Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Good Idea/You are where you need to be

Good morning everyone –

It is time to start the day. It is time to begin where you left off yesterday. Maybe it is time to start anew. Wherever you are this day – let it lead to positive changes.

A thought occurred to me that we are placed exactly where we need to be. By this I mean; some time ago my family and I were transplanted to a new location from where we all grew up.

At the time of our move I wondered why here? Why in this house? Why in this neighborhood and why did I have to move so far away from my family?

I struggled with this for some time. I’m from a different part of the country and I really felt that difference. Where I came from the people are laid back, not so rushed and a little more neighborly.

So the move was definitely one for me to adjust to. As I was adjusting I began to grow and little by little stopped asking why we were here.

Our home turned into a home for many. Many people came over to hang out, talk, cry, laugh and relax. Some came over to find comfort from life’s hard blows. I was beginning to feel like I belonged.

My surroundings have become warm to me. I find comfort in rolling hills and wild animals which I was not use to seeing in my back yard. Still to this day I ask, “What is that?”

My work life, my social life, my life with God has all changed dramatically. I did ask why here, why now, what for and what is planned for my family?

I’m sure that you have gone through these types of changes yourself. I’m sure that you have asked yourself…"why am I here at this job, this home, this neighborhood, this store, this church."

As I have worked through these questions – I have discovered that I am exactly where God wants me. I was to leave my home, I was to move into this house, in this neighborhood, write this column, connect with you and move forward in His name.

Life changes are for a reason and that reason is to move onward toward the big plan. This is the master plan for our lives which has already been laid out.

It is so important to make the best out of where we are. We are to shine in the light wherever God puts us.

So look around – where are you? There is a reason for your being and your being there. Who do you need to reach? What do you need to do?

When we make the best out of where we are then we are on the road to making a difference. Maybe it is not time to jump off of the train yet. Maybe when you “JustAsk” you will find that you are exactly where you need to be.

Grow in it – make adjustments to it – live and love in it. There is a plan for you – are you living yours yet? I embraced my difference and I love it. You can too. Nancy (

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