Monday, August 3, 2009

The Good Idea/Bag worms

Hello and good morning….

I need to share with you this morning while I can still muster up the strength.

I’m confessing here that I have been lax in exercising. I haven’t given it my all because I’ve been too busy in the mornings running here and there. (Reason or excuse???)

So here is what happened…..

My mind was made up last night that I was going to get back out there and walk off all of those unwanted bulges. It is a pretty enough day, not to humid, a little wind blowing and I’m feeling good.

These morning walks are the best time for inner reflection and talking with God…or I should say God talking with me.

I’m feeling comfortable for the first part of my walk; then I begin to feel the burn. Suddenly my legs are heavier then when I started out, my breathing is just a little more labored, my head is starting to itch and I feel better holding my waist then walking with my hands down. Why??? Because my hands are so swollen I can hardly see my rings. I keep reminding myself that it is all good.

Just a few more steps, just a few more hills to climb then times of refreshment will be my reward.

As I approach a few more bends in the road I see the long span of curb and I am so called to sit down and rest. I now see the hard cement curb as a down filled comforter. I just know that sitting down on the down filled comforter curb will do me good. What keeps me from it? Perseverance and the knowing that bag worms keep going on no matter what. I will not be upstaged by a bag worm. How about you?

Have you seen the determination in a bag worm? Do you know what a bag worm is? As if worms are not bad enough…they now come in bags. Like I want to take a sack of them home!

These little critters hang off of trees in a cocoon like covering. You can see them wiggle and grow. How wonderful.

We have quite a few on our trees. George picks them off in a manly fashion while I watch and say in a girly fashion…Yuck…nasty!

Since these precious little ones wiggle and squirm so much, you cannot just put them anywhere. They have climbed out of every container that we have placed them in. So where did George put them now….in the drainage sewer. There that’ll take care of them. HA HA – they attached their little selves to the cement wall and crawled out. They get knocked back down again and crawl back up.

That is the determination that I recalled today while I was out dragging myself around. This is the determination that we all need. When the going gets tough…the bag worm just keeps climbing. What seems impossible is just a challenge.

So as I rounded my last curb….as I drug my feet from behind me… I tried to make a fist….a neighbor came out and said… “How did you do….that is great…now don’t you feel better?” How was I going to answer that one?

I said, “Yes, I feel so much better.” Then I thought, “Better than what?” It was at this time that I asked for further grace and stamina. Don’t let me stop now…don’t look at the curb…head home…you can do it.

I passed the drainage sewer….the bag worms are still climbing and I let them be….I know how hard the climb can be and I applaud their efforts….I stood and asked…”How do you do it, that is great, and now don’t you feel better?” I believe that I have made some new friends.

I’m starting over once again…how about you? Have you given up on something just to start again? That is OK….there is no shame is starting again. I’m out to make a bigger difference. Enjoy your day. Nancy (

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