Friday, August 7, 2009

The Good Idea/Gracious is he

Good day to all….

How fortunate we are to be able to take another breath today. As I opened my eyes this morning I was so grateful to be able to enjoy another day. Thank you Lord.

Today I want to talk about gracious people. Yes, you are out there. Yes, you do exist. Yes, you do deserve being mentioned.

I say enough with the bad stuff. Enough with the depression stuff. Enough with the he did/she did stuff. It is time to say thank you to the gracious ones who make our lives so bearable and livable.

Do I have someone in mind? You bet I do. I have several in mind but today I am just going to focus in on one.

This person gives all that he has. He gives when he feels like there is nothing left. He smiles when the rest of us are frowning. He laughs when he is seeing the truth…when the light bulb goes on.

He stays up late and gets up early just to make a difference. He will take time just to explain something in the simplest of terms. He will not rush or make you feel rushed.

He is slow to ask of others but so fast to give to others. He would rather walk a mile with a smile than ask another to give up their time for him.

His heart is so big that others see it from afar. He is good humored and trusted. He is compassionate and loyal. He is loving and tender. He is big and strong.

Who is this person you may ask….is it Superman? Sure sounds like Superman. No, he is better than Superman….he is my husband George.

OK – he is probably going to get me for this but I just gotta’ say it. George you are one in a million. I’ve never seen anyone who cares like you care. I’ve never seen anyone who makes others feel so welcomed and comfortable. You have been so richly blessed and you show it by blessing others with your gifts and talents.

I watch what you do. I listen to what you say. I admire the way you handle yourself and I’m so thankful that God gave you to me. I don’t know how that happened….but I will not question it – I will only thank Him for His beautiful and gracious gift called you.

Who do you have in your life that makes you feel like you are so loved and cared for? Someone that makes you feel like you light up their lives? Please tell them how they make you feel. Write to them, talk with them, hug them, kiss them…LOVE them back.

God has given that person to you so that you can know what true love is. He has given that person to you because He loves you so much!

I thank you Heavenly Father for your unending love for me. You show me love continuously just by allowing George into my life.

OK George you are probably saying to yourself right now…what do you want Nancy ? Seriously nothing – this time – HA HA….I just want you to know that I think you are wonderful…gracious are those – who are humble in heart! You have made such a huge difference in my life.

Who is making a difference in your life? Are you making a difference in someone’s life? Just love on them…and be loved. I hear that it is one of our greatest gifts. Nancy (

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