Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Good Idea/Opportunities

Good morning to all…..

In the early hours of last minute sleeping this morning we had a thunderstorm. I can sleep so well in a thunderstorm. I’m not real sure where that has come from but it gives me such peace that I am not even going to tax my brain with wondering why!

I know that we have talked before about opportunities. The subject came up again this weekend and George and I began discussing opportunities. Opportunities are all around us. Some of us pick them up, some of us look at them, some of us are scared off by them. What do you do?

I know that George and I look at every opportunity that comes before us. We say there is no sense in saying no right away because a person does not really know what they are saying “no” too.

At the same time we do not say yes right away because that would be a decision made in haste and we have LEARNED the hard way that making a decision in haste gets one into BIG trouble.

Now you may assume here that we have had experience in this area….well yes we have and that discussion would be for another time. Let’s just say we have learned our lesson. Now we stop, drop and pray.

Since some of our experiences have not been profitable…that has not stopped us from looking at what has been placed in front of us. But guess what, now we are smarter (I pray) and we look at each opportunity with a discerning eye.

So many times we have spoken with people who tell us that “opportunities just don’t come my way.” I say not true.

This is what I think…a person misses opportunities because they choose not to take them…it is not because the opportunities are not there.

Maybe it is out of fear. Maybe it is their old conditioning. Maybe they just don’t feel they have the time.

Opportunities may be placed in front of us as a test, a resource or a breakthrough. The decision is yours to take it or not. The decision is yours to explore the possibilities or not. The decision is yours to seek guidance on all that is available.

Opportunities are there. How much do you want them? Be discerning, be on purpose, be motivated and be open….therein lies the difference. Nancy

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