Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Good Idea/Digging up Dirt

Good morning everyone –

Some days are slow to start and you have the opportunity to “get your motor runnin’” on your own. Then there are some days where you are in high gear before your feet hit the floor. Today is that day for me. What has happened I ask??? Good thing I sleep with my Nike’s on!

Just this weekend I heard a song on the radio which I haven’t heard for some time now. It was “Candle in the Wind” by Elton John. Remember this song was in memory of Princess Diana written in 1997?

I started to think about her beauty both inside and out. I started to think about her generosity, her love and her compassion for her follow human beings.

It was so apparent that she loved her children and wanted only the best for them. She had such a heart for others that were hurting. She was such a beautiful person who was not afraid to get dirty in the messes of life.

Then in my thoughts of her goodness and kindness; I then remembered how the press along with some “regular” people were all too happy to dig up dirt on her and the people who were with her.

I said, “Come on!” Have we not better things to do. Why do we have to dig up dirt? Is it to bring a person down or to try to raise us up?

Why can we not mourn for a person and their family without trashing their character? I do honestly believe that if we knew for certain than someone would dig up dirt on us after we pass….then we would not be so happy to spread rumors about another.

The same thing happened to John Kennedy, Jr., his new wife and sister in law. Whether one agrees with what they did or not; the fact is that 3 lives were lost and that is more important to recognize than whether they had a happy marriage or not. Once again I say, “So what!”

We must remember the good things; we must remember with love and compassion…remember the verse about “throwing the first stone???” (John 8:7 NIV)

I just think that there is enough trash going around that we do not need to add to it by dredging up the past whether it is true or not. This falls under “none of our business.”

Think of the publications or TV shows that would be out of business if we said….”SO WHAT!”

A difference would be made if we celebrated each other and stopped looking for dirt. I better go now, time to sweep my front porch. Nancy

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