Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Good Idea/Anxious?

Good morning my friends….

Do you ever find yourself running around like a “chicken with their head cut off?” Yes of course - we all do. Do you ever wonder why you do that? Of course you do.

We are chasing something, aren’t we? We are trying to make “it” happen in our own strength. We are “robbing Peter to pay Paul.” (As my Mama would have said.)

I see the stress and anxiety on people’s faces. I’ve even seen it on my own face and that is not a look that I strive for.

The people near and dear to me show strife and struggle on their faces and I want to take a clean cloth and wipe it clean. I want to step forth but sometimes people do not want to be wiped clean.

Why? I think it is because they are familiar with the struggle and pushing and doing and going that they do not know how to stop.

I always laugh when someone says that they are the “smartest man in the room.” (Or they think they are.) Just picture it….it is funny. I end up saying…..REALLY!

Why go it alone? Why believe that the whole burden of life falls on your shoulders? You could very well be “your own worst enemy.” (My Mama also said that.)

You put yourself in undue stress…you believe that you CAN control all situations…you can handle it all.

I have found out that I cannot control it all. I had to give it up and only look to what was going on in my life and give that control up also. "Do not be anxious about anything...etc." Philippians 4:6 NIV

I’m not saying sit back and let whatever happens – happen. I’m saying relax, take a deep breath and know that “everything” is not about you handling it.

I’ve had to release some anxiety in my own life and in the care and upkeep of my home. I “use to” panic over the fact that all of the work had not been done. I use to push myself to clean, clean, clean, before all else. Boy was that wrong. I know that I missed so much life because I took it all on myself and pushed all other things out.

My wonderful “Mother-In-Law” (just like my Mom) use to say “ Nancy , don’t worry about it, the work will be there tomorrow.” I use to say, “No I can’t put it off, I cannot relax until it is done.” I look back on that now and say….”silly girl, it doesn’t matter.” Enjoy what is around you…who is around you and get them to help!! Yes, there is the key.

George stepped forward and saw my anxiety and said, “ Nancy you have people who can and should help….get the kids to help you.” What a smart guy….he could see the forest for the trees.

Sometimes we need that…probably a lot. Someone else to look at our situations and say, hey here’s a better way of doing it.

We do not need to take it all on. We do not need to be the “smartest man or woman in the room.” Besides who wants to be that; think of all the pressure to perform!

So take that anxiety off of your face and out of your mind. I will repeat that we are not in control nor should we be. Most of the time; we haven’t a clue – we just think we do.

I pray a blessed day over you – a day of peace and contentment and the acceptance of whose you are. Isn’t it great to know that you do not have to do this thing called life – alone? You will feel such peace in the knowing that a difference will be made when you reach out and give up control to the One who knows. Nancy

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Good Idea/Clear direction

Good morning everyone…..

Brie, our visiting pet for the weekend has left and it was such a joy to have her. The kids loved on her, played with her and walked her. Me too….I’m thinking I could get use to this. Pets – they are such an enjoyment to have around.

Have you heard the opening to the Indianapolis 500 race? – “Gentlemen start your engines?” That is the phrase when the race is ready to begin. (Unless a woman is racing then she is added to the instructions.)

Can you just imagine the thrill of starting up your engine, putting your car into gear and leaving your line to pull forward? WOW – how exciting that must be.

The drivers are being told when to start. Could you imagine what would happen if the drivers took off on their own? I’m seeing accidents all over the place.

What about when we take off on our own? I mean, what about when we take off in action or word without really thinking it through, praying for direction and listening for the answer?

We just go off unprotected and out of sync with where we are to be. If one starts off without being given clearance than an accident just might occur.

Some of us say, “I don’t know what to do.” "I’m not sure I should leave now." "I'm not sure I should take that job." "I’m not sure if they are the right one for me.”

There are people who just step out and let whatever happens – happen. They move without clear direction because they think they know best. Then they are surprised when it doesn’t work out. They may even say….."Nothing works out for me." Well, I wonder why?

It is so good to take a deep breath, prepare yourself for your actions and ask for advice.

Recently I was preparing an e-mail to go out and wouldn’t you know it….the e-mail disappeared from my desk top. I said…"where did it go"..."oh my gosh, I have to re-type it."

I began again ….but this time I stopped and asked for guidance, “Am I supposed to write this e-mail?” I thought it was OK so I preceded again…then an error sign came up. Guess what? I stopped composing the e-mail.

It was more than clear to me that the Lord did not want me to send the correspondence and He answered my question.

Who knows why – I do not ask – I just know that it is so. I need to wait for the whistle to go off and hear the words…." Nancy start your engine."

So what about you? Do you always lead or do you let someone else put their arm around you and lead you onto the dance floor?

It’s not such a bad thing…being led by the One who knows where you are going. It is actually wonderful. It really makes all of the difference in your life. Nancy

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Good Idea/Short fuse

And a good morning to all……

We are getting a house guest today – a cute little dog named Brie. We love her so and are excited about having her visit. My husband thinks that by watching Brie our need and want for a dog is met and our children will be satisfied. I’m not so sure that is working. Actually if the truth be known….I’m feeling like we “need” one also!

Today I want to share with you thoughts on having a “short fuse.”

Now where does having a “short fuse” leave you? Where does it leave the person it is directed to? Most of us just have that look on our face…....asking “what did they say?”

That happened last night while riding with our kids to a basketball game. We were turning left and a truck was approaching us from the opposite direction. I “think” that the driver thought we did not give him enough room or something so he expressed his “frustration” to us.

HA HA….I asked George the typical question…"what did he say?" I think George heard him say…"have a nice night!" Then the kids ask…"what did he say?"

I started to laugh because the things that people get upset with at times just amaze me. We did not do anything intentional to him….we did not even know that we were in the wrong.

We chalk that up to someone getting up on the wrong side of the bed. It was however 8:45PM and he should have been up long ago! Funny how these behaviors are sometimes tolerated.

Why do we permit foul language? Why do we permit harsh actions? Granted sometimes we cannot do anything about it. I’ve heard people say, “Well that’s just the way they are.” I say…not a good excuse. That is not acceptable.

So I ask you, do you have a “short fuse?” Then I suggest that maybe you should lengthen it…life will be so much better. You will not be yelling out of your car window, you will not be slamming doors, stomping’ up steps, throwing things…etc.

And you will take on a CALM appearance. Enjoy all that you do this day and remain calm….a difference will be made. Nancy

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Good Idea/Feeling small

Oh my gosh…what a beauty! Good morning…

I stepped outside this morning and wanted to sing, “I’m walking on sunshine…etc.” Yes, this is a glorious day full of promises, hope and love….a new beginning – let’s make it count for good!

Today I want to share with you my experience of “feeling small.” We’ve all felt small in this big world haven’t we?

The other day while walking I was being approached by a very large (pre-historic) land mover. Or in other words…a dump truck. Does anyone really know how big these things are? I felt like an ant.

As the truck got closer I felt like I got smaller. I was shrinking before my very eyes. I caught myself walking taller, standing my ground and persevering.

As I crossed beside it I was “wowed” I was in “awe”…how big this truck was. How little I am.

There is so much in this life that can cause us to feel small. We may feel less then adequate in some situations. Is this a lack of confidence? Is this old conditioning? Or in my dump truck experience…..I realized my own limitations?

So many times you have heard that we can accomplish anything that we put our minds to. We do not have to be burdened down with a sense of smallness. We should not live in the mindset that someone is always better and bigger than we are. Maybe they just did more with what they were given.

We have all been created equally. What are you doing with what you have been given? Do you believe that it lies inside of you? It does.

No matter our circumstance you are still worthy in His eyes and that is something “some” of us have a hard time with.

We may be small next to a pre-historic earth mover but to Him - we are His and that is great! This thinking may make a big difference in your life! Nancy

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Good Idea/Good intentions

Good morning to all…..

As I begin with you today I realize that it is close to Noon and I ask; what has happened to the morning? I’m sure that everyone wonders that from time to time.

We had one appointment this morning which I figured would take maybe 30 minutes or so – more than an hour later we return. Hum, then I realized that not everyone is on “my” timetable. Funny how that works!

Today as I run in late I want to discuss “good intentions.” We all have them, don’t we? We mean to do the “right” things. We mean to say the “right” things. We are not bad people…our hearts are in the right place.

Well at times our “good intentions” back fire. Oops….we say, I didn’t mean for that to happen.

OK, here is a for instance…..you want to bless a friend or family member with giving them something from your heart. You want to do a kind deed for them.

Or you see someone being wronged and you just want to intercede to “help” out. Your “good intentions” are there but maybe not well received.

Has it ever happened to you where someone gives you something and it creates more havoc than is started out to be? Sure…we all have.

This is what I do. I take a deep breath, smile and realize that this action was done with “good intentions.” When you do that, your emotions calm down and you have the presence of peace and love for the person.

You do not look upon them or their actions as one of a malicious effort. I remember offering to others baked goods which I made for them…I had “good intentions” – I had love to offer – I was so pleased with gifting them.

Then what happened – they said – no – no – I’m on a diet I don’t want it. I was crushed. I made this offering with “good intentions.”

So what to do? I still persevere and move forward with “good intentions.” God knows my heart and I pray that others do also.

If I ever step on someone’s toes – please forgive me and know that I have come with “good intentions” to share and maybe bless someone who needs it. I’ve come to make a difference. Nancy

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Good Idea/Unaware

Hello & Good morning….

How did you start your day today? I was blessed with being able to sit for a moment or two out on the deck with George. I felt the “Son” shine for sure!

This morning while we were talking about the bird incident from yesterday; I was taken back to the times when I knew that people were taken “unaware.”

I do believe that we have talked about this before but I am being led to bring it up again. Someone needs to hear this and maybe make adjustments in their life.

Being taken “unaware.” It is powerful; it is quick and sometimes deadly. This is how it goes….you go to the Doctor’s for a routine appointment and you leave hearing that you need surgery. You leave your house for a vacation and end up in a car crash or plane crash. Were you expecting these things….no….were you prepared? Probably not. Most of us aren’t prepared for what life throws at us.

When I think of being unaware a certain story always comes to mind for me. Back home, several years ago, I heard of a story involving an elderly Pastor and his wife.

This couple, happy as they could be, arrive home after a Christmas church service. They enter their home only to find 2 young men, whom they hired to help around the church and their home, waiting to do harm to them. Both end up tragically being killed. For what, I ask….?

So here is this couple, coming home talking about the evening perhaps, planning their Christmas with family only to find themselves “unaware” of what is about to happen.

What about the latest Metro crash…killing several and injuring many others? Were the people ready? Probably not. They were on their way home maybe and some did not make it to their physical homes.

Our fallen sisters and brothers from September 11, 2001, were they ready….maybe not, they were just fellow travelers going from one destination to another.

The birds from yesterday – when they woke up in the morning singing praises and anxious to receive more flight instructions from their Mom…did they know that a cat was laying and waiting for his breakfast…NO. They were taken “unaware.”

What about us? What are you prepared for? Do you have yourself ready for the day? Have you done your work? I know that we cannot and should not live in a state of “oh my gosh….what will happen today” mode.

We must live in a state of peace knowing that we are being saved. How do you do that? You “JustAsk” for His grace and mercy then you will be able to handle all things. Life comes in unsuspecting but you can cradle yourself in His protection.

When I realized this my whole life changed. Is it easier now and “less scary?” Yes, I would say so. I am not in control but I am no longer “scared” about the outcome. The difference has been made in Him. Nancy

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Good Idea/Do you wave?

Good beautiful morning….

I witnessed a side of nature today that I really do not want to see again. I witnessed baby birds literally being knocked out of their nest by a cat perched up in one of our trees.

What could I do? The mother bird and her friends were flying around and making all kinds of noises. I was chasing the cat away and expressing my feelings of inadequacy at not being able to help these babies out.

I probably should not go into the rest of the details but “nature” did have its way and one of the birdies got caught. I expressed my sorrow to my son of 13 years and he informed me…."Mom, that’s nature." Thank you Matthew – I feel so much better now!

I often wonder why I have to witness such things – I care so much for life….even for the smallest of creatures! (Except worms!)

OK, moving forward – have you ever thought you were the only person who waves to other people? Do people wave back to you? Do people look the other way when you approach? Do people pretend that they do not see you?

Believe it or not…. it happens to me. Really! It probably happens to some of you also. I notice this a lot when I am out walking.

Now I don’t know if others are just so focused that they do not see me….maybe….or people do not want to be bothered….maybe….or people are too shy to lift a hand in greeting….maybe…..maybe I don’t know.

Do you get the feeling that this bothers me just “a little?” What is wrong with extending your hand in a greeting? Especially when someone does it to you first? Be friendly I say. Be open I say. Someone just might need your warmth and compassion for that day.

Your wave may be the only one that person gets for the day. We must not “try” to ignore another person. What if that was the last time you get to see that person? Will you have regrets?

Even if you are not real fond of that person – greet them anyway – bless them because guess what; you will get blessed.

I’m just feeling here that life is way too short to be closed off and “too focused” to wave to another person. What will it hurt you? Greet each other like it will be your last.

I even see such a big difference when I walk through a parking lot and someone is approaching me and I say “hello.” Why, they don’t know what to do. I can see them struggling with should I say hello, should I stop, why is this person talking to me….too funny!

Enjoy your life, the people who come and go through it, greet each other with love and warmth and your day will surely be different. Nancy

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Good Idea/House Divided

Good morning my friends….

I’m sitting here in the quiet of the morning enjoying each sip of warm…aromatic out of the pot…..freshly ground coffee. No one is stirring except for Sammy (my Cockatiel) and a few birds outside.

To be with each of you like this is wonderful. This is early morning fellowship; would you like cream with your coffee?

I saw a sign recently in front of a house that read…."House Divided." I realize that that meant people inside the home were fans of two difference sports teams. That is great...friendly competition.

I remembered that one of my Sister’s and her husband make “friendly” bets on different teams playing in a game together. Charlene said that “it made watching the game fun.”

This we do in fun. This we do to make it more exciting. I get it…I really do. Then you know me….I take it to “house divided”…...why that never should be.

We have “real” and then we have “play.” I get both. I like to “play” with the best of them but I also know when to put the play aside. I look into the situation to make sure that it is not getting the best of me.

Friendly rivalry….don’t let it get out of hand. Our homes must not be divided. If that is the case, then why did we get married? We must be of one accord. We must live in unity. We must not fight each other.

To continually have differing opinions will destroy a relationship. I can’t help but think that if in that relationship we are building a family then maybe we should be on the same page.

It has been impressed upon me that God wants order and unity in His house. What about your house? Are you a house divided or not?

Sure we can play games…. I love to play games….I so enjoy having “fun.” But how much sweeter it is when we are grounded in one home with people we love having fun in a united way. There is no threat. There is love and each person knows where they stand.

When your house in NOT divided….when you are all together in your thoughts, beliefs, love, understanding and faith…then you are strong. The Lord will bless you richly when He sees one accord in His name. What a difference. Nancy

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Good Idea/Well Manicured

Good morning to all…..

These summer mornings are great. We take things a little slower than normal and the pace, I do believe, suits me just fine. How about you?

As I was out on a walk the other day I noticed how beautiful many of the homes around me are. How tall they stand, how clean they look, how pristine they are and how well manicured they are.

Actually some of them do not even look lived in. There is not a bush out of place, the mulch has not been stepped in, the flowers are hanging in baskets and everything looks in place.

So right away I go to….this home is beautiful but are they happy? Remember the days when we did it all on our own? (What am I talking about….we still do!) And life seemed real.

Dad was out grooming the lawn and bushes, Mom was going in and out…helping Dad and fixing lunch and the kids were running about having fun and getting in Dad’s way. Yes, those were the days.

Looking back on that scene verses today’s scene….I see more control over our lives back then. More personal interest in our surroundings. We took care of what we had…we planted those bushes, we planted those trees and we planted those flowers in the ground.

I remember when we moved to where we live now I “attempted” to plant flowers in my front flower bed. I dug and dug but to no avail. Why…..because the front was beautifully landscaped with more shrubs then I have ever seen and under that was a barrier to choke out any weeds. I could not tear it up to plant flowers.

I asked George, “How am I supposed to do this?” “Where do the flowers go?” “I want color in my landscaping.” Guess what….I hang the flowers!

Sometimes we get so cookie-cutter like and our appearance can be so pristine that I have to question – is there life in there? Hello???

I want to see the lawn being watered by the sprinkler that goes back and forth…the one we use to run through when we were kids. (And trip over!)

The outside is so beautiful to look at….even in ourselves…..but what lies on the inside? Is it just as beautiful or is it untouchable? I pray for the beauty to shine from the inside out. We are a reflection of His love….someone else should not always be grooming you according to their design. What about the design He has placed in you?

Physical appearance – important – yes but it is so important to take control and weed for yourself. Only by doing this will you see where the trouble spots lie. Enjoy the difference that you will be making. Nancy

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Good Idea/What have you done?

And a wonderful morning to you…..

I have to tell you that I am so full of joy today that I am “beside myself.” I feel great happiness, unspeakable joy and peace running through my body.

I feel like a child who is running around outside with their hands up and they are yelling and laughing because “something” has just tickled their fancy…there has been great revelation delivered unto them that they just have to share. Yes, that is where I am at. What a glorious place to be. Please come join me!

Lately I’ve been observing myself and the things around me. I’ve also observed others and the things around them. Now I ask myself, “what have you done with what has been given to you?”

Let’s start with ourselves…our physical bodies. Have we taken care of them? Have we kept them groomed? Have we fed them well? Have we filled our minds with the importance of truth? – Or - Have we destroyed our bodies with trash? Have we given no regard to supplying the organs with the good things that make them operate? Do we disrespect our physical bodies? - Or – the physical bodies of others?

Now what about our material possessions? Our home, our car, our clothes, our furnishings…how are they being kept?

Sometimes I have seen what looks like a car posing as a home. Haven’t you? There is so much “stuff” on the seats of a car that I do believe people live in it. There is trash, half eaten food, empty bottles rolling around and some clothes and shoes.

If this is someone’s living conditions than I pray for mercy and deliverance but if this is how some choose to live then I pray for order.

We have been given so much….why not cherish it all by being grateful and taking care of what we have?

This brings to mind the stories which I have heard regarding an apartment building which my husband and his partners own. The apartments have been cleaned and fixed up under strict and desirable living conditions.

When the people move in everything is great…when they move out…what destruction has been made. Now I ask why? Why are some things trashed? Do some people really like to live this way? I just can’t imagine.

Everything we have, own and possess is a gift given to us by God. What are you doing with the gifts that you have been given? These gifts come in many shapes, forms and sizes and each one is worthy of maintenance.

My husband George would say that this is all about “value.” I have to agree with him. Let’s take care of ourselves and what we have…it’s in high honor to our Lord. You will see and experience a huge difference in your life. Nancy

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Good Idea/In Sync

Hello & Good Morning!

A new routine starts for us today. This is a new routine of the kids being home from school for the summer. I’m bracing myself for “I’m bored!” It will come soon I’m sure. History has a way of repeating itself!

George and I have such high expectations of what will get accomplished over these summer months. George suggests that we cut the television off, turn off the PlayStation 2 games and everyone read, clean up and “help their mom.” HA HA HA….I’m still laughing, can you hear me????

I’m a very positive person as you all know and I’m open to all the possibilities…but I’m wondering about this one.

Oh well, let’s get started before someone wants to “help me!”

I’ve been thinking about being “in sync.” I’m “in sync” with George. Our thoughts run so very parallel that it can be scary at times. Do you have someone like that with you? What a great experience to be so close to another that you are “in sync” with them.

Before George and I got married; we took some “tests” to find out how compatible we were. (We already knew!) What we believed in, what we wanted and how well suited we thought we were for each other. Well guess what, we scored the same on the tests that we took. We still laugh about that. “In sync”….I do believe so.

To be with someone whose thoughts are your thoughts is truly amazing. According to the on-line dictionary; to be “in sync” is to be in harmony with or in agreement with another.

Like you, I have been around others whom I did not “sync up” with. How difficult is that? You look for things to say, you feel self-conscious and maybe feel as if you should just move on. And you probably should.

I do believe that is why we are meant to be with others that hold the same values and beliefs that we do. It makes life so much easier and harmonious!

“In sync”….not going against the grain and not swimming upstream….I feel like Dory here…”just keep swimming, just keep swimming”. (Finding Nemo)

So if you haven’t found that person who you are “in sync” with yet - keep searching. They are probably searching for you. JustAsk for guidance. Finding the right one will make all the difference in your life. Nancy

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Good Idea/Just in the nick of time

Good morning everyone….

I’m walking on sunshine today. What a beautiful day. School is out for many, some get out today and today is my Sister Charlene’s wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary Sis & Uncle Bob. May our Lord bless you with many, many more happy years!

A thought came to me this weekend when we were racing around trying to get it all done. I thought, “Just in the nick of time.” How many of us operate that way? “Just in the nick of time.”

We run from one place to another or one activity to another by the “skin of our teeth.” (Tammy, is that even possible?)

I see a picture of someone making it onto a subway train “just in the nick of time.” That means that they just made it before the door closed. Whew….with no seconds to spare.

We are left out of breath, sweaty, hair strewn out of place and that look of I need a seat, some water, and more time. You can recognize the ones who made it “just in the nick of time.”

How about when you are late for a meeting? Others are in their seats, papers are out, pens are drawn, the white board is up with markers uncapped and ready and the speaker has just cleared his throat. Then you run in….”Just in the nick of time.” You say to yourself….thank you Jesus!

Another one….you have been invited to a dinner. You just need to make one more stop, tell the babysitter one more thing, fix your hair for the last time or maybe take that 5 minute nap, I believe that is called the “power nap.”

You race in, not ready to eat because you are panting, you sit down give apologizes to the host and see a glaring stare. You think to yourself…”Just in the nick of time.” No one has started to eat yet.

If we run around this way, what else have we missed? We do not always make it in the “nick of time.” What else are we going to miss? I ask again.

“Just in the nick of time” is not always going to get us through. More than just sometimes, we have to prepare for what is planned, even if we know about it or not.

Living our lives on a race track will hurt us physically, emotionally, and mentally. Who can catch their breaths? Who wants to be scattered all of the time? Not me.

“Just in the nick of time” is OK once in a while but not always. It is about being prepared and having your time planned out. I realize that emergencies pop up and that is when adjustments have to be made. The big picture takes planning….something like an outline.

We do not know exactly what is to come or when it will come; we just know that He will. “Just in the nick of time” doesn’t count here. Slow and steady, pace yourself and you will feel and look so different…people will ask, “What is wrong with you?” You can answer, “Nothing” I’m just ready. Nancy

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Good Idea/Opportunities

Good morning to all…..

In the early hours of last minute sleeping this morning we had a thunderstorm. I can sleep so well in a thunderstorm. I’m not real sure where that has come from but it gives me such peace that I am not even going to tax my brain with wondering why!

I know that we have talked before about opportunities. The subject came up again this weekend and George and I began discussing opportunities. Opportunities are all around us. Some of us pick them up, some of us look at them, some of us are scared off by them. What do you do?

I know that George and I look at every opportunity that comes before us. We say there is no sense in saying no right away because a person does not really know what they are saying “no” too.

At the same time we do not say yes right away because that would be a decision made in haste and we have LEARNED the hard way that making a decision in haste gets one into BIG trouble.

Now you may assume here that we have had experience in this area….well yes we have and that discussion would be for another time. Let’s just say we have learned our lesson. Now we stop, drop and pray.

Since some of our experiences have not been profitable…that has not stopped us from looking at what has been placed in front of us. But guess what, now we are smarter (I pray) and we look at each opportunity with a discerning eye.

So many times we have spoken with people who tell us that “opportunities just don’t come my way.” I say not true.

This is what I think…a person misses opportunities because they choose not to take them…it is not because the opportunities are not there.

Maybe it is out of fear. Maybe it is their old conditioning. Maybe they just don’t feel they have the time.

Opportunities may be placed in front of us as a test, a resource or a breakthrough. The decision is yours to take it or not. The decision is yours to explore the possibilities or not. The decision is yours to seek guidance on all that is available.

Opportunities are there. How much do you want them? Be discerning, be on purpose, be motivated and be open….therein lies the difference. Nancy

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Good Idea/Shining Light

Good morning everyone….

With all of this rain my flowers look beautiful. I purchased some flowers that did not cost a lot but to look at them now…..one would never know that I found them in the bargain basement! We have even had great results with trees that we discovered in the “lost and found!” This must be about the “ugly duck” that turns into the “swan.”

While cleaning the chandelier over the kitchen table the other day I said…WOW too bright I can see too much now. Too much dirt is what I saw. What to do? I can either keep the light off or clean house. I think that I shall clean house.

This too holds true for us. When that bright white light shines on us, what does it find? What is being exposed to the outside world that maybe we do not want exposed?

Do we need to clean up, dust off, straighten up and fly right?

When God’s light hits us we normally discover a realization in ourselves that needs to be changed. Are we teachable? Are we reachable? Are we willing and able to have His light shine on us to expose our frailties? Scary don’t you think? That is unless you are more than OK with yourself.

I believe that everyone needs a little polish around the edges. Everyone needs to be guided back onto the pathway again. Everyone needs to be reminded of where the rough spots are.

Just by looking up into the Light we can see where changes need to be made. Maybe a little dusting here, there or everywhere. Some of us even need to get out the Windex.

I prefer to be in His light…how about you? Not necessarily to always be exposed but to find out where the problem areas are and then focus on fixing them.

I know of some people who live just to shine the light on others. These people live to expose the weakness and dust of others. You know who they are – they come into your home and walk in looking up toward the ceiling lights!

My gracious Mother-In-Law says, “I won’t look at yours if you won’t look at mine.” She is wonderful. Have you ever heard of a Mother-In-Law that doesn’t look for the dust in her Daughter-In-Law’s home? She is more than great! She is a wonderful friend of mine.

I still plan on getting out the Windex but I probably won’t wear my glasses while doing it. Now that is too much information at once. Oh and I better go a little deeper with the cleaning clothes because you never know what kind of difference it might make. Nancy

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Good Idea/Who you are

Good morning to all…..

I was reminded yesterday that we are half way through the year. Can you believe it? It feels like I just put my Christmas decorations away last week. I’m tellin’ ya’ it’s that movin’ fast time thing!

A few years ago I confronted myself and realized that I am not the person some think that I am. Really? Really!

I have changed so much over these last few years. I am coming into a place of peace and understanding of who I am and whose I am. What a great revelation.

I believe that this happens to all of us. We go through our life being exactly the way others want us to be. We go to certain places because our parents or siblings take us there. We are just like our other family members because we all do things together.

Times do change….we begin to grow into the person that God wants us to be. We step out in our beliefs and dreams. We draw a line in the sand telling others who we are and what we believe in.

Some people accept this and others think you are crazy. It is change and some cannot accept that we have changed. Some think that change is wrong. The old way of thinking is the right way. I say that the old way may not be everyone’s way.

We have to be true to who we are. We cannot be who someone else thinks we should be. Now don’t get me wrong….I’m not talking about being stubborn and cold in our change, I’m saying that we must be ourselves and lovingly share that truth with others.

We all have experienced a time when we step outside of the way we used to be and others look at us and say, “What are you doing?” I tell them that I am growing, stretching, learning, experiencing, living and loving the life that God so graciously has given to me.

It is a wake up call to the life that we have. Live it to the fullest, step out and make new discoveries….maybe just maybe the truth lies in digging a little deeper.

If you are not the same person that you used to be and you have changed for the better I say wonderful! Don’t compromise, push forward and embrace our Lord’s grace and mercy and follow the call. The difference in you will be so clear! Nancy

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Good Idea/Worth the price of Admission

Good morning everyone….

Have you ever heard or used the expression, “worth the price of admission”? I’m sure we all have. Well I used that expression this past weekend at my son’s basketball game.

Of course just watching Matthew and his team play is worth being there but last Saturday there was more. There was a little guy there that stole the show or at least my attention in a big way.

He is the coach’s son and maybe 7 or so years old. He comes in wearing the team colors from head to toe, (literally) stands like a man on the side lines, sits when everyone else sits, high fives each player and yells out the chants. Cute? You bet. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.

He loves each of the players and considers himself one of them. They also accept him and high five him back. You can see this little guy looking up to these bigger boys and then you see the importance of being a good role model.

Good role model. Now there you go. Have you ever wondered if you are a good role model? Has the thought ever crossed your mind?

I don’t think we spend much time on it. Do we consciously say, “Today I’m going to be a good role model?” Probably not.

Being a good role model is a life style which I’m sure many of us embrace. And I’m sure many of us don’t. We just go through life doing whatever we want maybe never being aware of who is watching.

If this little basketball guy would see the bigger boys behaving in a questionable manner then he might pick that up, but he sees these boys playing in a fair manner, being in integrity and supporting each other. It was great to see.

Oh, the hopeful eyes of one person watching another. How do people look at you? How do your children look at you?

Is it with admiration saying “I want to be just like you” or is it in fear or question saying “is that right?”

Being a good role model is full of responsibility but the rewards are priceless. To look upon a face that is looking up to you….WOW…such a feeling of love
and fulfillment.

Maybe you need to make a difference in someone’s life today….be a positive role model. Sometimes that is all that it takes. Nancy

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Good Idea/Digging up Dirt

Good morning everyone –

Some days are slow to start and you have the opportunity to “get your motor runnin’” on your own. Then there are some days where you are in high gear before your feet hit the floor. Today is that day for me. What has happened I ask??? Good thing I sleep with my Nike’s on!

Just this weekend I heard a song on the radio which I haven’t heard for some time now. It was “Candle in the Wind” by Elton John. Remember this song was in memory of Princess Diana written in 1997?

I started to think about her beauty both inside and out. I started to think about her generosity, her love and her compassion for her follow human beings.

It was so apparent that she loved her children and wanted only the best for them. She had such a heart for others that were hurting. She was such a beautiful person who was not afraid to get dirty in the messes of life.

Then in my thoughts of her goodness and kindness; I then remembered how the press along with some “regular” people were all too happy to dig up dirt on her and the people who were with her.

I said, “Come on!” Have we not better things to do. Why do we have to dig up dirt? Is it to bring a person down or to try to raise us up?

Why can we not mourn for a person and their family without trashing their character? I do honestly believe that if we knew for certain than someone would dig up dirt on us after we pass….then we would not be so happy to spread rumors about another.

The same thing happened to John Kennedy, Jr., his new wife and sister in law. Whether one agrees with what they did or not; the fact is that 3 lives were lost and that is more important to recognize than whether they had a happy marriage or not. Once again I say, “So what!”

We must remember the good things; we must remember with love and compassion…remember the verse about “throwing the first stone???” (John 8:7 NIV)

I just think that there is enough trash going around that we do not need to add to it by dredging up the past whether it is true or not. This falls under “none of our business.”

Think of the publications or TV shows that would be out of business if we said….”SO WHAT!”

A difference would be made if we celebrated each other and stopped looking for dirt. I better go now, time to sweep my front porch. Nancy

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Good Idea/Bricks

Oh happy day! Good morning,

Today, what a beauty! I hear the sound of children’s laughter, the call of birds communicating, and I smell freshness! I am so thankful for the beauty which surrounds me. Thank you Lord for your goodness!

This past weekend I had thoughts of my Mom and what she use to say. And if you know anything about my Mom; you know that she had a lot to say. My thoughts went on for a long time.

I remember her saying to me, “Nancy you are growing like a weed. I have to put a brick on your head.”

Now did she really do this….No….but that was her way of telling me that I was growing up too fast and her baby was disappearing.

Then the thought took me to how we might stifle other people’s growth by what we say or do to them. This can either be growth in the emotional state or in the physical state.

We do this by telling others that we do not believe in them; we do not think that they can make it; survive it; we create doubts and fears of failure and this judging goes on and on.

We stifle their growth by expressing some of our negative opinions.

Do we do this on purpose? Probably not…we just do what was done to us. Some say, “Well that was what I was told.” If this is so, maybe it is time to break that pattern and become an encourager and a supporter.

If that “brick” was literally put on your head…ouch…I’m sorry for that…but that is not a reason to carry the “tradition” on.

Now if we are saying it lovingly…saying “I hate to see you grow up so fast.” That is different. I knew what my Mom meant…sometimes change is hard to handle. Especially when it is a Mom with little ones that aren’t little any more.

So don’t go putting bricks anywhere…encourage, build up and mentor. If bricks were put on you, be different and put those bricks where they are most needed…like around your house.

Have a wonderful and beautiful day in the Lord and enjoy all that you do. Nancy