Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Good Idea/Feeling small

Oh my gosh…what a beauty! Good morning…

I stepped outside this morning and wanted to sing, “I’m walking on sunshine…etc.” Yes, this is a glorious day full of promises, hope and love….a new beginning – let’s make it count for good!

Today I want to share with you my experience of “feeling small.” We’ve all felt small in this big world haven’t we?

The other day while walking I was being approached by a very large (pre-historic) land mover. Or in other words…a dump truck. Does anyone really know how big these things are? I felt like an ant.

As the truck got closer I felt like I got smaller. I was shrinking before my very eyes. I caught myself walking taller, standing my ground and persevering.

As I crossed beside it I was “wowed” I was in “awe”…how big this truck was. How little I am.

There is so much in this life that can cause us to feel small. We may feel less then adequate in some situations. Is this a lack of confidence? Is this old conditioning? Or in my dump truck experience…..I realized my own limitations?

So many times you have heard that we can accomplish anything that we put our minds to. We do not have to be burdened down with a sense of smallness. We should not live in the mindset that someone is always better and bigger than we are. Maybe they just did more with what they were given.

We have all been created equally. What are you doing with what you have been given? Do you believe that it lies inside of you? It does.

No matter our circumstance you are still worthy in His eyes and that is something “some” of us have a hard time with.

We may be small next to a pre-historic earth mover but to Him - we are His and that is great! This thinking may make a big difference in your life! Nancy

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