with that. Nancy

Monday, May 18, 2009

JustAsk/Time spent/Time invested

Good morning to all….

How great is it to start a day discovering the first 2 meetings that you had scheduled were canceled for another time? Yes, so wonderful. I describe this as “bonus” time. Time I thought was occupied just opened up for me to be purposeful in. This is a gift that I enjoy opening.

Speaking of time….how about this….do you just spend time or do you invest time? Great question don’t you think? This is a question that we should ponder. What does it all mean?

I say we do both…we spend time and we invest time. But do we do one more than the other? Probably. Are you being worthy of the time given to you?

Would you say that investing your time is better than spending your time? Now if you ask George he always says that, “investing is better than spending!” I do believe however that he means my shopping habits. Opps!

Anyway let’s think about it. If we just spend time aren’t we wasting time? We should be productive and useful in the things we do. So if we aren’t investing in our time, then maybe we should just stay home.

As my Mama would have said, “If you can’t go and have a good time, you might as well stay home.” I’m not real sure that fits here but it just came to mind and I had to share….thanks Mom!

We are called for a purpose….we are NOT to just take up space and meander around wondering what to do next.

We have all asked ourselves – “Why am I here?” “What am I doing here?” We better be investing our time or we loose it all.

Investing our time may very well insure our destiny. You have been given something - now what are you going to do with it?

Make YOUR time count. Be productive, be helpful, be teachable, be loveable and be willing to share. The time you put into investing may make all the difference in the world. Invest your time, your talents, your money and your life – it is a true teaching. Nancy

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Good Idea/Get up & Get out

Hello & Good morning….

As I sit here getting ready to talk with you; I place Sammy (our Cockatiel) on my lap and she is forever happy in her place. Talk about contentment and safety. Her little head is tucked inside her wing and she is ready for a “long winter’s nap.” Shall I surprise her and tell her it is spring???

So we are ready and here we go….today I want to share with you my ideas on getting up and getting out. Doing something with ourselves and not just waiting for the next guy to get it going for us.

I was listening to an acquaintance of mine discuss how she has a hard time getting out of bed in the morning because she feels ill-equipped for the day.

You say low self confidence…possibly. Low self esteem….possibly. But why I have to ask? Somewhere, somehow did someone tell her that she “couldn’t” or that what she did didn’t matter? Maybe so.

In an earlier part of my life when I was left on my own; I had to discover something in me that pushed me to go on and the confidence that I could get there. Was I really doing it on my own…absolutely not.

We like to think that we “do it on our own” but we do have help from above. That is if we JustAsk.

When you have a need and you know that you are responsible for taking care of it; then you better get moving. You say, “I don’t know what direction to go into”…."I don’t know how to do it"...."Who’s going to let me do that?"

With these questions in mind nothing will come to pass until you get up and get going. Taking the first step, although it may be very hard, is the only way to do it. We are met half way when we begin to walk out.

Reach out your hand and JustAsk. I heard a quote by Hugh Downs, “Life begins when you do.” Isn’t this the truth!

If you find yourself sitting around wondering how it is all going to happen, I say get up and get out. Even if it is for a walk….you never know who you will meet. Remember the Divine connections which we have talked about. One is waiting to happen just for you.

JustAsk….desire, believe and achieve! What a difference the right attitude and movement can make. Have a blessed weekend. Nancy

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Good Idea/How did that happen?

Good morning on a cloudy day….

This morning when my alarm went off I woke up to a darkened room with the sound of rain coming down. Oh my, did I want to spring out of bed and face the day head on???? NO.

I was too comfy and lulled into more sleep. I just love the rain….how soothing. Then reality hits and I hear alarms going off in all the bedrooms. “Time to make the donuts!!” (Remember that commercial?)

Today I would like to talk about Divine connections….or “how did that happen?” This certain state of shock happens all of the time. We are left with our mouths hanging wide open wondering how the dots got connected.

How many times have you been thinking a thought or you have an idea and low and behold someone comes forth fulfilling that thought or idea? How many times has a circle been completed because of people knowing people?

Just the other night I was thinking about pink pearls and the next night I ran into a woman who had pink pearls on. Divine connection.

My husband has been doing some research on a project which included looking up various companies on the Internet.

With no seemingly apparent connection to him; he found a Company which has direct connections to his project. Somebody knows somebody. He was led to that Company. Divine connection.

If we look close enough we will marvel at these connections. We will stand is awe of what is happening and how it happens.

Our daughter did get her internship for this summer and it was by Divine connection. She applied to several agencies and at the right moment, the right place, and the “right” connection; a position “OPENED” up and she got the job. If this would have happened a few days sooner, the internship probably wouldn’t have been there. Divine connection – all in His time.

Our world isn't just scattered. There is a plan, a rhyme and a reason. It is by Divine connection and when that happens there is no stopping it. We are left with a feeling of amazement for what just happened and how it happened. WOW – I’m tellin’ ya a surprise in every box.

I love waiting on the right connections. It takes the guess work out of it for me and I will not make the mistake of going in the wrong direction. That has really made a difference for me….it will for you too. Nancy

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Good Idea/Time

Good morning everyone –

Time just flies when you are having fun, doesn’t it? My kids will ask why is it that when we are at school the time drags by? Or when we are doing chores, time drags? And then when we are outdoors with friends or watching a good movie, the time slips by and then it is over…?

I think we watch the passing of time to much. We want it to be over so we are watching the minutes pass by very slowly. Then at other times we are having such a good time that we pray for time to stand still. Always wanting just the opposite of what we have. Being discontent or anxious or bored or whatever feeling it may be, we just want less of it or more of it. I believe that it is human nature.

It is not appreciating where we are in that moment and looking forward to the next. Maybe it will be better, more exciting, more challenging, or bigger but in the anxiousness of moving forward; what have we missed along the way? Sometimes a lot!

I believe that we all have to change and move on but not to the extent of rushing through or counting the minutes. When we push like this or feel the drag we miss the big picture. We miss the instructions given to us for our next step.

There is something about being “bright eyed and bushy tailed.” We embrace the time we are in with eager anticipation of what is to come. “Having something to look forward to” as my Mama would say.

So if you are in a place of “how much longer do I have to be here” or “I want this time to last forever,” enjoy that place. I promise that it will change soon. You will either grow with it or fall down in it. I choose growth…how about you?

I had to laugh the other day when I read a quote by Ray Kroc, “Are you green and growing or ripe and rotting?” Kind of sets a picture, doesn’t it?

Here’s to green and growing. Never settling for second best and enjoying yourself along the journey. This may make a difference for some of us. Nancy

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Good Idea/Hang On

Good morning to all….

What a way to start the day…I can’t move. My oldest had me exercising with her this morning. “They” say exercising makes one feel better. I ask….when does that kick in?

She just kind of sprints, skips, moves along and then says to me…"come on Mom, push it." I said….”I am!” Heaven help me this summer!

Recently I’ve heard people talking about how they have had enough. They have had enough of the struggle, the disappointments, the seeming failures in their lives and how they feel they can’t go on.

Once before I shared with you how I say “In order to get through it; you have to go through it.” People will say, “I can’t do that.” “I can’t do that again.” I say, “Look you just made it through.” Look at the situation from the other side. You made it.

I’m not saying it is always easy. I know that it is not. What I am saying is that we have to continually move. Move through the problems, issues, circumstances and wilderness.

I feel that everyone needs to find that place of security. That place where we know we can push through and that we are not alone.

How do you get there? Reach out and JustAsk. The end is really not the end. The end may very well be the beginning if you JustAsk and believe that you can make it.

You have been equipped to make it through. You have been given the tools to guide you. The problem is many of us do not know how to find them. JustAsk

I found this great quote from Thomas Jefferson, “When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.” (That sounds like something my Mama would have said!)

There is a lifeline and it is just waiting for you to reach out. I’m sure Thomas Jefferson had many knots to hold onto and look at what he accomplished.

It is like “pushing” through on the exercising with Sarah…I found the knot to hang onto and kept going. (Her ponytail!) I see you doing the same thing. If we keep doing this - think of all the difference we can make. Nothing can stop us when we hang on. Nancy

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Good Idea/Favorites

Good morning….

George and I started our day bright and early this morning. I’m sure that many of you did also. It is wonderful to begin before the sun makes it up, isn’t it? Really? It already feels like nap time!

Isn’t it funny that when you go to bed knowing that you have to get up really early; it is hard to sleep? At least it is for me. I knew that we had to start early so I kept checking the clock through the night wondering if it was time to get up yet. Then I wondered why I have this little headache???

Oh well, a lot accomplished already and it is not even 10AM. So let’s get started now. I want to share with you today something about “favorite” things.

Do you have “favorite” things? Things which you like to use at specific times? “Favorite” things which just make you feel better and in step with what you are doing?

I have a couple of “favorite” things and believe me others have poked a little fun at me because of it. That is OK….I still keep using these “favorite” things because they are near and dear to my heart.

Let’s look at them – my “favorite” coffee cups. Yes I do have “favorites” and they are used at specific times of the day. Just for instance, George and I have certain morning coffee cups, we have certain evening coffee cups. Now no need to blame George for this he just follows my lead and thinks….whatever….it is all good with me.

Next I have a “favorite” spoon. (I can’t believe I am sharing this…!) It is curvy in the handle so it is nice to hold. Even the kids know that this particular spoon is mine.

Now I know that we all have “favorite” pillows. I use to have one….but now I have changed so I’m looking for one. My Mother-In-Law takes her pillow wherever she goes…it is her “favorite.” (“It’s hard to sleep without it” she says.)

I even have “favorite” children. My oldest is my favorite because she is the oldest. She is kind, warm, compassionate, funny, and pretty and is one of my best friends.

My son is my favorite because he is my son. He is loving, kind, has a great sense of humor, compassionate, handsome and loyal and is one of my best friends.

My youngest is my favorite because she is my youngest. She is loving, oh so loving, caring, compassionate, creative, imaginative, animated, cute and she is one of my best friends.

Favorites….things or people – they just make us feel good and as I tell George, favorites just make us feel like comin’ home! (He’s one of them!)

So nothing wrong with having favorites. Enjoy them; keep them close and even on occasion – celebrate them….they make you feel good! The right spoon can make all the difference in the world! Nancy

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Good Idea/Thoughts

Good morning and “Oh Happy Day”……

What a day we have in store. The temperature is great, the sun is peaking out and I smell flowers blooming!

My daughter Sarah did indeed make it home with ALL of her stuff. I’m sure she did not leave home with ALL of this. My living room has turned into a dorm room. I cannot wait to see how she cleans this up.

A couple of things that I would like to mention – first of all…you know that when I feel a need to lift someone up I do that. Today I want to say congratulations to a friend of mine.

She is humble, kind, soft-spoken, caring, and loving; she has a sweet smile, a warm and compassionate heart.

My friend has been honored with a Distinguished Academic Achievement Award. This is a very big Award which is being given to a wonderful person who thoroughly deserves it. Congratulations Kim!

Here’s number two on my agenda….signs! Too many of them. While traveling yesterday to haul Sarah’s TOO MUCH STUFF back; we passed about one zillion road signs. I got dizzy! (Some say not too hard for me!)

Anyway, how are we supposed to read all of these signs and still drive? I suppose we are not to do that.

Then I think of the trees cut down just so that these signs can be put up for the people who cannot read them.

There are too many distractions in our day. There are too many distractions keeping us from what is truly important…and in this case, driving.

These signs even obstruct the beautiful country side. I say less reading as we drive and more enjoying the ride. Are you with me????? (Unless that sign points me to the nearest coffee house!)

Enjoy your beautiful day and if you are a MOM….Happy Mother’s Day! Do something fun and just for you. The difference can always start with Mom. Nancy

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Good Idea/Validation

Good morning to all…..

Here we are mid-week and it is still raining. I cannot remember a time when our yard looked so lush and green. Or when the last time George’s grass was so long. Did you notice I said George’s grass? I do not want to take ownership because he might ask me to mow it.

As a young girl I mowed the grass a couple of times and when my Dad saw that I ran into a tree he said no more I’ll do it myself. HA HA – good planning on my part! Now what can I run into of George’s????

Today I want to talk about not accepting everything that we hear as absolute truth. We’ve all heard the expression, “don’t believe everything that you hear.” So true.

I am learning that whatever is told to me or what I read; that I should validate it for myself. Not to take another’s opinion or belief as my own.

I need to seek out the truth for myself and not rely on another person for my validation. Who knows….they may very well be headed for disaster.

When we “JustAsk” we will be told the truth on the matter. This truth may come on as a feeling of peace and confirmation. If the words spoken are not for you; you may feel uncomfortable with what you have just heard or read. You will not feel the confirmation on your own.

We must validate all information that we get. If we do not then we may enter into an area that is not safe for us. We are all given our own journey so to follow another’s is not good for our destiny.

There are of course some truths which are not debatable and then there are some which have you scratching your head. You will definitely know which is which by the way you feel. That still small voice is speaking to us. Are we listening?

Doesn’t validation make for an interesting day? It keeps us on our toes and keeps us responsible for our own beliefs. That’s it, being pro-active in our own lives. I like it!

Enjoy discovering the truth….it can be quite an eye opener! Truth – what a difference it makes! Nancy

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Good Idea/Love Letters

Good morning everyone….

Well college is coming to a close for this year. My daughter Sarah will be home soon and I am looking forward to her company. It is such a pleasure when a child returns home.

We’ll spend countless hours talking, visiting coffee shops, browsing the retail outlets…wait a minute – now the picture is coming in clearly. We will be doing abnormal amounts of laundry, visiting the grocery for just the right “healthy” foods and explaining to her sister and brother why they have to stay out of her room. YEAH!!!! These are the days! Look out summer – here we come. Welcome home Sweetheart!

I’ve been in a “dreamy” state recently. Yes “dreamy.” I’ve been thinking about “love letters.” HeeHee I won’t get too mushy on you.

When we think of “love letters” we think of heartfelt verses of on-going devotion. Love being expressed through poetic writing. Swinging and swaying of characters written to express carefree and undying love. Oh….the sweet sound to my ears.

What about the “love letters” to friends that just say “Hi?” That say “I care about you.” Love letters that express our concern. Love letters that are inviting and comforting. These are all “love letters.” They express our heartfelt emotions that we truly do care.

I realize that the word “love” gets thrown around a lot these days and I don’t mean to add to the rubble. I just want to show that we can all “love” on each other without getting too mushy.

When we encourage someone, when we pat on someone’s shoulder, when we tell someone that they look great today, when we congratulate someone on a job well done, when we speak truth to them, when we reach out our hand or even when we invite them out for ice cream…we are telling them that we love them. We care for them. We enjoy their company. We are writing “love letters.”

This is my “love letter” to you. I care about you. I believe in you and what you do. I want so much more for you.

We may not always be able to touch the people who love us but they are there. Our Father loves us very much and He uses others to show us His love. Touch on someone today…say good job…touch their shoulder…make a difference in their day. This will also make a difference in yours. Nancy

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Good Idea/Turn up the Heat!

Good Monday morning…..

Did you notice that distinct smell this morning? Did you know right away what it was? If you guessed WORMS you are right! I know that there MUST be a reason for worms…I’m just not sure what that could be. (Nor do I care to know.)

My son’s friend, who happens to be a girl, picks them up….....I applaud her courage!!! We need these courageous people to show us that “It ain’t no big deal!!!” HA HA

Oh well, moving on….I want to talk about turning up the HEAT!!!!! Not the physical outside heat but the heat of passion in our souls. What burns inside of you to make you want to reach higher, run faster, and make all kinds of difference in the world?

Are you burning up with that passion of your dreams and desires? Recently I was talking with a friend of mine and I told him that I feel that I am on the verge, the edge; of moving forward…I just can’t seem to get there….guess what he did? He pushed me! Well, that did it, physically anyway.

This was a physical shove to show me that all I have to do is step further into the direction of my dreams and desires. These dreams and desires which were given to me by God and I just have to believe deeper and reach farther for them.

Is there an edge? You bet there is. But as they saying goes…"the fruit is sweeter on the end of the vine."

The harder we work, the more we step out, the more we stand up for what is right - the hotter it gets.

I believe that this goes back to the 212 degree thing. When it gets that hot it boils. Real passion is involved, all cranks are turning, systems are a go and we get things done, don’t we?

At times if you feel that it is getting too hot, take off your coat; your sweater; roll up your sleeves and dig in even deeper. It is called pressing in. Good things happen when you press in!

I never want to live a mediocre life, how about you? Go for the gusto, as “they” say. You will make a difference when you walk the narrow vine to the fruit…and make it hot!!! Nancy

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Good Idea/Make room

Good morning to all…..

It is May 1st….can you believe it? It is true, my Mama told me “The older you get, the faster time flies.” Why mine is spinning so fast I fear I might fall off! Just kidding!...Really!

I have a couple of things on my heart today which I would like to share. First of all I want to talk about having enough room. People say, “Oh we do not have the room.” “I cannot fit another person in this row, there is not enough room.”

Well I say, “Squeeze in!” There is always room for one more. When someone is looking for a place and the room is full with people, squeeze to the left or squeeze to the right. It is OK to share a seat. We are all on this ride together.

There is so much information to gather, so much teaching to absorb, so many miles to cover….why not make room for another passenger on this journey? It may be togetherness but that is OK. You may end up making a new friend.

Secondly, I’ve been given the privilege to work with other people who are in need. This is a time when we must help each other out wherever and whenever we can. Do we always get compensated for our time or efforts? No.

Should that stop us from stepping up and helping out? No. I’ve noticed some will only help out when there is a reward for their efforts. I have to wonder….what is that about?

Well, it can’t be about anything good.

We give because we want to….not because we have to and not because there is a prize in every box.

We make room for others. This is what we are called to do. I think about how I would feel if I needed room for myself or my family. We all want this. We all need this.

Reach out and touch someone’s hand (I’m hearing Diana Ross here!)….save them a seat…..give when no one notices. Talk about a difference being made and it feels sooooo good! Nancy