Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Good Idea/I'm repeating

Good morning to all….

I never want it said that “she repeats herself.” I really try not to do that. But….sometimes a message comes to me that just won’t let go. That is where I am at today.

We’ve heard it before, I’ve spoken on it before and here it comes again…."Watch your words."

You say, “ Nancy that is so old.” Yes, I do know that but it keeps coming back and I am prompted to speak of it once again.

We hear it in small groups, we hear this message being spoken from the pulpit, and we read it in various publications…the Bible even states it…

Proverbs 18:21… Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. (NIV)

I have met with people who say out of the blue…."I’ve heard it is what and how we say something that matters." "WOW" – I say to myself.

I’ve been contemplating whether or not I should share this one again. This is what I decided. Someone somewhere needs to hear this. If not for the first time, if not for the second or if not only for confirmation – this is really important.

What do you speak over yourself? What do you speak over others? What do you speak over your job, your home, your friends, your health, your love and your faith?

Before you dismiss me as “yeah, yeah, yeah”…take one more look at your speech. Are you speaking life into your situations or are you speaking death?

It is so easy to fall into a rut and speak only of demise but turn that around and speak only of hope and promises.

Not only will your life turn around because you believe it to be so but you will feel so much better.

Let’s start today – proclaim promises over yourself, speak good news over yourself and believe that you shall receive according to your words. When your words are right; you will be right. “JustAsk”

Make a difference today by starting out with “YES!” You are great and you will make it! Nancy

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Good Idea/Patterns

Good morning my friends….

What a glorious day. I’ve heard from my eldest and she says that where she is at it is cloudy and cold. Then I look outside my window and see blue skies, sunshine and a cool breeze blowing. This scene is pretty consistent outside my doors. You know - it is how you perceive it to be.

Today I want to share with you my thoughts on “patterns.” More specifically the question, who are you patterned after?

Who are you most like? Who do you most look like? Who do you most act like? We all talk about these things in our generational lines.

Unfortunately, we sometimes pattern our health after someone who has gone before us. Because of our genetics we pattern our well being after the other members in our family.

I’ve had to deal with these same issues. There has been a certain disease which has shown up a time or two in my family line. I just refuse to accept the “fact” that I am pre-destined to receive this sickness.

I have looked at the facts, I have read up on preventative measures and most importantly I believe in health and healing.

I do not want to live a life of gloom and doom just because I may be patterned after someone who has gone before me.

We have a choice to make. Maybe we do not have a choice in life as to who we look like but we do have a choice on how we take care of ourselves and what we believe to be true about ourselves.

I’ve heard people say, “Oh that runs in our family so I’m just going to accept my fate.” What is that about? Accepting fate? Is there such a thing????

Isn’t life about being pro-active? Isn’t life about living to the best of your God given abilities? Not settling for second best. Don’t we always need to put our best foot forward? Once again I’m taken back to desire, belief and achieve. We are doing something about it.

Let’s not accept what “fate” has to offer. As a matter of fact, let’s throw “fate” out. It is “faith” not “fate.” It is in the believing that there is more….it is about “JustAsk”.

So who are you patterned after? What does that pattern say to you? Do you like it? Do you want to change it? Who is patterned after you??? This might be the better question.

Mirror, mirror on the wall – enjoy your day one and all. Be different. Nancy

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Good Idea/Temptations

Good morning to all…..

OK – OK – OK –I misspelled a little word on Friday. Oh my gosh, I caught it after I shared with you. Make that “lose” control not “loose” control. Sorry!

A few days ago George and I were talking about “temptation.” What is temptation exactly?

The on-line dictionary defines temptation as, something that seduces or has the quality to seduce…. the desire to have or do something that you know you should avoid; "He felt the temptation and his will power weakened." (I see chocolate cake here.)

There you go - explained very nicely. We know what temptation is but how do we over come it? Some say that their temptations are so hard to over come. Some say that their temptations are too big. Some say “yeah, but you don’t know how hard it is.”

We are tempted every moment in every day. We must be strong to avoid temptation. So am I saying that we need to walk around with blinders on? Am I saying that we should live in a box? No, not at all.

What I am saying is that we must shed the weakness and no longer give excuses for out actions.

I find that some people are very strong in their weaknesses. Now isn’t that odd – strong in weakness? They hold onto their weaknesses. Some describe themselves by their weaknesses.

I’ve heard some say that they cannot control the temptations. They could not help themselves. I understand this; temptation is a strong hold and a hold that some have difficulty breaking.

This reminds me of talking with a child and they may express a concern to me. I will attempt to explain a solution but they come back with “yeah, but.” The “yeah, but” is an excuse. Do they really want the solution to the concern or do they just want to roll around in it more?

When a person wants to break away from a temptation they might want to change their actions or even the people they spend time with.

How badly do they want change in their lives? We hear people talk about addictions, how they want to break free…but are they really trying to change? Are they really trying to escape that temptation?

George made a great statement about this – if you want to be an electrician, you would not study under a plumber.

This means, if you want to break free you need to position yourself with people who are not battling what you are battling.

Let’s say alcohol is your temptation – do not be with people who drink. The same holds true for all temptations. Position yourself outside the draw. Help yourself to succeed.

The more excuses we give about how we cannot overcome temptations - the further we will fall.

It is not easy – not easy at all….the first step is to get rid of the excuses of “yeah but” and move forward to staying clear of that temptation. JustAsk for help.

Such a difference can be made by a little change that begins with you. Nancy

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Good Idea/Control

Hello and Good morning….

Have you ever had one of those weeks when you run into your office, slide across the desk and fall into your chair???? Well that is where I am. Sometimes I see a sitcom built around me! Glory to the Lord I am back….so let’s get started.

My question is – When you loose control, who is in control?

Let’s picture the times when we have lost control over a situation, a person or persons or even ourselves. Who or what is in control? Not a pretty picture most of the time.

When a person is on the outside looking in they see total chaos. Who’s on first? (Too funny, remember that comic routine?) Anyway it is not always funny when we do not know who’s on first.

My girlfriends and I have discussed how we like knowing who is in charge. It takes the guess work out of it. No one is squabbling over who does what and who does not. Someone is in charge, someone is in control and things run a whole lot smoother.

In times of panic, where do you stand on control? Do you run with the rest of the people who are in a quandary or do you stand strong and know that you just know?

I would like to believe that I stand on the side of control….that I know that I just know. But…..I get tested continually and I know many of you do also.

The testing is a good thing. The testing keeps us on our toes. We have to be able to listen and discern good from bad. We have to take the lead from time to time. Why, because many eyes are upon us looking for direction.

So once again I ask, when you loose control, who is in control? It is best not to loose control. Stay strong, hold true to your convictions and do not be moved easily. Be a pillar of faith and be in the know.

There can even be control in chaos if you would just take charge. A difference is made when someone stands up. Enjoy your weekend. Nancy

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Good Idea/Excitement

Welcome to the beginning of your day….

Recently I have been entertained by watching people. I so enjoy watching the expression on their faces when something awesome, exciting, fun and even surprising happens to them.

The latest is a video with a little girl who threw away her Daddy’s first foul baseball catch at a Phillies game. This is priceless. Her little innocence is more precious than gold. I was so proud of her Dad for embracing her into his arms. His faced showed that he loved her so much. Their bond is unmistakable love. (I think that I also saw a look of “you got to be kidding me!”) These are priceless moments and it showed.

Every now and then we talk about negative issues that create some depression in people. We talk about how to be an over comer in these situations. The best way to over come the negative is to embrace the positive. This is not a new thing….we all know about it.

So to overcome the negative in others I will look for their excitement. What makes them happy? What makes them jump for joy? What makes them get out of bed early and run? This is passion, this is joy and this excitement is life changing.

I have found that we people are not the only ones who get excited about an event, a happening, a change or even the fact of seeing other people.

As I have mentioned before, each day as I write to you our pet Cockatiel Sammy is on my lap. She gets so excited when she sees me heading for the office. She whistles, chirps, runs back and forth on her perch and I just have to get her.

As we walk down the hall she can barely hold onto my finger. She is ready to go. She is excited. How such a little thing can make a big difference in her morning.

We see this happen all across the board will all kinds of pets….they are excited when they see us. They are open with their expressions and it doesn’t bother them if another pet sees them running sideways just to say hello.

What about us? Are you living in excitement? Some people say that we make our own excitement. Maybe so….I know that my excitement lives inside of me. It can’t help but come out. We bubble over with excitement sometimes.

The next time "you people watch" notice the facial expressions on the happy/excited ones and the facial expression on the sad/depressed ones. What a huge difference. Excitement can be found on the outside – that is called happiness….Excitement can be found on the inside – that is called joy. It is real, it lasts and it shows constantly.

Are you happy or are you joyful? Where is your excitement coming from? One of these will make a lasting difference. Nancy

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Good Idea/Skin Deep

Good morning to all…..

“Skin deep” that is what I want to talk about today. “Skin deep” what does that mean? We’ve all used this expression in many ways and probably have meant a few things.

When I hear “skin deep” I think of splinters…(ouch)….I think of the expression, “beauty is only skin deep” or I think of transparency.

I also think of Shrek. Shrek said he was like an onion, several layers to him. Well, skin has several layers. Shrek was making an analogy of himself using an onion. He was saying that he is deep because the skin of an onion runs deep.

“Skin deep” it keeps our organs in place. It is a protective covering over our fragile system. Skin is deep because when one layer disappears; another one takes its place.

OK now what about our feelings? Some would say our feelings are only “skin deep.” Now what does that mean? Are we saying our skin is deep or shallow?

Are we saying that the hurt only goes so far or that the hurt goes all the way to the bone? I guess that is for the person who is hurting to determine.

I believe that “skin deep” is so much more than flesh. I believe that this expression refers to deep down hurt. The kind of hurt that hurts your stomach.

It is a piercing wound. Sometimes the smaller wounds like a paper cut or a needle prick on the end of your finger hurts worse that a larger cut. It does not take much to prick our flesh and hurt us. Unless of course you have “thick” skin….Oh boy – a whole new situation.

Are we fragile beings? In many respects – yes. We have been so expertly designed that we can withstand a lot of outside pressure but sometimes our skin get a little bruised and we struggle with that.

How far does the hurt go? How far will YOU let it go? We can look to the flesh and feel the pain or we can look to Jesus and watch the pain melt away.

We can understand a lot about a person when you find out if they are “thick” or “thin” skinned. What bothers them, what can they brush off, what makes them cry or what makes them laugh?

Are you transparent or opaque? Does your heart lie right under the surface or is your heart buried? How do you allow yourself to be seen?

“Skin deep” what lies beneath? How much are you willing to share? We are all made the same. It is time to stop hiding. It is time to start creating the difference that you were made to make. Enjoy your day and if you get “pricked” just kiss it, make it better and keep on going. Nancy

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Good Idea/Convictions

Good morning to all….

What a wonderful way to start my day – I get to connect on a personal level with you before I start running around. Is this a great job or what?????

Today the word conviction has been placed upon my heart so I said, “OK…let’s go with that.”

First off I have a question for you…..What do you say to someone when they come against something that convicts you? Do you back down, do you defend your convictions or do you question yourself and your right standing?

When we believe in what we are doing…in what has convicted us – we normally stand firm.

People will come against us and say “don’t even try, I’ve tried for years and nothing changes.”

When this is spoken out it reminds me of people saying – "You can’t do that"..."That will never work"..."You are wasting your time." And my favorite response is "why." I answer with "why not."

I’m an eternal optimist. True. Sometimes I think that ignorance is bliss. We just run around focused knowing that “it” will be OK.

This reminds me of when I had my first child….if I’ve mentioned this before-just give me a moment. My first right….I can do this….this is no big deal….HA HA…ignorance is bliss.

I said, “No I do not want any medication.” “I can do this.” Yes it is true, I did it. But looking back on it…maybe I should have taken just a little medication. I don’t think that “bliss” is exactly what I was feeling at the time.

Recently I have had people come up to me and try to squelch my enthusiasm for something that is near and dear to me. I just won’t let them. Maybe it didn’t work out for them but that doesn’t mean that it won’t work out for me.

Keep believing and persevering. Nothing ever came from someone who quit. When someone says to you – “you can’t…say “I can.”

Here’s to dreams coming true…new heights being reached and being true to your convictions. I’m going to make a difference. You can too. Enjoy this great day. Nancy

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Good Idea/Forgive and Forget

Good morning my friends….

I greet you with openness and love this morning with a message that is on my heart.

Today I want to talk about the phrase, “forgive and forget.” How many of us do that? Oh we can forgive….but how many can forget? Can we have forgiveness if we do not forget? Do we truly forgive? These are questions which we must ask ourselves then examine ourselves for the true answers.

I’m sure most of us have experienced forgiving others in small things….but how about the big things? Where do you stand in your ability to forgive in the big things?

I’ll share a bit of myself with you at this time…In my past there is a failed marriage and I just could not forgive nor forget. I hung onto the anger through un-forgiveness….it felt good….it felt like the right thing to do.

I believed, at the time, that if I hung onto that un-forgiveness that un-forgetting…I would punish my ex more. Was I wrong? You bet I was wrong. I was only punishing myself more. I was putting that un-forgiveness and un-forgetfulness on myself…not on him. I’m not sure he even knew about it or cared. So who was I hurting?

When I discovered the truth about forgiving someone the walls came down and I became putty in His hands. OK so now I forgave….but could I forget? Yes, I did hold onto that for some time after the forgiving.

Matthew 6:14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, you’re heavenly Father will also forgive you.

God knows our frail ways. He allowed me some time to work through this and that is exactly what I did. I discovered that I could truly forget. Now I’m positive that without forgetting – you truly CANNOT forgive.

So many people walk around caring grudges and past hurts. They have stumbling blocks hanging out of their pockets…they proudly display their anger and hurt. These people cannot wait for an avenue in which to express their anger.

How many times have you been with someone who gets so angry and you just know that there is a deep seed of some kind. OK – so now if that deep seed was not there – could the anger grow? No.

We get rid of deep seeds by forgiving and forgetting. Is it easy? No. I’ve also discovered that easy is not always the best way. Sometimes “easy” just presents shortcuts.

We are not to pretend that a situation did not happen; we are to examine it - then JustAsk for help in forgiving and forgetting. The chain that has you so bound to anger will disappear and you will experience such joy and peace.

Forgiveness and Forgetting is a big deal but it can be done because I have made it through as I’m sure many of you have. I’m also sure that many of you who haven’t gone through it yet – can.

So make the difference in your life by forgiving and forgetting. You will enjoy the chains being broken. Nancy

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Good Idea/Nurturing

Good morning everyone….

I hope that your day has started out on a great note. There is so much to be thankful for isn’t there? If you break it down to the simplest of things….your pillows, your blanket, your shower, tooth brush, breakfast and a little coffee. WOW – we have so much! Thank you Lord.

Today I want to share with you a thought or two on “nurturing.” Webster defines nurturing as, “to train, to bring up, to foster, something that food.”

I’m going to focus in on the “to bring up” part of the definition today. What do you think of when you hear the word, “nurture?” I think of cuddling, loving, caressing, talking softly and giving direction…I think of love. “Nurturing” is softness to me.

While talking with some friends this weekend we mentioned how friends and even some family members are lost because they are not nurtured in their walk.

It takes work….but I consider this a labor of love. Work is sometimes dreaded, work is sometimes hard and work can wear you out. But to “nurture” that is rewarding. You are feeding into someone’s being. You are adding to their development. You are encouraging their walk.

When we develop a friendship we do not (I pray) just leave that person untouched for some time and expect for that relationship to grow, do we? I think that some people just expect for others to develop without their intervening….without some guidance…without some "nurturing."

The song…"It takes two baby - just me and you, etc." just came into my mind… OK moving on….I have found that some people take on the attitude that others do not need to be "nurtured." They think that others can make it on their own. Quite possibly so. Some of us do just fine on our own and others do not? Do you know who you are and do you know for sure who others are?

How long does it take to ask another if they need any questions answered? What about asking if they need someone to hold their hand on their journey? We need to support and back up a person until they get on level ground. Just because we could stand up immediately doesn’t mean that everyone else can.

You know some babies are walking by 6-8 months or sooner….mine walked after 1 year. We are all different. (A side note – my husband will tell you the reason that our children did not walk early is because I NEVER put them down to walk!)

That is probably another topic for another day…anyway let’s “nurture” each other. We all need to go in truth and light. We all need someone else to show us the way from time to time. When we get lost it is a wonderful thought knowing that someone will be there to "nurture" us through the rough times.

May I suggest that you be that “nurturing” person? Give until it makes you feel good! When you do this you will feel so different. Enjoy this beautiful day. Nancy

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Good Idea/Great gatherings

Good morning to all….

As I sit and share with you this morning I hear the rain coming down ever so softly. If you know me at all you know that this soft falling rain has a tendency to put me to sleep. I see visions of my bed, plumped pillows and down comforter….umm…too bad it is not 10PM.

OK…time to stop dreaming….Have you ever heard of a “great gathering?” Have you ever hosted a “great gathering?” “Great gathering”…Reminds me of Charlie Brown.

I’m speaking of a lot of people getting together for something. A “great gathering” could be a church, a sporting event, a concert, a rally or dinner at someone’s house.

Have you ever hosted a “great gathering?” Some people love to entertain. They love to have others over and make them feel comfortable. They just love to serve.

I believe that it is so important to make others feel comfortable. I would like to believe that my home is one such place. I want my home to be a place of comfort, a place where others feel at home, a place where we can serve each other out of love…not obligation.

I’m sure that many people entertain “great gatherings” and do so with a chip on their shoulder. Let’s face it, preparing for a “great gathering” is a big job. But think of the rewards.

When we serve others we show them love and respect. We show them that we care and we are glad that they are with us. We tend to them and we take care of their very needs.

A few “Good Ideas” ago I mentioned how I was the neighborhood Mom and how I loved that. Whether we are serving small children or adults the rewards are the same. We are showing God’s love for others. What a wonderful opportunity to take care of others.

Recently it has been impressed upon me to always serve our best to others. You know my Mama always said, “You can’t take it with you.” So use it. What are we saving the good stuff for? Dust??? George and I mentioned that we enjoy serving on our “good” porcelain…it gives us an excuse to wash them. HA HA

Many of us have hutches, cabinets, curio cabinets at home…what is in yours? Do you use the items in those cabinets/hutches? Probably not…just like me….well it is time to get them out and enjoy them.

Serving others our best….get ready for those “great gatherings”….people will so enjoy the extra effort you put forth and you will enjoy the difference that it makes. Nancy

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Good Idea/Winds of Change

Good morning my friends….

As I was walking home this morning from taking my daughter over to school; I looked up into the sky and saw the beauty that was put out ahead of me. The clouds were parting at just the right place to let the sun peek through. The gentle winds started to blow and life was starting to come “alive.” What a beautiful site to see – I saw peace. Thank you Lord.

Speaking of “winds”….that is what I want to share with you today. “Winds of change”… I’ve heard that expression since I was little. How about you? I’ve wondered what those words meant and recently I’ve thought about them again.

We are in a season where the winds are picking up and fall is being ushered in. These winds are bringing in cooler temperatures and some rain.

We have the winds of winter and they bring in cold and snow. We have the winds of spring and they bring in warmth and rain. Then we have the winds of summer and they bring in heat and rain. (A lot of rain here.)

We can watch the weatherman/weather woman and they tell us of winds which cause change. There are winds which bring in storms…winds which bring in soft breezes and lazy days. They seem to have this down to a science.

What about the winds which bring about a sudden change; an unexplained change? A change which no one saw coming? This is a wind which seems to blow out from nowhere. These winds catch our attention. They may even make you shudder a little.

Have you ever experienced this type of “wind?” I have. These types of winds will make you take notice…it gets your attention.

Changes are happening all around us. Changes are being ushered in all of the time. “Winds of change”….they are bringing something new in around us.

May I suggest that you take notice of how the winds blow? Are they around you, over you or through you? I believe that there are messages in the wind if we have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Enjoy your “windy” day and listen carefully for a message…it could be blowing around you just to make a difference in your day. Nancy

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Good Idea/Observation - Negative

Good afternoon to all….

My, my, where has this morning gone to? Let me think….the Orthodontist, the bank, the post office, the store, the store again and then the store. That’s where this morning has gone to. There has been too much moving around once again. I believe that I’m now settled.

Today I want to share with you an observation which my husband George and I have been “observing.”

Why is it that some people find it so easy to accept the negative instead of the positive? Take for instance sickness; some of us may jump immediately to bad news instead of believing in the healing.

We may think and stew about the job we just lost instead of the great opportunity that awaits us. When it rains some of us see gloomy skies instead of the cleansing of the earth, watering the grass and the filling up of our oceans.

Why do we as a people have to embrace the negative? I’ve heard people say, “Oh no I can’t think of hope and promises…that just doesn’t happen to me.”

Henry Ford said, “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing you are right.”

When people jump to the negative it leaves them just there – in the negative.

It is “funny” how some people thrive on the negative information and situations. I believe that it is only when the negative is present that they feel as if they are alive. WOW – what they are missing! Where does this come from? What lies have been told to make a person dig this deep into the negative.

I’m sure you all know people who look for the negative just so they can say, “told you so.” “I told you that was going to happen.” Some people just sit and wait for “the other shoe to drop.”

Now if we take a different approach and expect the good to happen; expect the positive to manifest then it will. It is ALL how you look at it.

Whatever you look for – you will find. Do we want to be miserable? Do we want joy? Do we want love? Do we want to live in happiness and security? If we answer yes to these questions than we have to believe that the positive happens to us.

May I suggest that the next time you start to feel down, sick, tired, confused, overwhelmed and even a little negative…perk up, have faith, believe and look to the positive? If you are under the weather – well at least you get to spend some time in bed reading a good book.

Remember that saying…."When life gives you lemons; make lemonade?" It’s not so bad – it’s how you look at it that determines the outcome. It is the faith that you have.

Be positive this day – take the negative out of your life and your vocabulary. You will be amazed at the difference in your life. Nancy

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Good Idea/Re-alignment

Good morning to all…..

Does anyone else feel like Labor Day weekend is the end to a time and a beginning of another time? It feels like that to me. We close the door on summer activities and open the door for fall activities. There are times when the weather may not say “fall” but the calendar makes us feel like displaying the pumpkins and cooking soup.

I want to share with you some surprises which I had this weekend. Saturday morning I found myself sleeping in a little later than everyone else. When I finally decided to join the family I opened my eyes and found my two youngest children at the foot of my bed with breakfast in hand.

I had yogurt with granola, a piece of toast and a banana. I was informed that coffee was close to arriving. How I loved that. I cannot remember that ever happening before. The kids were so happy and pleased with themselves. I just loved on them and ate my breakfast in happiness and joy. What a great way to start the day…feeling the love!

My next surprise came on Monday when George and I actually, without rushing, got to sit on the deck and have breakfast/coffee together. We talked about the important things, watched the birds come and go and smiled for no reason at all. That was so special. We were sharing in each other’s company without another care in the world. There we were once again feeling the love.

So the refreshment is over and now it is time to get back to business – I want to talk about a “re-alignment.”

This is something that I am experiencing for the first time…I’m being treated by a Chiropractor. What an experience this is! Have any of you been to a Chiropractor? If so, then you know what I mean. A little scary at first…my thoughts have been – is he going to break anything? With all of this cracking and popping, I wonder if I’m going to be able to hold my head up.

Well yes I can hold my head up and I’m better because of my visit. Sometimes we just need a little re-alignment don’t we? Sometimes we need to be tweaked a little here and a little there. We need to get straight from time to time don’t we?

Over the years we develop a stiffness somewhere which causes stress on different parts of our bodies. Well how about the stiffness that exists in our emotional state, mental state, heart state and spiritual state? Do we stress out in these areas and become stiff?

We may be unable to take on more, unable to absorb more, unable to believe in more even unable to give more. Why? Because we are stiff. We need a re-alignment.

Where do we get these re-alignments….we “JustAsk”. Once we are massaged into flexibility, restored to original value then we just “work” so much better. We are straight, we are upright, and we bend so easily, we are pliable.

It feels oh so good! So don’t be afraid of the alignment. Many people are trained in helping us achieve that re-alignment that we so desperately need. “JustAsk”

Even trains get off course, off track, get knocked out of alignment….they are put back on and run smoothly. You can get straight too…look for a re-alignment….the difference will be yours. Nancy

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Good Idea/Blooming

Good morning my friends…..

George (my husband) and I have been talking recently about moving some plants around. He said that this time of year is good for moving plants because they go dormant. I guess it is a kind of sleep for plants, trees, shrubs and bears.

Some of our foliage has done so well where it has been planted that it is “out of control.” It is time to move out and replant for a new start.

I began to think about this in regards to our own lives. We have all heard the expression, “Bloom where you have been planted.” Do we think about this much?

Let me use as an example the house we live in. We could have picked from several homes when we were looking to move. Somehow you just “know when you know” that you have found the right one.

The answers may not be clear in the beginning but you have the “right” feeling in your heart that you are where you are meant to be. You will begin to bloom where you are at. You will be used for a great cause if you end up where you are meant to be. There is direct guidance going on here.

When we moved into our new home we did it because there were so many children in the neighborhood. We knew that this would be good for our kids….and it was. Our house became the center of activity. My family instantly grew from 3 children to about 6 – 8 and still counting.

I always said that I enjoyed having all of the kids at my house because I knew what everyone was doing and I knew where my kids were. I guess I became the neighborhood Mom. So we began to bloom where we were planted.

Over the years we have continued to bloom into a huge bouquet. Our purpose continues to become clearer. Our original thought has grown into something which we never would have expected.

We never stop growing. We grow in our homes, our careers and our relationships. We are put in a certain place… even in a certain relationship for a specific reason.

I believe when things do not work out it is because we have run ahead without waiting on the answer. We think that we know. We think that we have the answers. You will truly know that you are in the “right” place when all things come together without much strife.

When you begin to bloom like never before…when you are stretched beyond your wildest dreams then you know that something is starting to happen. You are on your way to becoming a beautiful bouquet.

I’m sure that you have also heard the expression, “Dance like no one is watching.” Well may I suggest that you, “Bloom like you’ve never been planted.”

It’s time to rise and shine - meet the rays of the Son and reach higher than you’ve ever gone before. You just might be used in ways you’ve never dreamed of. So don’t jump ships just yet – see what’s in store for you – who knows you might just be in the right spot!

Enjoy your blooming experience. You will feel so different. Nancy

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Good Idea/Borrowing trouble

Good morning everyone…

What a spectacular day lies ahead of us. What do you plan on doing with yours? Sometimes it is so funny that the things we plan out are exactly the opposite of what happens. Be prepared for anything I say.

Today I want to share with you something that my Mama use to say to me and something that I now say to my children… (It does stick with us!)

My Mama use to say…" Nancy don’t go borrowing trouble." I use to worry about most everything. Things I probably didn’t even know about. Worry – I held the market on that.

I’ve also come across other quotes regarding “worry”…George Washington said, “Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble.” Yep!

The Bible says…"Do not worry." Matthew 6:25-34 (NIV)

Worry puts lines on our faces, aches in our heads and stomachs, weight on our shoulders and fear on our hearts.

Worry has no place in the life of a person who believes. Worry has no place in the life of a person who is encouraged and encourages others. Worry now has no place in my life. How about you?

I gain absolutely nothing by worry. Worry does not catapult me to the next level. Worry does not promote me to sleep. Worry does not put a smile on my face. Worry will pull one down. Worry does not lift one up. Hope will lift us up. Belief will lift us up. These are opposite to worry.

Worry is bondage. Worry comes in chains. Worry comes to conquer and take your joy. I say do not give in to it. We waste so much time in worry. So much time is wasted that we miss the good things that are offered to us.

We ask, “Well what if?” What is “if?” When we worry – we totally miss the present gift. We miss what is being handed to us at the perfect time.

There is enough to occupy our daily thoughts and given time. We know what we have and where we are. It is time to embrace these areas, recognize them for what they are and “JustAsk” for help if you need to change them.

Worry will not change the things in your life but faith will get you through each moment. Enjoy your day and if you worry – put it aside, work on the positive outcome and know that all things will be provided to you if you just believe. Nancy