Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Good Idea/Who you are

Good morning to all…..

I was reminded yesterday that we are half way through the year. Can you believe it? It feels like I just put my Christmas decorations away last week. I’m tellin’ ya’ it’s that movin’ fast time thing!

A few years ago I confronted myself and realized that I am not the person some think that I am. Really? Really!

I have changed so much over these last few years. I am coming into a place of peace and understanding of who I am and whose I am. What a great revelation.

I believe that this happens to all of us. We go through our life being exactly the way others want us to be. We go to certain places because our parents or siblings take us there. We are just like our other family members because we all do things together.

Times do change….we begin to grow into the person that God wants us to be. We step out in our beliefs and dreams. We draw a line in the sand telling others who we are and what we believe in.

Some people accept this and others think you are crazy. It is change and some cannot accept that we have changed. Some think that change is wrong. The old way of thinking is the right way. I say that the old way may not be everyone’s way.

We have to be true to who we are. We cannot be who someone else thinks we should be. Now don’t get me wrong….I’m not talking about being stubborn and cold in our change, I’m saying that we must be ourselves and lovingly share that truth with others.

We all have experienced a time when we step outside of the way we used to be and others look at us and say, “What are you doing?” I tell them that I am growing, stretching, learning, experiencing, living and loving the life that God so graciously has given to me.

It is a wake up call to the life that we have. Live it to the fullest, step out and make new discoveries….maybe just maybe the truth lies in digging a little deeper.

If you are not the same person that you used to be and you have changed for the better I say wonderful! Don’t compromise, push forward and embrace our Lord’s grace and mercy and follow the call. The difference in you will be so clear! Nancy

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