Friday, June 19, 2009

The Good Idea/House Divided

Good morning my friends….

I’m sitting here in the quiet of the morning enjoying each sip of warm…aromatic out of the pot…..freshly ground coffee. No one is stirring except for Sammy (my Cockatiel) and a few birds outside.

To be with each of you like this is wonderful. This is early morning fellowship; would you like cream with your coffee?

I saw a sign recently in front of a house that read…."House Divided." I realize that that meant people inside the home were fans of two difference sports teams. That is great...friendly competition.

I remembered that one of my Sister’s and her husband make “friendly” bets on different teams playing in a game together. Charlene said that “it made watching the game fun.”

This we do in fun. This we do to make it more exciting. I get it…I really do. Then you know me….I take it to “house divided”…...why that never should be.

We have “real” and then we have “play.” I get both. I like to “play” with the best of them but I also know when to put the play aside. I look into the situation to make sure that it is not getting the best of me.

Friendly rivalry….don’t let it get out of hand. Our homes must not be divided. If that is the case, then why did we get married? We must be of one accord. We must live in unity. We must not fight each other.

To continually have differing opinions will destroy a relationship. I can’t help but think that if in that relationship we are building a family then maybe we should be on the same page.

It has been impressed upon me that God wants order and unity in His house. What about your house? Are you a house divided or not?

Sure we can play games…. I love to play games….I so enjoy having “fun.” But how much sweeter it is when we are grounded in one home with people we love having fun in a united way. There is no threat. There is love and each person knows where they stand.

When your house in NOT divided….when you are all together in your thoughts, beliefs, love, understanding and faith…then you are strong. The Lord will bless you richly when He sees one accord in His name. What a difference. Nancy

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