Monday, June 29, 2009

The Good Idea/Clear direction

Good morning everyone…..

Brie, our visiting pet for the weekend has left and it was such a joy to have her. The kids loved on her, played with her and walked her. Me too….I’m thinking I could get use to this. Pets – they are such an enjoyment to have around.

Have you heard the opening to the Indianapolis 500 race? – “Gentlemen start your engines?” That is the phrase when the race is ready to begin. (Unless a woman is racing then she is added to the instructions.)

Can you just imagine the thrill of starting up your engine, putting your car into gear and leaving your line to pull forward? WOW – how exciting that must be.

The drivers are being told when to start. Could you imagine what would happen if the drivers took off on their own? I’m seeing accidents all over the place.

What about when we take off on our own? I mean, what about when we take off in action or word without really thinking it through, praying for direction and listening for the answer?

We just go off unprotected and out of sync with where we are to be. If one starts off without being given clearance than an accident just might occur.

Some of us say, “I don’t know what to do.” "I’m not sure I should leave now." "I'm not sure I should take that job." "I’m not sure if they are the right one for me.”

There are people who just step out and let whatever happens – happen. They move without clear direction because they think they know best. Then they are surprised when it doesn’t work out. They may even say….."Nothing works out for me." Well, I wonder why?

It is so good to take a deep breath, prepare yourself for your actions and ask for advice.

Recently I was preparing an e-mail to go out and wouldn’t you know it….the e-mail disappeared from my desk top. I said…"where did it go"..."oh my gosh, I have to re-type it."

I began again ….but this time I stopped and asked for guidance, “Am I supposed to write this e-mail?” I thought it was OK so I preceded again…then an error sign came up. Guess what? I stopped composing the e-mail.

It was more than clear to me that the Lord did not want me to send the correspondence and He answered my question.

Who knows why – I do not ask – I just know that it is so. I need to wait for the whistle to go off and hear the words…." Nancy start your engine."

So what about you? Do you always lead or do you let someone else put their arm around you and lead you onto the dance floor?

It’s not such a bad thing…being led by the One who knows where you are going. It is actually wonderful. It really makes all of the difference in your life. Nancy

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