Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Good Idea/Worth the price of Admission

Good morning everyone….

Have you ever heard or used the expression, “worth the price of admission”? I’m sure we all have. Well I used that expression this past weekend at my son’s basketball game.

Of course just watching Matthew and his team play is worth being there but last Saturday there was more. There was a little guy there that stole the show or at least my attention in a big way.

He is the coach’s son and maybe 7 or so years old. He comes in wearing the team colors from head to toe, (literally) stands like a man on the side lines, sits when everyone else sits, high fives each player and yells out the chants. Cute? You bet. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.

He loves each of the players and considers himself one of them. They also accept him and high five him back. You can see this little guy looking up to these bigger boys and then you see the importance of being a good role model.

Good role model. Now there you go. Have you ever wondered if you are a good role model? Has the thought ever crossed your mind?

I don’t think we spend much time on it. Do we consciously say, “Today I’m going to be a good role model?” Probably not.

Being a good role model is a life style which I’m sure many of us embrace. And I’m sure many of us don’t. We just go through life doing whatever we want maybe never being aware of who is watching.

If this little basketball guy would see the bigger boys behaving in a questionable manner then he might pick that up, but he sees these boys playing in a fair manner, being in integrity and supporting each other. It was great to see.

Oh, the hopeful eyes of one person watching another. How do people look at you? How do your children look at you?

Is it with admiration saying “I want to be just like you” or is it in fear or question saying “is that right?”

Being a good role model is full of responsibility but the rewards are priceless. To look upon a face that is looking up to you….WOW…such a feeling of love
and fulfillment.

Maybe you need to make a difference in someone’s life today….be a positive role model. Sometimes that is all that it takes. Nancy

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