Monday, June 22, 2009

The Good Idea/Do you wave?

Good beautiful morning….

I witnessed a side of nature today that I really do not want to see again. I witnessed baby birds literally being knocked out of their nest by a cat perched up in one of our trees.

What could I do? The mother bird and her friends were flying around and making all kinds of noises. I was chasing the cat away and expressing my feelings of inadequacy at not being able to help these babies out.

I probably should not go into the rest of the details but “nature” did have its way and one of the birdies got caught. I expressed my sorrow to my son of 13 years and he informed me…."Mom, that’s nature." Thank you Matthew – I feel so much better now!

I often wonder why I have to witness such things – I care so much for life….even for the smallest of creatures! (Except worms!)

OK, moving forward – have you ever thought you were the only person who waves to other people? Do people wave back to you? Do people look the other way when you approach? Do people pretend that they do not see you?

Believe it or not…. it happens to me. Really! It probably happens to some of you also. I notice this a lot when I am out walking.

Now I don’t know if others are just so focused that they do not see me….maybe….or people do not want to be bothered….maybe….or people are too shy to lift a hand in greeting….maybe…..maybe I don’t know.

Do you get the feeling that this bothers me just “a little?” What is wrong with extending your hand in a greeting? Especially when someone does it to you first? Be friendly I say. Be open I say. Someone just might need your warmth and compassion for that day.

Your wave may be the only one that person gets for the day. We must not “try” to ignore another person. What if that was the last time you get to see that person? Will you have regrets?

Even if you are not real fond of that person – greet them anyway – bless them because guess what; you will get blessed.

I’m just feeling here that life is way too short to be closed off and “too focused” to wave to another person. What will it hurt you? Greet each other like it will be your last.

I even see such a big difference when I walk through a parking lot and someone is approaching me and I say “hello.” Why, they don’t know what to do. I can see them struggling with should I say hello, should I stop, why is this person talking to me….too funny!

Enjoy your life, the people who come and go through it, greet each other with love and warmth and your day will surely be different. Nancy

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