Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Good Idea/Are you alone?

Good morning my friends…..

Guess what I just realized? That March came in like a Lion and now it is going out like a Lamb. Oh….what a beautiful morning! Everybody sing…..

I think that I mentioned before that when my husband George was little, his Mom use to wake him up singing that song….HA HA he hates it to this day!!! I have to laugh!!!

In moving on…everyday we hear and see more “bad” news. Everything from gas prices, mortgage problems, cost of schools going up, loss of jobs, not enough clean water to drink, homeless people with and without children…the list goes on and on.

To quote a friend of mine…."so what to do?" At first I had to ponder this. Think, think, think…as Tigger does.

Do we just fold up….take our ball/doll and go home. Is the fun over? What about the song that says….”I think I’ll go eat worms, etc.” (YUCK!!!)

Well, that is not for me. How about you? Do you know; do you realize that there is more than what meets the eye? Do you know what is on the other side of your circumstance?

Probably not but I gotta’ tell ya’ what’s on the other side is better than just looking at the circumstance and feeling overwhelmed and defeated.

In these “hard economic” times we are not to run and say the sky is falling. We are too embrace what is happening and make a change with it. Take stock of where you are being hit and improve upon it. This is probably your wake up call. HELLO

I remember when I hit some low points in my life I felt like I was all alone. Well, no I wasn’t. Did I realize that at the time…..maybe not….but I’m here to tell ya”, you are not alone.

So much of life is revealed to us in its own time. When our Lord knows that we are ready to receive then He delivers.

Take all of our situations and challenges and make good on them. Examine how you fell down, where the pot holes may be and prepare yourself for what lies ahead. You have to come out of this…it is survival and we all want to survive….maybe even “more than survive????” I’m with you!

There is a plan – you are part of a plan whether or not you know it. The end result will be determined on how you handle your current situation. WOW – now there is a thought to think.

We have all been made a promise that says…."I will never leave you nor forsake you…" Joshua 1:5 and Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)

So you see, you are not alone and the answer to today’s tough questions – are but a question away….”JustAsk”.

In your darkest of worries and most desperate of times, do not worry or get anxious because He has promised to always be with us.

The difference can be made by keeping your eyes upward and not glued to today’s headlines. Rise above the crowd…be the difference that people notice….be the difference that God has called you to be. Nancy

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Good Idea/Wasting Time?

Good Monday morning…..

What a bright day! When the sun shines down on the wet grass; thoughts of summer pop into my head and I’m expecting warmth soon. This is such a great place to be in…..let’s be thankful for this beautiful country and such a beautiful day!

Starting your day off in an attitude of gratitude…..how wonderful!

Recently I’ve heard some people talking about “waiting” until “something” is over; then they will do “something” else with their lives.

For example…..finishing school before getting a job, completing a very active social life before settling down, sowing wild oats….(yep) before being responsible, and becoming financially set before starting a family. (Does that always work?)

So much time is spent “waiting” around that at times we get very little done. Garth Brooks sang a song entitled, “If Tomorrow Never Comes”….talk about an eye opener.

George and I were directed to reflect on this song while attending a marriage conference. What a great impact that made. Are we living our days like they are the last?

Then we have married couples that say, “In two years or so after I am well established in my career, we will start a family.” I’ve seen this happen so many times – this is when we discover that our time in not God’s time. Once again, we are not in control.

I heard the story of one young man who just wanted to party a little longer, spend more time with his friends then go home to his young wife. One night he did go home after being out and his young wife was gone. Not everyone waits around for us to get “done” with our personal experiences.

So here is the check point…..time to make those necessary changes now, time to get serious about what needs to be done.

You have a decision to make….you have a difference to make. Now is not the time to wait. Now is not the time to say…."I’ll do it soon."

People are waiting for you to make a move; your career is hanging in the balance waiting for you to get serious, your loved ones are waiting for you to make a commitment, and if you haven’t noticed yet, the Lord is waiting for you to open the door. (This waiting will not last forever.)

How much time do we all have? No one knows and we thank God for that but I know this, time doesn’t last forever so make the most of what you have been given.

You’ve all heard before that the only time we are sure of is the time that we are currently in….that is why it is called the “present.” This truly is a gift to behold. Let’s not waste it, let’s not tarry in play, let’s make a difference with it.

Enjoy your time, give of your time, take authority over your time and love someone with your time. Whew – being productive with your time. Let’s get this done. Nancy

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Good Idea/Happy Birthday

Good morning to all……

What a glorious day….this morning we celebrated. Today is a special day in our household….it is our youngest daughter’s birthday.

We started our morning off with a cinnamon coffee cake with candles, singing and presents galore. Alexa is at that age now where her wants have changed to fashion. I so do miss the new doll gifts. I guess we are getting away from those little girl times and into bigger girl things. The end of an era….it had to come, didn’t it?

As we were singing to Alexa, her brother sat by watching and grinning at us. He then told her, “Just wait Alexa they will soon start to embarrass you in public.” This is great; we now know how to get to Matthew.

Today I would like to celebrate life; everyone’s life. Talk about a joyous occasion! There is cake for everyone! How precious life is and how short life is.

You wake up one morning and your focus is strictly on yourself and what you plan on doing with your day. You go to sleep, wake up and now your focus is on others and what you need to do to take care of those around you.

Where did that time go? George and I think about this from time to time when we think of our marriage. Where has the time gone? We have so enjoyed and loved our time together that it has flown by. We have totally meshed together as one so living apart does not even seem possible.

The same with our children; when did they grow up? Where was I and what was I doing? Physically I was here, mentally I was here, emotionally I was here but it just went so fast.

Whew – slow down. I have just been reminded of this thought….A couple of days ago I was fussing about not having enough of my “own” time to get done what needed to be done.

I’m being stopped by one thing or the other…then I realized and remembered that I am exactly where I need to be…getting done what I need to do.

There will be a day when the kids are gone from the home and I will say, “Where did they go?” “I can finish this work later, I want to see them.”

We are getting caught up in our daily lives. We do not embrace the perfect gifts that God has given to us. Each other and our children.

In a moment it comes then it will be gone. Cherish, cherish, cherish. Hold tight and be thankful for the time given for each moment with someone. It will not last forever.

I was gifted with a book from my Sister called “If Only I Knew” by Lance Wubbels, and on one page it states, “If only I knew…this was the last gift I could give you, I would surprise you with something that says nothing compares with you.”

How true. On this earth nothing compares with life itself. Enjoy, embrace, love, celebrate and cherish. Happy Birthday my little one….I love you. Mom

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Good Idea/When it rains it pours

Good morning…it’s a great day…

Even on this cloudy morning I feel truly alive. I stepped outside this morning and took in a deep breath enjoying the early morning fragrance. How great to start your day filling up on His goodness.

So many times we have used the expression …"When it rains, it pours." We normally state this when negative circumstances keep coming at us.

From time to time stumbling blocks keep popping up and we have to choose if we will step over them, making them stepping stones, or we will be stopped by them.

If we look at each issue as a problem instead of an opportunity then we will be stopped in our tracks wondering what to do next.

I have noticed that if we allow our negative circumstances to dictate our thoughts then we cannot think clearly. We need to unload that burden and take a deep breath of gratitude for being alive and slowly embrace what opportunities may come from our situations.

Too many times we go off in a rage without considering what might come next. We may even bring on more “stumbling blocks” just by our actions.

I have learned to slow down, take a look at the big overall picture and cast my burdens on the One who can carry all things; then I rest.

When we live by the negative “when it rains, it pours,” we are opening up ourselves to just that…more of the same.

Let’s shift to raining out good things….true gifts of gladness, love, compassion, acceptance, joy and service. These are the gifts that should “reign” down…let them flow to overflowing. It shall rain and pour buckets of gladness all over you.

I’m suggesting buckets of gladness for today and of course your umbrella. Be well, be happy, and most of all be generous because you will make a difference. Nancy

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Good Idea/Inner strength

Good afternoon everyone…..

A little late today but it is all good. As my Mama would say, “better late then never.” Thanks Mom. So sit down and grab a chair…

I’ve been thinking about how powerful we as people can be when we have the “right stuff” inside of us.

Just today while working with a student it was mentioned that he has such great potential. There are many reasons for this but to name just one it would be because of that magnificent brain which was given to him from God.

He has heart. He wants to help. Nothing is to menial for him, nothing is out of his range, and his possibilities are endless. Why? Because he believes! It was mentioned that some do not believe in this student, he may not have the capabilities.

That is not how I see it. He has a burning desire to do more than what others may require of him. He wants, he has a hunger, he has a thirst, and he does not want to “be lazy.” (His words.)

This student laughs, smiles, looks on with wonder and feels a presence of peace and joy. That is the Lord. This is the heart. This shines like a beacon in the dark. He lights up a room.

Some people can just pass on joy by the look on their face. They pass it on by their kind words and works. They pass it on by their smile or a firm hand shake. This wonderful feeling was transmitted today for sure.

We must not discount another’s ability to perform. If we do discount it, are you sure you know where that ability has come from? Let’s not be too quick to judge…or better yet…do not judge at all.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said it perfectly when he said, “What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.” YES!!! It’s that still small voice that encourages us to move forward and pass on love.

So I’m going to live on what lives inside of me….and I’m convinced that that is what makes the difference. Enjoy all that you do and do it with a difference. Nancy

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Good Idea/Glad Heart

Good morning to all…..

My daughter was home from college a couple of weeks ago for spring break and she and I went shopping. (Don’t tell George.) Well Sarah talked me into buying a pair of very comfortable, over sized knit type pants. I thought they would be good to just relax in and maybe even get my day started in.

She bought a pair herself and I saw her wearing them a lot while she was home. She even wore them outside. So this morning I slipped them on and proceeded to take our youngest over to school. Cold? Oh my gosh, there is nothing to this knit material. Seriously how could Sarah wear these out on chilly mornings? I’m thinking maybe it is just me, maybe my blood is running slower these days. Don’t tell me that it is time for Geritol????? (If you don’t remember, don’t ask HA HA.)

Today I want to talk about your heart and where it might be. Is your heart in the projects that you are committed to? Is your heart open to love and suggestions? Is your heart full of compassion for your fellow man? Do you have a giving heart or a closed heart?

If you heart isn’t in it….don’t do it. If you cannot give with a gracious and glad heart, don’t give.

You gotta’ feel it. You gotta’ be full of love and the want to be in service to make a difference in your life and in others.

So many times we just do because that it what we “should” do. When that happens we become sour over our commitment. We become resentful, angry, and the grumbling begins.

We should do all things with gladness in our hearts. Why that is even required of us in the Bible.

This struck me again yesterday because I “had” to do some domestic work. Well I was feeling like Cinderella!

I could almost feel the grumbling beginning deep in my stomach….Why me, why now, why this, why that… come on, enough. I said forgive me Father, I thank you that I have a house to clean and a family to care for. (Watch our words!)

Immediately I found my happy heart. I found my gladness and thankfulness and I began to have such joy in my heart! Why I worked at such speed I lost total track of time. I was truly a content and happy hearted person. I realized what I was doing and then thanked the good Lord for His blessings.

Put your heart into all that you do. It feels Wonderful! And also remember being Cinderella is not a bad thing at all….she gets the Prince, doesn’t she? And that makes all the difference! Nancy

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Good Idea/Anger

Good morning everyone….

Isn’t it such a bright and beautiful morning? This morning I saw a “puffed-out” Robin sitting on our deck railing. She was in no hurry to move; just soaking up the sun-shine and I believe looking for a place to roost. What a great time of season that we are heading into.

Today I feel a need to tackle a subject which some of us might be dealing with. It is anger. Anger, it brings such a dark connotation with it, doesn’t it?

Anger, it can make us physically sick, it can hurt a heart, it can raise blood pressure, it destroys families, and it can cause headaches, stomach aches, anxiousness, depression, and rage. Now I ask you….who wants it?

I don’t know of one person who wants “anger” but I can tell you of several people who live in anger. WOW – here is a stronghold that someone needs to break out of.

What makes us angry? What has made us so defensive? Why do we feel that we must be the first one to “put up our dukes?” Where is the threat coming from?

The Bible tells us in: Ephesians 4:26-27 (New International Version - UK )
26 In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold.

Anger, put it away. Find a place to get rid of it. Talk with someone you trust, someone you love and who loves you. My Mama use to tell me, “ Nancy never go to bed angry.”

We all get a bit sideways from time to time…..but let it go. This anger will eat you up alive. And once again, we have touched on this before, who do you hurt when you are eaten up with anger? We hurt only ourselves.

I’ve seen people prowl around in anger like they are waiting to devour someone. Not a pretty picture! Look at what anger can do….what it does.

OK, I’m being reminded once again that I live in a rainbow. Yes, and again I say, so true. But there is nothing wrong with that. I choose joy over sorrow; I choose joy over anger why, because I want something better for my life and the life of my family.

Don’t be eaten up alive in anger. Give it a rest; put it not only aside but totally out of your life. Can it be done, you bet it can!! “JustAsk” and the way will be shown.

Remember the commercial that said…."Don’t get mad…get Glad". I do believe that they were onto something there!!!

Enjoy your lovely day and start trading that anger in for gladness and you will make such a difference in your life. Nancy

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Good Idea/Grieving

Good First Day of Spring Day….

Pardon my delay today but I thought it appropriate to wait until it “officially” turned spring before I greeted you with such. So happy spring time to all!!!

My big question is….does it still snow in the spring? Yes it does….and we’ve seen the flakes to prove it. This only proves that God’s timing is different from our timing.

Today I am grieving along with many other people. I’m carrying this grief on top of me like a cloak. We have had a couple of auto accidents around my county which has left several young adults in very critical condition. We lost one dear girl yesterday so my heartfelt prayers go out to the family and friends of Taylor . God bless you all in your time of sadness and grief. May you find total peace and comfort in the arms of our most gracious Lord.

Yesterday I was asked to join a few of my dear friends and visit the hospital to pray for the accident victims. I felt totally honored to be asked into this mission.

No matter how much you prepare yourself for what is to be; the more you realize that you are not prepared at all. Not prepared by yourself anyway.

You get all panicked and wonder just wonder….how am I going to do this? What am I going to say? OH….I cannot do this…..!

Then, a peace comes over you, a peace that surpasses all understanding and you just “do.”

This comes over you like a quiet confidence. This is a confidence that comes in knowing that “you” are not the one who will be speaking and guiding the grieving family members and friends. We are there to share His word and to share in His promises.

Yesterday I did not say much; I was just there to help support and to show my love and concern for all that were present.

Sometimes we are called out of our comfort zone to do something that we would never think twice about doing. At least voluntarily doing anyway.

It is in these times of weakness and doubts that our Lord God reaches inside of us and says “you can do it, I need for you to do this, this is your assignment, and do this in My name.”

We find out that we do have the strength….it is in our weakness that He gives His strength. So when people say, “oh I can’t do that…” I reply, “Yes you can.”

Do not give up because you feel ill equipped. You are fully equipped when He sends you forth.

As I said yesterday, these children, these young adults, are not just someone’s child….they belong to all of us….they are “our” children. They are “His” children.

There will be recovery and there will be joy, even great joy…but to feel the great joy; one must experience great sadness. That is where the families are now.

I grieve with you, I cry with you, and I will rejoice with you. We are supporting each other through life journeys. Once you are there for another person…it is then that you will feel the difference. Nancy

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Good Idea/Small beginnings

And a good morning to you…..

Today could be one of those days that if I don’t physically jump up and down I just might take a little nap. Ever have one of those days that you woke up more tired than when you went to bed? What do we do during our sleep? Most interesting I think.

I want to share with you that a couple of friends of mine are having babies. How wonderful and exciting of times for the entire family. The birth of new life….that in itself is absolutely too big to wrap my mind around.

Just to think of humble and small beginnings. Something so small that will make such a huge impact in their lives.

There is an American Proverb that says, “From small beginnings come great things.” Isn’t this so true?

You can take this Proverb in many different directions. How about an idea? From its conception in your mind; a great Company is born. From a speck of sugar; the medicine goes down. From a smile across the room; a relationship is started. Small but oh so powerful.

We all start out slow. It is a process which must be accomplished in order to develop into the desired dream.

As children we slowly get up, walk a little, run a little, then before you know it, we are making decisions and having children of our own. From a small beginning!

I don’t believe that we should ever criticize someone for not being further along than they are. It’s nurturing a seed, it takes time to grow and flourish. It’s about meeting another person where they are and not expecting them to move too quickly.

A small beginning….a small step….some might think that this is insignificant but I say it all matters.

I remember that a person once told me that being a beginner soccer player was not exciting. It only gets exciting when you are well versed in the game. I totally disagree with that person.

It’s exciting on all levels. Isn’t it exciting to see your child run around the field trying to figure it out? They are so cute and innocent. These are precious times. Do not dismiss it because it is a beginning. I believe that the person who told me this has missed out on a lot.

Enjoy your beginnings no matter how small. To the person dreaming the dream…it is huge! Let’s rejoice and know that big things are about to happen.

Can you feel the birthing pains????? The difference is on its way. Nancy

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Good Idea/Lights Shining

Good morning to all….

I stepped outside this morning and couldn’t believe my eyes….YUCK….worms on the driveway. It must be getting warmer out. The smell of worms
…no thank you.

In conversations recently; I’ve been talking about lights that shine. Not just any light…not a street light…not the light from a star…not a flashlight….not a candlelight…no….none of those….I’ve been talking about your own person light…what makes you shine?

Just this conversation alone makes me smile. Lights shining brightly out of us. What sets you aglow? What makes you exude joy, peace, contentment, love????

When others look at you do they see something shining in your eyes? Do your eyes sparkle? If not, why not?

We have so much at our fingertips to be glad about. We have such a promise to live and believe in….that should make you smile and glow.

My goal is to give off as much light as humanly possible. I do not want my lantern to burn out. I want it to be a beacon for others to see and wonder about. When they wonder, they will “JustAsk”.

We need to shine for others. We need to feel that shine ourselves which will bring on more light. We need to fill our lanterns with truth and promises of tomorrow so that we can continue on day by day.

This in filling of lantern oil does not happen by itself. No, we must “JustAsk” for it. We must surround ourselves with like minded people….people who believe.

A song just came to mind….do you remember or have you ever heard…"This little light of mine…I’m gonna’ let it shine…etc." There is truth in these words.

We need to burn brightly! We need to feel the Son shine! I found a quote by Mother Teresa. She said, “To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.”

Fill yourself with goodness. Fill yourself with knowledge of His promises. Fill yourself with love and laughter…it’s the best medicine.

Shine brightly so that you will glow with hope and truth. And…as an added bonus…you will get that “Do you have a tan?” question from those that see color in your face.

OK…now I hear…..”Shine little glow worm…glitter, glitter...” Oh no, worms again!

Even in today’s sunlight, people will see you glow….this glow is different….this glow comes from within…feel it today and make a difference. Nancy

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Good Idea/Feeling free?

Hello & Good morning….

Feeling a bit better out there today, isn’t it? While walking to school this morning with my daughter, she caught hold of a bird’s song and started whistling back…… beautiful I thought…..harmony singing in the morning!

I want to share with you a conversation that I have been having with several people recently and I have been reading up on this particular topic a lot.

It is called forgiveness. A big deal for many; so big that they just cannot do it.

This lack of forgiveness leads to sleepless nights, stomach problems, lack of self confidence, anger, resentment, and a general bad attitude.

I find that people who do not forgive are also defensive at times and aggressive at others. They feel as if they have a score to settle and they will not stop until they do.

How do I know this? I use to be one of them. I might have mentioned this before but I held onto unforgiveness for a while. It almost ate me alive. I did not want to let go. It made the pain all too real. I really felt as if the person that I was angry with felt “my wrath”….they could have cared less!

While seething in my anger I heard….."If you forgive people their sins, your Father in heaven will forgive your sins also." Matthew 6:14.

GULP!!!! That is huge!!! So I asked what am I holding onto and for what? Just to punish the other person. This person did not even know nor did they care. So, who was I hurting….ME!!!

I learned to let go. I had a meltdown and said….I’m sorry and I forgive. Seriously!!! What a load was lifted. My shoulders no longer hurt and I felt truly alive. More than I have in my entire life! What a feeling of freedom.

Do you know freedom? Real freedom? It comes with forgiveness.

If you feel as if you just can’t forgive someone (or yourself) on your own…that is more than OK. Here is what you do – you “JustAsk” the good Lord to do it for you. With faith it will be done.

Let’s not hold onto past mistakes and guilt ridden thoughts. This type of thinking will get you no where fast.

It’s like anything else that we do….you have to want to do it. You have to want something better for yourself. You have to want to break free of the hold of unforgiveness and ensure yourself in right standing. It is about you and your life.

Give up on holding a grudge. Seek forgiveness for yourself and others and forgiveness will be granted. It is so freeing…..so delightful!!!

We should examine ourselves and find out what is holding us back from enjoying a full life….is it a lack of forgiveness? Time to turn that in and begin again…..it will make such a tremendous difference in your life….Nancy

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Good Idea/Superstition

Good Friday the 13th…..

Seriously I mean it….good Friday the 13th! No problems here. No thinking of impending doom. No mishaps, no accidents, or problems because of this day or date. So happy Friday the 13th!

I find superstitions interesting….why are people superstitious? What has happened to make them this way?

I remember hearing of dos and don’ts of what to do while I was pregnant. I thought how silly; don’t look at certain animals, don’t go to certain places, walk backwards…I don’t know, I just made that one up, but they all seemed so silly to me. How do these things get started?

So I looked up the definition of superstition on the WorldNet….it says, “An irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear.” There you go….F E A R…false evidence appearing real.

If you stumble and fall today, if you choke on your lunch, if you bump the car in front of you; it is because you weren’t paying attention, or maybe you were in a hurry. It has nothing to do with this day or date.

At times we bring on our own trouble. My Mama use to say to me, “ Nancy , don’t go looking for trouble.”

Why do we have this impending doom hanging over us? Why do we have to think that something bad is going to happen….and why on Friday the 13th? What has this day ever done to us?

It’s like being superstitious of full moons or black cats. My children were born when the moon was full and they are beautiful. I’ve had many black cats run in front of me…I just chase them with the hopes of petting them.

Take what you are given and enjoy it. Don’t be afraid of it…God has given it to you to do something with…not to run from it.

Stand tall, be counted, and embrace this day. The day when good things happen to you…not when you recount the number of times that your Grandma said….don’t walk under that ladder. (I don’t know, maybe I believe that one…)

I’m going out to make a difference today….I’m looking for ways to make Friday the 13th positive for everyone! Enjoy…let’s forget about superstition and rejoice in another day that the Lord has given to us….. Nancy

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Good Idea/Chit-Chat

Good good morning…

So sorry to have missed you yesterday. I took the day off and played a little hooky with my kids. Gotta’ do it every now and then!

Today let’s talk about “chit-chat.” You know that little talk, talk, talk-sometimes it can make you crazy.

Sometimes there is so much around me that I tune it out, run outside, or just say, “Will you please be quiet for a moment or two.”

But on the other hand “chit-chat” is just fine. Sometimes we need to have conversations with others that will not put us in a place of stress. I do consider these conversations to be fun at times.

Many times we “chit-chat” with others just to catch up. Many times we “chit-chat” with strangers whom we want to make conversation with. Many times we “chit-chat” while at an appointment just to make the time pass.

It doesn’t have to be big, just something to say to be friendly and approachable. There is a lot of “chit-chatting” going on while getting ones hair done. There is "chit-chat" in the dental chair....of course not by the one getting their teeth worked on.

These are fun times. Times to literally let your hair down. Time to put your feet up, be pampered and have a good “how are ya’” conversation. “Chit-chat.”

Now “chit-chat” can drive some people totally crazy. They may say, “If you have nothing important to say, then don’t take up my time.” A little harsh you may say, true I think, but we have to be respectful of another’s time and watch when we speak.

Often times I think that people speak only to hear themselves. I think this is true of many adults and children. I have found over the years that I need to be quiet rather than talkative in some situations. Sometimes it is better to listen then to talk. And your foot doesn’t go in your mouth as often!

Small conversations – “chit-chat” – its fun – it’s not threatening – its light – and it’s relaxing.

So I guess that my “chit-chatting” is over…time to let you go and get something done….but it has been fun, hasn’t it? Did I make a little bit of a difference today? Nancy

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Good Idea/Positive People

Good morning my friends…..

Friends….I pray so…..why not friends I ask? We can be there for each other, we can be interested in each other and we can step out for each other. Friends-people who care.

This past weekend, my husband George and I attended a function that was, in my opinion, lavish and well put together. You could tell that time was spent in preparation and planning.

Before the event began the planners were scurrying about making sure that all was right and that the players were in place. There was excitement…the kind of excitement that left one just a little chilly with clamminess.

You could see smiles for miles and lots of hugs, hand shakes, and “how’s it going buddy” talk.

George and I participated in this event so we could not leave our area but we could observe from where we were. The movement through the night gave us great pleasure.

People were just down right happy. People were friendly, open, they wanted to share, and they were positive in their thinking, talking, and actions. It was great to see.

Did it last, I don’t know but for the moment we were on one wave length and it felt really good.

There are many, many positive motivated individuals in this world. These are the people who truly want to make a difference. (Kristi) They are ready to go in a moments notice and turn the hand of help. They want to be a part of the big picture. Doing good for someone else.

You can tell who they are the moment that you meet them. There is something in their soul that tells you that they are different. It is that “something” that says, “oh pick me….pick me….I want to help.” This makes me grin really big. I can so easily relate. This is that rainbow that I live in. What a great place to be and so easy to get there.

Positive people will turn the world on its ear. Positive people will always be there in a moment’s notice. Positive people will be the true movers and shakers.

Why are positive people different? They operate differently because they believe before they see and they live outside of their circumstance. WOW – living outside of you, knowing that it is not all about us.

It is about being positive not only for ourselves but for the other person. This positive “stuff” rubs off so easily……gotta’ get some if you don’t have it.

Guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a skip in your step!!! Be light on your feet as you go about making a difference in a positive way!!!! Nancy

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Good Idea/Sacrifice

Good early Monday morning….

How did you fair Sunday morning getting up just a bit earlier? I can definitely say that I missed an hour or two. Oh well, pretty soon the birds will be singing their beautiful songs…the sun will be up around 6ish or so and then we will say…."hey I can’t sleep with all of this light in my bedroom!"

Today I would like to jump right in and talk about sacrifice. What does sacrifice mean exactly?

The on-line dictionary says….to surrender something, the act of offering something, forfeit something, and relinquish something. Sacrificing something to the Lord.

We sacrifice everyday of our lives; maybe not even aware that we are doing it. Sacrifice becomes part of our daily living.

It could be something as small as giving up your food for someone else in your household. As an example, my Matthew, age 13, eats everything that isn’t nailed down. So when we sit to eat and he has finished his portion, he may get that “are you gonna’ eat that” look in his eyes and then we make a sacrifice and give him what we have left.

Why do we do that….because we love him. We sacrifice to him because we love him and I hate to see that sad…”I’m still hungry look what else do you have!”

We sacrifice our time for others, our talents, and our abilities. When we feel that it is necessary and worthwhile, we will give up and press in.

So OK….let’s say one of your children or a spouse or a friend or even yourself would want something that they/you just cannot “live” without…you know what I’m talking about. Something that just says…."you gotta have me!"

What sacrifices do we make to attain that item? For instance, I can remember the kids wanting I-pods, games, bikes, cell phones, clothes, shoes, CD’s, DVD’s…and so on….so we say, “fine, what are you going to do to make some money to buy or help buy these items?” Or we may say, “OK, what are you going to give up in order to get these other items that you want?”

Funny, funny, funny, in some cases, the item is not so “needed” any longer. Why, because the sacrifice does not want to be made. I guess we don’t want it so bad, now do we?

And…sometimes the only way to acquire something is through sacrifice. You know it is not so bad to deny oneself for the greater purpose.

Sacrifice promotes discipline and discipline is so needed. We cannot always get what we want when we want it. Sometimes we have to give up to get.

A thought just came to me while writing to you….my Mama use to say, “ Nancy , good things come to those that wait.”

I guess we can tie these two together but for now I’ll just say thanks for the memory Mom.

So maybe for today you can sacrifice lunch, or a cookie, or extra times spent shopping and just spend that time in quiet thought. Or look for a Matthew of your own and ask him if he is still hungry! HA HA

Enjoy all that you sacrifice today and remember that will make a difference. Nancy

Friday, March 6, 2009

Good Idea/Handshakes

Good morning to you…..

As I sit and work this morning I’m feeling a bit of cold surround me. (Understatement!!!) I say to myself, “I know that I turned the heat up this morning but it is getting colder.”

So I get up to check the thermostat, what - it reads 62 degrees and it is getting colder. I feel the register….cold air is blowing out. What to do? I call George. Now this is something which I know absolutely about. I praise God that I can call George.

Guess what he will be doing today? So in the mean time I can layer on the clothes and back to work I go. (These fingerless gloves come in handy!)

Today I’m thinking about taking someone at their word…you know, when your word was good enough…when a deal was made on a handshake.

Those days do not exist too much any more do they? Why? Because the trust is no longer there. These are not the days of old. We’ve all heard the stories of our parents and grand-parents…."Well back in my day a man’s handshake was good enough." I wonder when this ended.

I know in some business dealings which we have had; we’ve had to sign a contract to seal the agreement. Too bad because we should be able to take another’s word on a promise.

Even in marriage people have contracts signed just so that a feeling of security and peace are present. This is in case one of the partners decides to bail out. What a way to start a relationship, a marriage, signing papers just in case. I say if you have to sign those papers you better not get married. Looking for Plan B just in case Plan A doesn’t work – is this right?

I want integrity in my relationships whether they are personal or professional. The “real” world does not operate that way. Everyone needs to cover themselves because not all people are honest.

It seems that some people which we have an appointment with seem to be out for themselves and not out for the common good of all. I do believe that here in lies the doubt and deceit.

If we knew and could trust that all parties were in agreement with the over all plan then the handshake would work. There are too many people trying to scheme and get what rightfully doesn’t belong to them.

That is why we protect ourselves with contracts. Too bad I think. Too bad that a handshake is not what it use to be.

I know that I have mentioned to you before that I shake a person’s hand all wrong; (I’ve been told.) I’m too informal. Why? Because I wrap both of my hands around the other hand for the greeting. I’m truly glad to meet you and I show that. Even my handshake is all wrong…what’s up with that. Why are we so disconnected at times?

It’s all about connection, it’s all about warmth, it’s all about caring, it’s all about trust and honesty, it’s all about being real. Loving in a real way.

I would love to see more people getting close to others. Use both of your hands to shake just one. You’ll really take ‘em by surprise and it feels good too. HA HA…the difference that you will make. Nancy

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Good Idea/Trust

Good morning to all....

This morning George reminded me that this coming weekend we will loose 1 hour. (Spring forward) I start to calculate…OK, when I go to bed at 11PM it will be 12 midnight…oh, too late… got to get to bed earlier.

Isn’t it funny how we are governed by the clock? “Time is on my side, yes it is”…do you remember that song by the Rolling Stones? Ah…memories!

Today I want to talk about trust. Having trust or the lack of trust can put us at different places in our lives.

We all know that we are who we are because of circumstances and situations in our lives that have shaped and molded us.

For me I found it difficult to trust because of a confidence being broken by a friend of mine. I would not confide in another person outside of my family for a very long time. In looking back I see how foolish that was because we were just children but nonetheless I learned a valuable lesson.

That lesson is to be discerning. We must look at each situation and person with wisdom and stretch our thoughts out to what could happen if I confide at this present time.

With time and maturity I grew to trust again. I’m careful not to speak out of turn or to speak of things that need not be discussed.

Sometimes I think we run with our mouths so much so that more comes out than should come out.

I also believe that a lot depends on your circle of friends. Who makes up that circle? Are they trustworthy, dependable, loyal, faithful, interested in your well being, loving, caring and selfless?

Are they with you for the long haul or just short term runners. (Runners - that may be the key word here.)

We also find trust when we give trust. You know this is the “you get what you give” theory. How true. My Mama would say, “ Nancy what goes around comes around.” Sometimes I would sit just to watch that thing come around! HA HA

Trust, what a beautiful thing when you can fully trust another person. You then know that whatever you go through, your partner, your confident will be by your side. That is trust and true love. It is what we are called for…true love that comes with trust.

I have found awesome trust within my family and now with a more than wonderful circle of friends. We can be open and honest with each other because we know that love and trust go hand in hand.

I encourage you all to show your trustworthiness and loyalty today….this just might make the difference. Nancy

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Good Idea/Strive for more

Good – good morning….

Let’s think about lunch? Do you ever get tired of the same old thing but you just don’t know what else you want? Alexa was that way this morning. Of course who can blame her…thinking about lunch at 7AM is a push for me also.

I told her that sometimes we have to expand our horizons and go for the turkey. I’ll find out later how she enjoyed the change.

Today I want to talk about reaching for the stars…just this morning this phrase was given to me…"Do not just get by – strive and seek more."

We cannot be complacent and expect something different in return. We should not just squeak by. We are called for a greater purpose and that is to want more, do more, be more and then to look for the opportunities to find more.

After finding “more” we are called to give more. Now I know you are saying, “enough with the giving more speech Nancy .” “I get it.”

Well I get it too but everyday something or someone comes into my path and it is like a new day….I say “Aha this is what it all means.”

Striving for something better. Striving to live a better life. Striving to make a bigger difference and striving for the betterment of our families.

It’s about developing something in your life which has been given to you and making it better. The picture comes to mind of being on a merry go round and reaching for the golden ring. Reach for it…make your life better by choosing to strive and seeking more of what He has provided.

This could be through personal reading, formal education, talking with your peers, entering into an informal study group and just going into private prayer yourself.

How can I make myself better? How can I help to improve my community? How can I be a better parent, spouse, child, student, worker…working to improve ones self is awesome.

So at this time maybe being the squeaky wheel is not called for…maybe we need to reach out and say I’m ready to make a change…I’m ready to make a difference…I’m ready for a better way. I believe that today is your day. Nancy