Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Good Idea/Anxious?

Good morning my friends….

Do you ever find yourself running around like a “chicken with their head cut off?” Yes of course - we all do. Do you ever wonder why you do that? Of course you do.

We are chasing something, aren’t we? We are trying to make “it” happen in our own strength. We are “robbing Peter to pay Paul.” (As my Mama would have said.)

I see the stress and anxiety on people’s faces. I’ve even seen it on my own face and that is not a look that I strive for.

The people near and dear to me show strife and struggle on their faces and I want to take a clean cloth and wipe it clean. I want to step forth but sometimes people do not want to be wiped clean.

Why? I think it is because they are familiar with the struggle and pushing and doing and going that they do not know how to stop.

I always laugh when someone says that they are the “smartest man in the room.” (Or they think they are.) Just picture it….it is funny. I end up saying…..REALLY!

Why go it alone? Why believe that the whole burden of life falls on your shoulders? You could very well be “your own worst enemy.” (My Mama also said that.)

You put yourself in undue stress…you believe that you CAN control all situations…you can handle it all.

I have found out that I cannot control it all. I had to give it up and only look to what was going on in my life and give that control up also. "Do not be anxious about anything...etc." Philippians 4:6 NIV

I’m not saying sit back and let whatever happens – happen. I’m saying relax, take a deep breath and know that “everything” is not about you handling it.

I’ve had to release some anxiety in my own life and in the care and upkeep of my home. I “use to” panic over the fact that all of the work had not been done. I use to push myself to clean, clean, clean, before all else. Boy was that wrong. I know that I missed so much life because I took it all on myself and pushed all other things out.

My wonderful “Mother-In-Law” (just like my Mom) use to say “ Nancy , don’t worry about it, the work will be there tomorrow.” I use to say, “No I can’t put it off, I cannot relax until it is done.” I look back on that now and say….”silly girl, it doesn’t matter.” Enjoy what is around you…who is around you and get them to help!! Yes, there is the key.

George stepped forward and saw my anxiety and said, “ Nancy you have people who can and should help….get the kids to help you.” What a smart guy….he could see the forest for the trees.

Sometimes we need that…probably a lot. Someone else to look at our situations and say, hey here’s a better way of doing it.

We do not need to take it all on. We do not need to be the “smartest man or woman in the room.” Besides who wants to be that; think of all the pressure to perform!

So take that anxiety off of your face and out of your mind. I will repeat that we are not in control nor should we be. Most of the time; we haven’t a clue – we just think we do.

I pray a blessed day over you – a day of peace and contentment and the acceptance of whose you are. Isn’t it great to know that you do not have to do this thing called life – alone? You will feel such peace in the knowing that a difference will be made when you reach out and give up control to the One who knows. Nancy

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